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Clearing the Clutter, Gua by Gua
In Western Feng Shui, each area of your home is associated with an important area of your life. When you clear the clutter from an area of your home with the intention to create space for what you’d like to begin to experience and enjoy, it can be very powerful. Decluttering is the first step in preparation for activating the energy and lifting the chi in your space.
Clearing the Clutter, Room by Room
Following is a simple guide to clearing the clutter in every room of your home. Clutter keeps you stuck in life and can block you from losing weight. So, work to declutter your space, room by room.
Clearing the Clutter
Now that you know what your why is and what clutter is, it's time to learn the how-tos of decluttering.
You've prepared your heart and mind to let it go. Now, it’s time to get prepared to clear the clutter in practical ways.
The Energy of Clutter
Energetically, our stuff is an extension of ourselves. What we have in our living and working spaces becomes a part of our energy field. This is why hoarders have such a hard time letting go of their stuff.
The Meaning of Clutter
If you have learned anything about feng shui over the years, you know that decluttering is the first step toward creating better energy in your space and clearing the way for a better flow of energy in your living and working environments.
Clean, Clear & Cleanse
The feng shui solar New Year begins during the first week of February. To get ready to receive blessings, start by creating space in your living and working environments for the new energy coming in. The 3 Cs are cleaning, clearing and cleansing. Don't forget to Feng Shui For YOU!