
Dara Eden

  • Wisdom & Expertise

    I have known you now for a few years and I honestly can’t imagine doing life without your wisdom and expertise. I have been blessed by your advice and guidance! I think you are my angel here on earth. Thank you Dara for being a part of my life! Thank you for your wisdom, knowledge and guidance.

    ~ Haydee Stoffel, Hard Wood

  • Usually Spot On!

    Working with Dara for the last 10 years has been amazing and very helpful. She’s shown me how my own element integrates with my home for the best possible outcomes. I will always be grateful and appreciate her gifts, skills, knowledge, gentle reminders and intuition. I don’t always like what I hear, however… she’s usually spot on!

    ~ Dora Jolene McDonough, Fire

  • A True Guide

    Dara is not just a teacher. I consider her a true guide. And not just a guide of this world but a guide within the spirit world. Dara has dedicated her life to being the light and truth in this world. My world has been very much blessed by knowing her and learning from her. It has been a blessing to call her my Reiki Master and friend.

    ~ Yvette Isais, Soft Metal

  • Genuinely In Tune

    I've known Dara for over 15 years. I was there during the period of her knowledge development. I loved to see the way she developed herself by living what she preaches.

    I’ve been innumerable times blessed by Dara’s wisdom. I am sure that anyone that experienced Dara’s work has only great things to say. She is genuinely in tune with what she does and the way she does it is a gift that is uniquely given to her.

    ~ Eliezer Rabelo, Mother Earth

  • So Grateful

    I am so grateful to have crossed paths with Dara so I could learn and work with her in this life. I’ve confidently recommended her teachings and her services to dozens of my clients. if your intuition is nudging you to work with her, I encourage you to go for it, too. You’ll be glad you did!

    ~ Skye, Mother Earth

  • A Gift to Humanity

    Dara is a gift to humanity. A teacher of integrity and wisdom that many do not have the experience of encountering in their lifetime. Her mentorship and intuitive guidance always blow my mind and I’m so grateful to know her and to have received her help with something so dear to me.

    ~ Amanda MacGillivray, Hard Metal

  • A Divinely Guided Healer

    Dara is highly skilled at everything she does. She knows her many crafts very well. She has a huge heart and is a divinely guided healer on earth. Whatever you sign up for, she delivers 110%. She is a blessing to those who find her.

    ~ Corinn LeMar, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Mountain Earth

  • Changed My Life

    Dara, you have changed my life. Your wisdom and the knowledge you have shared with me has strengthened my relationships (not only with my loved ones, but with myself) more powerfully than words can ever express.

    ~ Gina Carlos, Soft Metal

  • Incredibly Skilled & Talented

    Dara is incredibly skilled and talented. She has always taken the time to put her heart and thoughts into what she communicates to me and it’s so well received. The balance between art and science is her forté.

    ~ Katie Baker, Mountain Earth

  • A Wise Woman

    Dara is a wonderful woman. I've learned a lot from Dara. She's a wise woman.

    ~ Barbie Copp, Water

  • So Knowledgeable

    You are so knowledgeable. Everyone should work with you.

    ~ Keren Shamay, Fire

  • Only One Dara

    There is only ONE Dara Eden.

    ~ Lara Carlos, Mountain Earth

  • The Original

    You put so much love and passion into your work. It’s definitely one of a kind.

    I’ve looked and I do mean that I’ve really looked over the years, to teach myself what you teach and I have to tell you....after years of searching I have NOT found anything...and I do mean anything that matches what you have created, learned, discovered.

    You are and always will be the original!

    ~ Morgan Ketz, Soft Wood

  • Gifted Intuitive Healer

    Dara is such a wonderful and gifted Intuitive Healer, Reiki, Feng Shui & The 8 Element Master. I have had many sessions and have attended many classes of hers. Each session and/or class with Dara was such an insightful, peaceful experience of healing infusion. Through her intuitive awareness, I am always excited to see what will unfold in my next session. I highly recommend you check her out for a deeper and more peaceful understanding into yourself, on all levels! I love her so much! I am so grateful for having met her!

    ~ Jane Apostolos, Hard Metal

  • What a Blessing!

    What a blessing Dara is! She has changed my life with all her knowledge, expertise and gifts.I have referred Dara to my family and they just love her.I have worked with Dara in my annual house feng shui, reiki and real estate listings.I can’t imagine doing life without her. She has helped my family so much and has helped me be even more successful in real estate. Dara is so knowledgeable and what I love about her is her willingness to help because she really cares. I just love her!

    ~ Haydee Stoffel, Hard Wood

The 8 Elements

  • So Many Valuable Tools

    I have made it a priority to receive monthly personal energy coaching from Dara. Our conversations leave me feeling calm and appreciative. When she shares information, I can see new paths more clearly and I have become more accepting of what simply is. I always feel like a weight has been lifted after talking with Dara. And I've learned so many valuable tools.

    ~ Brandy Caler, Mountain Earth

  • Forever Changed

    My life and business have been forever changed by Dara’s willingness to share her deep knowledge of The 8 Elements. I have been able to better understand and connect with my loved ones as well as hundreds of clients through the framework of The 8 Elements.

    ~ Skye, Mother Earth

  • Helped Me to First Understand Myself

    Dara’s work has helped me to first understand myself and be able to manifest my best love life possible. Dara is amazing at holding space for understanding and healing. She is compassionate and a phenomenal teacher. She is patient and gentle when I have questions and extremely generous.

    ~ Corinn LeMar, The Soulmate Shaman, Mountain Earth

  • Never Fails to Resonate

    Dara’s 8 Elements impact my family’s life every single day. Her information gives a foundational understanding about how each individual will relate to the others in such a powerful way. It also highlights what strengths can be magnified and how to look for out of balance inclinations and shift them.

    When my kids have new friends or start dating relationships, they always want to know the element of the new person so they get a preview of how they might fit into our clan. We end up having long conversations about these dynamics.

    The amazing thing is that the information never fails to resonate. I’ve not found this to be true with some other modalities like personality typing.

    We talk about our gratitude for Dara and her commitment to sharing this so often!!!

    ~ Jessica Bingaman, Soft Metal

  • Instantly Healed Parts of ME

    I met Dara 15 years ago, and immediately learned that I was a Mountain Earth. Her description of me, instantly healed parts of myself that I thought was a personality flaw. Nope! I’m just a mountain earth. I then learned the elements of my husband, children, family and friends.

    This information has COMPLETELY changed my life. Understanding everyone’s personal element, archetype and completion number allows me to honor myself and others.

    I’ve personally attended every class Dara has written and offered. Her work is so unique. Every class helped me be the best wife, mother, friend and entrepreneur that I can be.Her energy guides are amazing as well, especially learning about the elements being in balance and out of balance.

    This work she’s gifted the world, isn’t just unique, it’s precious. Her life’s work is changing the way people are honoring themselves and each other.

    ~ Lara Carlos, Mountain Earth

  • Dara is a Gift

    I was introduced to Dara by a friend 3 years ago. Since working with her on a personal level, I am a more mindful person. I am a conscious and mindful parent. I know and understand things that are so important to being connected to myself and helping my children do the same.

    Dara is a gift and I cherish her and her knowledge and her time. She is kind, warm and very patient.

    When I have questions she does not push her own personal opinions. instead she helps me to connect with my own higher self to provide the answers.

    Feng Shui for YOU has been life changing for me and my family. There is still so much to learn but with Dara's insights and with so much respect for her work I know and feel confident in the process.

    Dara has brought so much positivity and healing to my life through her reiki and with her guidance.

    ~ Joey Castellanos, Hard Wood

  • We Love Feng SHui for YOU!

    For 4 years my family and I have taken part in Dara’s classes about The 8 Elements. We love the Feng Shui for YOU application into our lives.

    My husband and I didn’t understand one another in such depths until taking the Feng Shui for Relationships class. It strengthened and deepened our understanding of one another and our children and our parents.

    The application of The 8 Elements with oils and herbs and feng shui has completely altered our way of life.

    Dara’s generosity with her reiki clients has given us the tools to empower ourselves and our family.

    ~ Kim Robles, Soft Metal

personal energy coaching

Donna Alexander (Mountain Earth)

I feel qualified to speak to Dara’s unique knowledge and expertise as I have sought out and participated in a wide variety of personal development modalities since my early 20’s. I have NEVER encountered ANYTHING that is even remotely similar to Dara’s body of work, not to mention her acute intuitive abilities that come forth when she works with an individual.
I have been greatly impacted by her body of work, known as The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! and by extension my family and friends have benefitted. I have engaged Dara’s coaching services, as needed, for the past 14 years. I eagerly anticipate her monthly blog posts. 
 No one has what she offers!
Through Dara’s Personal Energy & Relationship Dynamics Coaching, I have been blessed repeatedly both by knowing and understanding my personal element and the elements of the people I most care about.
No one knows YOU, what you value, what you need from others, what gifts you have to offer, better than Dara. 

Coaching sessions with Dara are amazingly insightful, provide solid support for making decisions about who and what to have in your life, and how to honor YOUR highest values and needs.
One of the things I love most about receiving personal element/relationship coaching from Dara, is learning how to communicate powerfully with the other elements.
I get to express my true, authentic sentiments, but in words that resonate deeply with the other element and affect them in ways that my words would not.
I would not want to even imagine negotiating complex love relationships and partnerships of all sorts, without Dara Eden’s unique blend of knowledge, wisdom, expertise and her skill at providing intuitive guidance and direction!
Donna Alexander

Amanda MacGillivray (Hard Metal)

I loved and looked forward to my Feng Shui for Business coaching package calls with Dara and just looked forward to her intuitive guidance for whatever was coming up for me each week.  
Dara is supremely gifted, wise and truthful. She cares about YOU and what’s best for you. Everything she included in each weekly session was so unique and highly important factors in business that most would never consider.

I shudder to think about where I would be now without Dara's guidance and wisdom. I know I would be well, but everything I've learned from Dara has pushed me into a higher stratosphere of growth, transformation and ultimately balance!

There are so many aspects of myself over the years I've wished to change and felt at the effect of, but it's been so liberating to know that these are expressions of myself that come out when I'm out of balance and not truly honoring myself and my energy.

I've never lived in a place of more harmony and abundance as I have now, and I know a lot of it has to do with the wisdom Dara has brought into my life. I look for balance within before all else and I've leaned so many tools to help me achieve this I know I can always make a shift. It's helped me to enjoy life on a much deeper level and has helped me to remember how much power I actually have.

Funnily enough, her work has inspired me to live in my highest truth and integrity and sometimes I have "What would Dara do?" moments. She is an embodiment of these qualities.

She's one of my top teachers and mentors in life because I've experienced what she talks about, not just because I like how it sounds.

She is a gift to humanity!

Amanda MacGillivray

Kamryn Schwarz (Mountain Earth)

Dara is incredibly skilled and gifted! Within the first few minutes of the call I knew I had made the right decision for Personal Energy Coaching. Her insight and wisdom are truly exceptional and when you couple that with her passion it just takes it to a whole nother level. I learned so much about myself and others during the call that it has changed the way that I interact with them. Had I had known this information before, prior relationships may have turned out very differently. 
Where there once was fear, I’m actually excited to start dating because I now understand my personal element and have the ability to understand my future partner’s personal element. When we support and love each other through our specific elements, misunderstanding and confusion goes out the window! Allowing us to have a relationship can be nothing less than truly magnificent!
She also gave me a few changes that I can do, one of which was changing the facing direction of my bed.
I never thought this small change would have such a monumental impact not only on my sleep but also in every other area of my life. I am more productive than I’ve ever been and have a joy that just cannot be explained.
I was a skeptic about the whole thing and thought it was just about rearranging furniture. It is so MUCH MORE than that and you would be silly not to take advantage of this knowledge.
I highly recommend Dara for personal element coaching and I’m so grateful to have knowledge of The 8 Elements.
Thank you sooo much, Dara!
Kamryn Schwarz


  • A Sanctuary for Me

    Through 2020, my home has been a sanctuary for me. While I can tell when something is off, it is always great to confirm it with Dara and figure out how to remedy it or enhance the good stuff. When purchasing my home, Dara’s consultation helped confirm the big decision.

    ~ Dora Jolene McDonough, Systems Success, Fire

  • My Income has Doubled!

    It has been an amazing honor to count on Dara’s knowledge, expertise, wisdom, intuitive gifts and professionalism to complement my Real Estate Career and take it to the next level. I have been in the real estate industry for 22 years and for the past decade I get a feng shui report for most of my listings investment homes and office at Century 21. My income has doubled and I give Dara so much credit for my success. Dara is extremely knowledgeable and reliable so I highly recommend her.

    ~ Haydee Stoffel, Century 21 Showcase, Hard Wood

  • A Thorough Analysis

    My most recent experience with my sister was for my Pilates studio in La Quinta, CA. Dara gave me a thorough analysis and reflection of the current situation upon me and the business and all that could be accomplished with the proper use of the benefits The 8 Elements can provide. I developed a clear picture of what needed to be done and already have seen results, even during this pandemic situation.

    ~ Eliezer Rabelo, La Quinta Pilates, Mother Earth

  • So Much Knowledge

    I first met Dara at her class about Essential Oils for The 8 Elements. I learned so much from her and wanted to learn more! Not long after the class I hired her to help me feng shui my home. That is when I gained so much knowledge on creating an environment to best serve my spirit and soul.

    ~ Yvette Isais, Soft Metal

  • Great Depth of Knowledge

    We have used Dara’s Feng Shui services for both our businesses and home and love her great depth of knowledge and help in creating a harmonious environment for ourselves, our employees and our customers! We highly recommend her!

    ~ Margaret Clark, The Body Deli, Mother Earth

  • Harmony, Health & Happiness

    I have my home Feng Shui’ed every year and Dara’s ability to know and understand each of the personal elements in the house, allows her to help me achieve harmony, health and happiness inside my home. I can’t imagine life and the world without her and her work.

    ~ Lara Carlos


  • A Reiki Buzz!

    I’ve always left my sessions with deep inner peace and understanding. A Reiki buzz.

    ~ Theresa McNabb

  • An Angel!

    Dara is an angel. She truly has a special gift for what she does. I am honored to be one of her Reiki Mastership students.

    ~ Modesty Silva

  • Healing & Calm

    My Reiki session was healing and calm. I loved every minute of it! I feel like I am now a beacon of light.

    ~ Kimberly Robles

  • A Wonderful Experience!

    This was a wonderful experience for me. I actually fell into a deep sleep but also felt completely awake. I left with some specific information that I needed.

    ~ Brandy Caler

  • Intuitive Presence

    I am always amazed when working with Dara. Her intuitive presence and warmth is instantly felt. I highly recommend her, as she was highly recommended to me.

    ~ Jane Apostolos

  • Absolutely Wonderful

    The session itself was absolutely wonderful, but I especially loved some of the explanations at the end. She also took the time to teach me how to do Reiki on myself and my family. I highly recommend her!

    ~ Jess Robertson

  • An Absolute Professional

    Dara is an absolute professional and has provided an amazing experience for me each time I’ve had a session with her. She is very thorough and takes the time to explain things I may have questions about. She paints a picture with her words to describe the things she would like me to understand.

    ~ Katie Baker

  • Truly Life Changing

    Dara and Inner Chi Mastery have truly changed my life. I started my journey with Reiki Sessions, then learned Reiki, and am having my home Feng Shui’d. There are so many positive ways to change your life and I would recommend her to anyone. You will not be disappointed!

    ~ Erica Figueroa

  • Super In Depth Reiki Sessions

    On a personal level, I have also greatly benefitted from Dara’s super-thorough, super-in-depth Reiki sessions.

    ~ Skye

  • Truly Special

    Reiki Master Dara Eden is truly special. She is an amazing person, full of love.

    ~ Inner Chi Mastery Reiki Client

  • A Lovely Experience

    It was a lovely experience! I felt brand new after my session!

    ~ Inner Chi Mastery Reiki Client

  • Immense Joy!

    I felt immense joy after my Reiki session. I feel renewed and now practice it every day.

    ~ Inner Chi Mastery Reiki Client


    Thank you so much for my SoulStory session. It was truly enlightening. Wow! It gave me so much clarity as to why I do and feel as I do. And such a confirmation to me why Brett and my connection has been so strong since the beginning in this lifetime and beyond.

    ~ Erika Cannon

Reiki with dara

Lara Carlos

I’ve had several Reiki experiences, all healing for me in different ways.
Receiving Reiki from Dara has been life changing. As an earth element, I tend to take on stress physically. Reiki helps my body release whatever I’m carrying around.
I also get to connect to my Higher Self which helps remind me who I truly am and stay connected.
Hearing who my Higher Self is, really impacted me.
I was also healed from past physical and emotional experiences and opened up a better form of communication for receiving messages from my Higher Self.
There is only one Dara Eden and I feel honored to have had Reiki and messages shared with me by her.
Lara Carlos

Katie Baker

I am a fan for life!
I’ve sought Dara’s professional services for several years now, as every experience with her has been insightful, clear and delivered with love and honor. Dara has been incredibly inspiring to me in the ways that she enables me to empower and honor myself. My energy is everything in my space, and to learn to protect or enhance that energy is such a gift.
Thank you for continuing to support my journey, Dara, and for always encouraging and empowering me when I struggle! Thank you for the care you’ve shown me and my business over the years. I am a fan for life. I hope it is incredibly gratifying for you to know how much you’ve inspired and encouraged me, as a woman, a mom, a business owner, a human. I am truly grateful to you.
Katie Baker

Taylor Ferraiuolo

I highly recommend Dara Eden and Inner Chi Mastery services! 
I had my first distance reiki healing session with Dara when I was pregnant with my second daughter. I had never felt so relaxed and at ease during that pregnancy as I did when I did healing with Dara. I enjoyed the session so much I had another healing session towards the end of my pregnancy. 
These sessions and the insight I received from Dara were helpful and just what I needed at the time. I remembered how wonderful these sessions were and I reached out to Dara almost a year later to do individual healing sessions for our whole family. We were blown away reading Dara’s notes from the sessions. We did the sessions almost three months ago and are still finding her session notes useful. These are something I will treasure forever. My journey with Dara did not end there. We received our personal element profiles. I also asked Dara to access my Akashic Records and she provided me with my Soulstory. This was profound, powerful, and unlike anything I have ever done before. My Soulstory had a deep impact on me and I keep referring back to it. I have also done shadow work and coaching with Dara. She has been a support for me during the brightest times in my life and darkest of times. She has guided me in seeing the light and embracing the darkness. I can’t say enough good things about the work I have done with Dara. I just keep coming back for more! You will have to experience it for yourself.
Taylor Ferraiuolo

Linda Melendrez

In 2018 I was suffering from severe mental and emotional anguish. A family member recommended a distance Reiki session with Dara. I didn’t expect to feel much due to the fact that it was being performed from a far distance. However, to my surprise, during the session, I felt waves of energy flowing throughout my body and fingertips causing my hands to motion in mudra-like gestures. I also experienced visualizations in my mind’s eye, all while in a deep state of relaxation. 
Shortly after the session, Dara contacted me to relay the information she’d received. Everything mentioned was in precise alignment with my past and current state. She mentioned specific thoughts and visualizations that I had during the session and even recommended that I learn mudras. There was no doubt that she was able to tap into the nonphysical realm. She cleared energy, stored emotions, karma, and other people’s emotions I had been carrying for so long. 
The energetic weight that was cleared from my auric field was the catalyst that shifted me out of the dark depressive state I was in. Since then, I have continued booking periodic distance Reiki sessions with Dara, and each and every time the insight she lovingly relays sheds light on areas that need to be addressed or where I need to show myself love. With each session, I gain a deeper level of self-knowledge and purpose which has been vital in my healing journey.
Linda Melendrez

Dara’s Writing

  • I always enjoy reading anything from you!!!

    ~ Brandy Caler

  • Oh my gosh! I just binge read all your blogs that I hadn’t gotten to since fall and I forget how amazing your writing is. I can just imagine you reading all of these blogs via a podcast with your beautiful soothing voice and capturing more humans into their own selves.

    ~ Kim Robles

  • You did it again, Dara! Fantastic read.

    ~ Gina Carlos

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Please, take a few moments to leave a review or share about your experience with Dara Eden, your coaching session, distance Reiki session, feng shui consultation or other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.

With much appreciation,

Dara Eden