Integrating Your Shadow Course

ICM Course - IYS

Integrating Your Shadow is a 5 week self-study course that guides you through the steps of identifying, integrating and full embodying your shadow.

Once you’ve seen your dark side, uncovered the shadow self and made peace with your own yin energy, you can be whole and complete within. You can embrace all of the parts you’ve hidden in the shadows from others, the world and even yourself!

This is for you if you’re ready to stop hiding in the shadows and remember who you really are before the world told you who to be.

Upon completion of the course, we’ll schedule a one hour follow up call to give you an opportunity to share what you were able to uncover and accept and receive intuitive guidance about how to integrate and embody the shadow of your True Self. 

Integrating Your Shadow

Week One - Darkness: The Underworld

Week Two - Wickedness: The Villain

Week Three - Unconsciousness: The Projection

Week Four - Wholeness: The Integration

Week Five - Yin-ness: The Embodiment

Intuitive Guidance Call

Integrating Your Shadow Course - $150