feng shui for wealth Guide

2023 is the Year of Wealth for The 8 Elements!

2023 is a Soft Wood year in feng shui. Soft Wood is represented by the Life Center of Wealth & Prosperity. It’s the perfect time to learn how feng shui your home and property for wealth! And practice a Wealth Ritual by creating a Money Jar, customized for your unique personal feng shui element.

NOTE: Your Money Jar is not the same as your Personal Prosperity Bowl from the Personal Prosperity Guide or your personal Wealth Bowl enhancement from the Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide. Your Personal Prosperity Bowl direction is based on the 10 Earthly Stems that determines your Chinese zodiac animal, while your personal Wealth Bowl direction is based on the Wealth & Success direction of your personal feng shui element.

The Feng Shui Yourself Feng Shui for Wealth Guide provides ways to activate and enhance wealth on your property, in your home and for your life. Unlike the 2023 Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide and Personal Prosperity Guide, the Feng Shui for Wealth Guide does not provide annual remedies and enhancements, nor are they specific to your home. It does provide recommendations that you can customize for your personal feng shui element!

For this year’s annual remedies and enhancements, you’re welcome to add the 2023 Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide and the Personal Prosperity Guide to your order.

FSFW Cover

feng shui for wealth GUIDE

This 6 page guide provides wealth enhancements for your home and property. It also includes a Wealth Ritual that you can customize for your unique personal feng shui element.
The Feng Shui for Wealth Guide includes: 
  • Feng Shui for your Property
  • Feng Shui for your Home
  • Personal Wealth Ritual

$9 via Venmo to @Dara-Eden