Distance Reiki

ICM Offering - Distance Reiki

Feng Shui For Your Body!

Usui Reiki is a Japanese healing art that works with and enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal, protect and regulate itself. It's an energy healing modality that utilizes the same energy pathways other holistic treatments and practices like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, Pranic Healing, Tai Chi and Qigong do.

Energy Medicine for the Body, Mind & Spirit

During a session, Reiki Master Dara Eden facilitates the flow of Reiki (Universal Energy) from Source/True Self to the recipient’s personal energy field including: the physical energy body (the 11 organ systems of the human anatomy) and the subtle energy body: physical & emotional energy centers (the 7 Chakras) and the spiritual energy essence/expression (the aura).

Reiki Sessions with Dara Eden

 Recipients of Reiki lay quietly, with their eyes closed and arms and legs uncrossed. They focus gently on their breathing while receiving the healing energy to whatever areas of their body, mind and soul serves their highest and greatest good.
Due to the relaxing nature of this energy therapy, many recipients of Reiki fall asleep during the session. Some recipients have spiritual experiences, dreams or visions, or even see colors. It's common for recipients to feel heat or a surge or stream of energy to an organ, body part or Chakra center. As the energy meridians are cleared and the body systems are balanced and strengthened, some recipients may experience a slight twitch or involuntary movement or feel some numbness or tingling. These are all normal and can be a sign of the healing process in progress.

Health Benefits

Reiki reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, relieves pain, releases blocked emotional and physical energy, promotes well-being, increases personal energy, improves mental clarity, accelerates recovery from injuries, surgeries and traumas and clears toxins from the body for better and more vibrant health!

Reiki Results

After one or more sessions, recipients of Reiki report: relief from tension headaches, improved digestion, instantly cleared sinuses, healing of past skeletal injuries, quicker healing of flesh wounds, relief from pain/discomfort at the incision site after recent surgery, and relief from neck, back or joint pain.
More emotional, spiritual and life altering benefits of Reiki include: release or expressions of emotion, clearing of stored negative emotions, improved personal well-being, feelings of peace, visions and spiritual experiences, connection with their Higher Self, receiving spiritual gifts to assist in the continued healing process and spiritual development.

Inner Chi Reiki

Dara Eden intuitively uses a combination of Usui Reiki, Qigong, Aura Clearing, Chakra Balancing, Golden Chi, Emotion Clearing, Energy Body Scans, Health Status Intuition, Attachment/Armor/Implant/Entity Removal with her clients during their sessions. 
Dara Eden is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, clairvoyant and intuitive energy healer. She often receives messages and other intuitive information for her client from their Higher Self and body’s consciousness during their distance energy healing session.  

Find Dara Eden of Inner Chi Reiki on the Tennessee Reiki Connection directory.

Inner Chi Reiki Sessions

Your initial distance Reiki session with Dara Eden may last up to 1 hour or longer. Subsequent distance energy healing sessions are for 45 minutes in the comfort of your home. They are followed by an email with her session notes with messages and guidance.

Reiki is for everyone!

  • All Ages - Infants, Children & Teens, Adult Men & Women
  • Women’s Health - Menses, Fertility, Menopause
  • Childbearing - Pregnancy, Labor, Birth, Postpartum
  • Childhood Ailments - Asthma, Allergies, Earache/Ear Infections, Eczema
  • Healing & Recovery from: Injuries, Trauma, Shock, Anxiety, Surgery
  • Chronic Conditions - Auto-Immune Disorders, Degenerative “Dis-eases”, Insomnia, Skin Conditions
  • Acute Conditions - Cold/Flu, Fatigue, First Aid, Headaches/Migraines
  • Benefits Include: Detox, Emotion Release and Clearing, Pain Relief, Stress Reduction

Distance Reiki Sessions 

  • New Client - Initial Distance Reiki Session: $150 (1 hour + session notes)

  • Returning Client - Distance Reiki Session: $100 (45 minutes + session notes)

Reiki Monthly Membership

  • Monthly Reiki Session: $80* (45 minutes + session notes)

*The $20 discount applies to monthly Reiki sessions when members set up a recurring payment via Zelle for the first of the month. Client must have had an initial Reiki session before requesting to become a Reiki Monthly Member. Client is responsible for contacting me to request a session and scheduling it within the calendar month. Client is responsible for communicating their intention to discontinue monthly sessions 30 days in advance of cancelling the automatic payment.

Family Reiki Monthly Membership

  • Family package options*: 1 session - $80, 2 sessions - $150, 3 Sessions - $200

*The Family Reiki Monthly Membership allows you to gift your monthly session to the members of your immediate family within your household and purchase additional sessions at discounted fees. The discount applies to monthly Reiki sessions when members set up a recurring payment via Zelle for the first of the month. Family members must have had an initial Reiki session before being added to the family reiki monthly membership. Client is responsible for contacting me to request a session and scheduling it within the calendar month. Client is responsible for communicating their intention to discontinue monthly sessions 30 days in advance of cancelling the automatic payment.

To request a distance reiki session, contact me!