The Reiki Connection

ICM Blog - The Reiki Connection

I have been pondering how much our beliefs define us. How much they determine our decisions and destiny. How much they shape our life path. How much the groups we identify with determine who we get to be. How much of our time and energy is devoted to proving to others and ourselves that what we believe is true. How much we need our beliefs, especially the ones we have been coerced into adopting or the ones that connect us with the people we love, admire and respect. How hard we hold onto the ones that we have built an entire career upon, made all of our money from, written books and given speeches about or presented workshops on. How many throngs of people we have converted and convinced to make our beliefs, their beliefs.

And what would happen if, one day we questioned our beliefs, the ones we think are indisputably true. Came to a new understanding, a new realization, a new conclusion. And what would happen to our life, our relationships, our career, our livelihood, our reputation, if we began to honor the truth instead of upholding the lie. Were willing to be misunderstood and mocked. To disappoint family and friends, clients and colleagues. To live our truth authentically, instead of continuing to live a lie, just to save face or continue to try to fit in. To actually do better, once we know better.

Un-labeling myself has been a process of elimination since I was a girl. Since then I have dropped many labels and refused to identify with other popular groups. I could share what I am not and why. A Christian. An American. A human. A woman. A pro-this or anti-that. A certain political affiliation or specific religious denomination. Instead, I will share what is essentially true, what has always been true and always will be true. What will still be true after this human experience has come to an end. What will be true forever.

I am an Infinite Being, an Eternal Being, a Sovereign Being, a conscious co-creative being of pure love and pure light. So are you!

So, yes! I have chosen to inhabit a female body. But my soul is not female. I have chosen to express my energy as a Water element. But my energy is not limited to just one element. I chose to become a mother. But my womb of creation is not just a portal for human souls who wanted to incarnate on the planet at this time. I chose to take on a human form. But I am not “only human”. I was raised by conservative Christians, but my spirituality is not limited to a single Abrahamic religion or any man-ufactured belief system. I was born in the United States, in the North American continent, on planet Earth, but I am not an American, an Earthling, a resident of this solar system, a citizen of the Milky Way – I am a constellation of stars visiting from a galaxy far, far away. Who and what are you?

Life on this planet is an elaborate deception. A hologram that is sustained by our own false belief systems and powered by our own soul’s energy. The planet herself was hijacked many millennia ago. Humans were seeded here, farmed for energy and enslaved. The recycling program, better known as reincarnation, tricks souls into voluntarily returning again and again. The reward and punishment program, better known as heaven and hell, fool people into believing in good and evil, sin and salvation, death and resurrection. Their afterlife program kicks in as soon as their soul goes “toward the light” and they end up in a dimension constructed to be everything they were taught these places are cracked up to be. The renewable resource that is the HUman soul is thrown onto the karmic wheel and people ride the merry go round until they remember how to get off.

When I began my Reiki study I was introduced to some of the more popular teachings of the New Age religion. I was taught to call in guides and archangels during sessions. I was told that we all have guardian angels assigned to us at conception and that we must ask them for their help, if we want them to intervene on our behalf. I was exposed to people who claim to channel entities or a group of enlightened beings. I was instructed on how to protect my personal energy from energy vampires and dark entities. I was warned about having interactions with certain ascended masters and how to dismiss them before they could establish a foothold and mess with you. I was told stories by people who had experiences with their star guides that would play games with them and had to be dismissed because they turned out to not be “of the light”.

I took all of this with a grain of salt and used some intuitively guided discernment about what I wanted to include in my own personal and professional Reiki practice. I never used the vague definition of Reiki I was taught. I chose not to use certain symbols in my Reiki practice. I never met any “guides”. I don’t teach people how to protect their energy. Instead, I show them how to connect to their Higher Selves, expand and embody their energy. I never worked with any of the “ascended masters”. I did however meet my clients’ guardian angels during their sessions. I got to see my clients’ alter egos that they assumed in the fourth dimension. And I did call in some of the Archangels during Reiki sessions.

I recently opted out of the energy work I was doing in the fourth dimension. For nearly a decade, I had astral projected every night. I greeted new arrivals and helped to heal their souls. It wasn’t until March of this year, when I jumped timelines, that I came to the realization that I can quit my night job in the fourth dimension. I revoked any and all agreements my soul had made to “be of service” in this constructed dark and false light realm. After a short recess, I took up astral projection again. Now I go to what I call, “night school”.

We live in a time of instant manifestation. Upon returning home, after visiting the U.S. this Spring, I asked to meet someone who knew more about the purpose of life on Earth than I do. Someone I could ask my questions to. Within hours I received some information about the dark and false light occupants of the fourth dimensional Ghost Town. It was an essential piece of the puzzle that had been missing for me. And placing it in my BIG picture allowed me to see how dependent people have become on their particular middle man. For the religious, it’s their God or Savior, their saints or clergy. For the spiritual, it’s their revered guru or enlightened master, the next channeled self-help book or psychedelic experience, raw food retreat or personal development workshop. For the New Age community, it’s their guides and angels, their ascended masters and galactic family. For the dependent and depraved, it’s their government entitlement program, their next hand out or free lunch, their “affordable” medical insurance plan or social security check. For me, I realized that instead to connecting directly to Source, I too was “seeking a friend for the end of the world”.

The spiritual and human beings who position themselves between you and your Higher Self, you and Source are charismatic intermediaries who make you dependent and cause you to doubt your own connection. They are the ones who like to control the conversation by editing, abridging and interpreting the religious teachings of historical prophets and messianic figures and the spiritual narrative for you. The ones who declare themselves judge, jury and executioner. The ones who take it upon themselves to make all the rules and have you sign contracts without encouraging you to read the fine print. The ones who say they love you but not unconditionally; terms and conditions do apply. The ones who build a holographic world for you to live in and power it with your own energy. A constructed reality that you have bought and paid for with your life. A pre-packaged, pre-programed paradigm; batteries not included. A lifeless product that you animate with your own soul-ular energy. A bedazzled fabrication that has no life of its own and will not light up and work until you give it your life.

Healers can be one of these go-betweens too! Instead of connecting to and accessing their own healing energy, many people go to healers of various types. Every one of us has the innate ability to heal ourselves of everything and anything. Instead, we seek out doctors and counselors, holistic practitioners and energy healers. It’s not really laziness so much as a lack of faith in ourselves.

Upon reflection of all of this, I seriously considered not providing Reiki anymore. I don’t want to disempower anyone by being their source of anything. I don’t want to be anyone’s spiritual guru or energy healer. I don’t want my clients to become dependent on me. I don’t want to contribute to the denial of anyone’s Infinite BEing or Sovereign Self. I don’t want to be someone’s reason not to develop their own connection to Source or strengthen their own healing abilities. That is why I have always encouraged interested clients to get Reiki attuned, take at least Reiki I, remember how to heal themselves and facilitate their own spiritual experiences.

Give a person a Reiki session, heal him for a day.

Give a person a Reiki attunement, heal him for a lifetime.

After some thoughtful contemplation, I decide to continue giving Reiki. Besides energy healings, Reiki sessions can be instrumental in getting people on to their spiritual path. They are an excellent way to introduce people to their Higher Selves. They can facilitate life changing spiritual experiences. They can provide invaluable information about who you really are. They can remove blocks to accessing and connecting to your Higher Self and healing ability. My own daily Reiki practice has been essential to my spiritual growth, discernment, wisdom and understanding, increased awareness and expanded consciousness.

Most people, regardless of their affiliation, have associations or co-dependent relationships with entities who are posing as deities or angels, saints or ascended masters. Their belief in these convincingly real spiritual beings sets them up to listen not to their own heart but whoever they are calling in, whoever is contacting them, whoever they are inviting into their life. This is how good people become deceived.

I no longer work with the angels. I have dismissed my GUARDian angels. I have dismissed the ever-present angel on my shoulder, Archangel Michael. I no longer own angel oracle decks or provide angel card readings. I no longer teach my clients about asking for their angels’ help. I have instead renewed my faith in my own connection with my Higher Self. I use Reiki to help my clients connect with their Higher Self through sessions and classes. It’s the Reiki Connection.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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