dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of coaching packages, guides, blogs, classes, courses and forthcoming books.

The 8 Elements is her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. You can discover your personal feng shui element here.

With over 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself! You can read about her virtual Feng Shui Consultations, as well as, her personal energy and relationship dynamics Coaching Sessions and Coaching Packages

The 8 Elements is her life’s work. She provides guidance about how to honor the essential needs and highest values of your personal feng shui element through private coaching, free blogs and a monthly membership, The 8 Elements Mastery. You can read about this valuable mastery level monthly membership here.

In addition to classical feng shui consultations and personal energy coaching, Dara also offers a variety of Inner Chi Mastery services including: AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance, numerology, SoulStory (Akashic Records & Galactic Heritage) sessions and tarot card readings. You can read about her many offerings here.

Dara Eden is also a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Your can read her personal blog, Pearls of Wisdom here and on Substack.

Dara Eden is the author of HER Rituals for the Divine Feminine, a guide created in December of 2021. 365WISE is a daily self-care practice that supports sovereign feminine women in honoring their needs and listening to their inner wisdom. You can read the weekly HER Rituals blog here and on Substack.

Dara Eden enlightens girls and women with an awareness of their divine feminine and unique personal energy, empowers them with the knowledge of conscious conception and fertility responsibility and inspires them with womb wisdom. You can read the HER Womban Wisdom blog here.

Dara is a mother of two children, now both young adults. Her son Daniel is an intelligent and creative Soft Metal element. And her daughter Larissa is a multi-passionate and loving Mother Earth element.

read my Feng Shui Story

read my Reiki Story

read my Blogs

read the reviews

  • There is only one Dara Eden

    Intuitive Energy Healing

  • You are so knowledgeable. Everyone should work with you.

    Virtual Feng Shui Consultation

  • She has such a beautiful soul that literally radiates from her being.

    Inner Chi Reiki

  • Dara has always been able to tap into & articulate whatever message I needed to hear

    Inner Chi Reiki

  • I always feel like a weight has been lifted after talking with Dara. I have learned so many valuable tools.

    Personal Energy Coaching

  • I honestly can’t imagine doing life without your wisdom and expertise. I have been blessed by your advice and guidance!

    Feng Shui for Real Estate

  • No one knows YOU, what you value, what you need from others, what gifts you have to offer, better than Dara.

    Personal Energy & Relationship Dynamics Coaching

  • Dara is amazing at holding space for understanding and healing. She is compassionate and a phenomenal teacher. She is patient and gentle when I have questions and extremely generous.

    Personal Energy & Relationship Dynamics Coaching

  • Dara is not just a teacher. I consider her a true guide. And not just a guide of this world but a guide within the spirit world.

    Intuitive Guidance

  • Dara is a gift to humanity. A teacher of integrity and wisdom that many do not have the experience of encountering in their lifetime. Her mentorship and intuitive guidance always blow my mind and I’m so grateful to know her and to have received her help with something so dear to me.

    Feng Shui for Business Coaching Package

  • I have sought Dara’s professional services for several years now, as every experience with her has been insightful, clear and delivered with love and honor. Dara has been incredibly inspiring to me in the ways that she enables me to empower and honor myself.

    Feng Shui Consultation

  • My life and business have been forever changed by Dara’s willingness to share her spiritual and healing practices and her deep knowledge of The 8 Elements. I have been able to better understand and connect with my loved ones as well as hundreds of clients through the framework of The 8 Elements.

    The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! Class

  • I can’t say enough good things about the work I have done with Dara. I just keep coming back for more! You will have to experience it for yourself.


  • Oh my, was it spot on! So much information and insight came through. It all felt so right. My soul could feel the truth in these cards. It was so impressive the way Dara could interpret the cards and the messages being delivered.


  • Dara is highly skilled at everything she does. She knows her many crafts very well. She has a huge heart and is a divinely guided healer on earth. Whatever you sign up for, she delivers 110%. She is a blessing to those who find her.

    Intuitive Energy Offerings

  • Your work has been invaluable to me.

    Feng Shui for Business

feng shui for you!

Private COACHING sessions and packages for your personal energy, relationship dynamics, home birth and business.

Learn more

feng shui for homes

Professional Classical FENG SHUI Consultations for your home, office or business and RE listings. Annual DIY Feng Shui Guides are also available.

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feng shui for innerchi

Inner Chi Mastery OFFERINGS for clearing and healing, balancing and honoring your energy so you can master your inner chi.

Learn more

Work With Dara

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  • Pearls of Wisdom Substack


    Personal Blog

    Dara Eden’s Wisdom Writings

    Established in 2014, this blog is an expression of Dara’s highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom and Inner Peace

  • Feng Shui Yourself Substack


    The 8 Elements Blog

    Read to learn how to Feng Shui Yourself by balancing & honoring your personal energy.

    Paid Subscribers also receive monthly feng shui and personal energy updates.

  • HER Rituals Substack


    Wise Woman Blog

    Insights, ideas and intuitive guidance for the divine feminine energy of sovereign women.

    Paid Subscribers also receive seasonal guides & monthly recipes.

Connect with Dara


    View my Recommendations, Holistic Practitioner Referrals & List of Resources.


    Contact Dara to book a session or request a feng shui consultation or coaching package.


    Follow Dara Eden on Instagram and subscribe to her weekly publications on Substack.


    Read about the GIVE $10 GET $10 Referral Gift for YOU and your new client referrals.