feng shui your business

Coaching Package - Business

business Coaching Package

8 Weeks private coaching | $1088 ($1698 value)

  • Business Guidance from your True Self

    Emailed PDF & Follow Up Call

    ($100 value)

  • Astrological Direction based on your Lunar Nodes

    Emailed PDF & Follow Up Call

    ($150 value)

  • Numerology of your Business Name, Website Address, Email Address, Products & Offerings

    Emailed PDF

    ($199 value)

  • Brand Colors & Shapes for your personal feng shui element

    Emailed PDF

    Review of your Logo and the design and content of your Website

    ($199 value)

  • Distance Energy Clearing & Session Notes

    ($100 value)

    Live Emotion Clearing Session

    ($100 value)

  • Classical Feng Shui for your office

    Emailed PDF & Implementation Video Chat

    ($350 value)

  • Business guidance based on your personal feng shui element

    Emailed PDF & Feng Shui for Business Coaching Session

    ($199 value)

  • Business guidance based on feng shui principles

    Emailed PDF & Feng Shui for Business Coaching Session

    ($199 value)

  • How-to guide on vision boards based on the Western Feng Shui bagua

    ($24 value)

  • Guidance on having a conscious business, including spiritual practices and energy body hygiene.

    ($50 value)

  • Guidance on how to honor and wisely utilize your feminine energy in your business.

    ($28 value)

Dara Eden’s Feng Shui for Business Coaching Package is a private coaching and offering bundle for entrepreneurs. It’s business coaching customized for YOU!
In this 8 week intensive program, I support you in designing a business that’s aligned with who you are on the energetic levels. Your soul essence. Your astrological aspects. Your personal energy. 
I’ve combined my energy services, feng shui expertise and decades of experience into an offering that provides the quality information you need to create a business you love!
This is for you if your intention is to honor your unique personal energy in the career or business area of your life. This is for you if you own a business or are intending to start, build or grow a business. This is for you if you already know what you want to do or if you don’t yet know what kind of a business you’d like to have. 
I work mainly with female entrepreneurs, multi-passionate creatives and women who work from home in the energy and spirituality, health and healing spaces. If you have a skillset or area of expertise and would like some guidance about how to turn what you’ve mastered into a business, let’s talk!

feng shui for business package

The Feng Shui for Business Coaching Package includes personalized guides and customized reports, weekly follow up coaching calls and video chats, energy healing and clearing sessions and weekly assignments.

8 weeks of private coaching are conducted via Zoom & FaceTime.

Contact me to book your initial coaching call and to schedule your weekly sessions.

Let’s get your business feng shui’d!