2020 Feng Shui

FSYS Blog - 2020 Feng Shui

The music is playing and when it stops, the game of musical chairs will allow different energies to move to new positions for the year ahead.

Are you already feeling the shift in energy? Is your home ready to welcome the auspicious energy and prepared to activate and enhance it? Have you energy cleansed, cleaned and cleared your space in preparation for placing your annual remedies and enhancements?

Read about Space Cleansing.

Protective Feng Shui

Protective feng shui is the practice of placing permanent and annual remedies to negate or neutralize challenging energy.

This year the energy to be remedied is located in the North, East, South and Center of your home or office.


The energy in the North brings complaints and whining, gossip and rumors, poor health and family drama, anger and arguments. Because the energy of Water in the North feeds this Hard Wood energy, it will activate health issues, cause family disputes and increase communication problems, especially at work.

Personal Elements affected: Water & Hard Wood

Other family members: the middle son, middle aged men, elderly people, infants and all children between 0-6


The energy in the East brings obstacles and delays. It's the most important area to remedy before February 4th. Because the energy of Hard Wood in the East dominates the annual Yellow Earth energy, it will not have the impact on your health, family and finances that it potentially could.

Personal Elements affected: Hard Wood, male Mother Earth & female Mountain Earth

Other family members: the eldest son, infants and all children between 0-6


The energy in the South brings separation and sickness. Separation from people you love and divorce are likely, as well as, health issues related to your digestive system and reproductive organs. Because the energy of Fire in the South activates the annual Yin Earth energy, it may spark relationship drama, especially between couples, partnership, lovers, soulmates and twin flames; mothers and daughters and women.

Personal Elements affected: Fire & Mother Earth

Other family members: the middle daughter, middle aged women, couples, women of all ages, young adults and people between 19-39


The energy in the center of every space brings contentious energy to every area of your life and every person's energy. The effects can range from competitiveness to defensiveness, passive aggressive tendencies and treacherous actions. Lying and cheating, libel and slander, petty theft and fraud, as well as, escalated arguments that lead to violent acts, especially with sharp metal weapons. Although the energy of Yellow Earth is diminished by the annual Soft Metal energy, oral health and hygiene and dental issues will still affect many people, especially children.

Personal Elements affected: male Mother Earth, female Mountain Earth & Soft Metal

Everyone: All of the 8 personal elements, all children between 7-12

Auspicious Feng Shui

In 2020, the auspicious energy to be enhanced is located in the Southeast, Northeast, Southwest, Northwest and West.


The energy in the Southeast brings great wealth and power. Enhancing this area will support you in attracting assistance from helpful people, receiving wise advice from brilliant mentors and manifesting resources from rich benefactors. Because the energy of Soft Wood in the Southeast is dominated by the annual Metal energy, it may cause conflict within families and small businesses or clashes between fathers and eldest daughters or parents and teens.

Personal Elements affected: Soft Wood & Hard Metal

Other family members: the eldest daughter, all teens between 13-18, all men, all retired people between 65-79


The energy in the Northeast brings an increase in cash flow. Look forward to manifesting more monthly income and creating multiples streams of income. Because the energy of Mountain Earth in the Northeast directs the flow of Water energy, the yin/yang balance of this combination and their marriage of inner wisdom with inner peace, will enhance your career and opportunities to make the money you need to live your best life!

Personal Elements affected: Mountain Earth & Water

Other family members: the youngest son, boys, people between 40-64, the middle son, middle aged men, elderly people


The energy in the Southwest brings wealth and prosperity. The Peach Blossom energy renews the love in your romantic relationships and attracts new lovers. It also brings the potential for success in business, artistic creativity, academic achievement and opportunities to travel for business and pleasure. Because the energy of Mother Earth in the Southwest provides the rich fertile soil for the annual Soft Wood energy, families and business can grow and thrive, couples can enjoy love and romance and women can have wealth and be prosperous.

Personal Elements affected: Mother Earth & Soft Wood

Other family members: all women, young adults between 19-24, the eldest daughter, all teens between 13-18


The energy in the Northwest brings an abundance of generous offers and great opportunities to be, do and have more of the good things in life. Because the energy of Hard Metal in the Northwest is increased by the annual Mountain Earth energy, men will enjoy an abundance of wealth through financially rewarding and fulfilling work.

Personal Elements affected: Hard Metal & Mountain Earth

Other family members: all men, fathers, husbands, head of household, leaders (kings/queens/presidents/prime ministers/ceos), the youngest son, boys, all people between 40-79


The energy in the West brings promotions and success, career advancements and promotions, happiness and blessings. Children may benefit from scholarships and grants, apprenticeships and internships. Because the energy of Soft Metal in the West empowers the annual Fire energy, it may also create the potential for a lot of back talking to their parents and shit talking to their peers.

Personal Elements affected: Soft Metal & Fire

Other family members: the youngest daughter, girls, all children between 7-12, the middle daughter, middle aged women, all people between 25-39

You can easily remedy and enhance and balance each room or area of your home or office with The Five Elements. Many people already have what they need. You just need to know where to place your decorative items with intention and some DIY feng shui knowledge and guidance.


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2020: Feng Shui for Health


Welcoming the New Energy