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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Keeping Up With the Clutter

Now that you’ve cleared all of the clutter from every room and gua in your house, how will you keep up with the clutter that’s sure to accumulate in the closets and corners or on the desktops and countertops? You’ll need to implement a system and create a schedule to follow. In this final installment of the series on clutter, I’ll provide guidance on the ongoing process of keeping your space clutter-free.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

There’s NOT a Remedy for That!

So often you’ll hear Feng Shui consultants say, “there’s a remedy for that”! And it’s true. Feng shui is about solutions, remedies and balancing the energy with the Five Elements.

But there’s no remedy for a house that’s not good for you. And by you, I mean your personal feng shui element. You see, just like The 8 Elements, there are eight houses. And just like there are East Group and West Group elements, there are East and West Group houses.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Location, Location, Feng Shui!

In feng shui we talk a lot about your personal element’s Best Directions. These are the rooms or areas in your house where you should sleep, work and spend the most time. They’re the places you can activate and enhance to support your Wealth & Success, Health & Wellbeing, Relationship Harmony and Self Knowledge & Wisdom.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Feng Shui Property Faults

Something to know about feng shui is that it's actually the property that's the most important aspect of selecting a place to live. It's the presence and placement of mountains and water features in relation to a house that consultants look at to determine "good" feng shui. In cities, other buildings represent mountains and streets and parking lots represent bodies or rivers of water.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Feng Shui Prospects

Prospective Reports provide the knowledge about the house you're considering, so you have the awareness about the potential effects on your life and the remedies that will be required to balance the energy. They are just as important as a house inspection.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Feng Shui Architectural Flaws

Don't you wish that the people making house plans had some basic feng shui knowledge? I know I sure do! Helping my clients feng shui their homes or apartments can sometimes be really challenging, when architectural flaws create sha chi or a mismanagement of the flow of chi in a home. Following are some of the worst offenders when it comes to architectural flaws.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

Feng Shui for YOUR Year!

2022 is your year to move into your Dream Home! So, even if you're not already living in your dream home, you can feng shui the space you're in now with the intention of manifesting the home of your dreams. Or, if you're happy with your current home, you can feng shui it to make it even more supportive and auspicious.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

9 Ways to Welcome the New Year

One of the things I really like about celebrating the new year in February is that you get a second chance at a restart. Some people like to celebrate two weeks of the Lunar New Year that begins this year on February 12th. For those of us who practice feng shui, we like to prepare our homes to welcome the new energy by February 4th.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

2020 Feng Shui

Are you already feeling the shift in energy? Is your home ready to welcome the auspicious energy and prepared to activate and enhance it? Have you energy cleansed, cleaned and cleared your space in preparation for placing your annual remedies and enhancements?

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

Welcoming the New Energy

Prepare your home to welcome the visiting energies of the new year. Making the effort to clean and create space in your home will increase your capacity to enjoy all the blessings already flowing into your life. Beautifying your home with chi lifters will activate the auspicious energy so you can benefit from it all year long.

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