The Meaning of Clutter

FSYS Blog - The Meaning of Clutter
If you have learned anything about feng shui over the years, you know that decluttering is the first step toward creating better energy in your space and clearing the way for a better flow of energy in your living and working environments.
In this series of blogs on Clearing, you will learn everything you need to know about clearing, or decluttering your space.

Start with Why

Many blogs and books expertly guide readers through the how-tos of letting go of your stuff. And we will get to how to declutter in future blogs. But before we talk about how to declutter, we need to, as Simon Sinek wisely advises, start with why.
Because…unless you know what the positive effects of decluttering are, you may not take the time to clear your space. Unless you understand the value of having a clutter-free home or office, you may not make decluttering a way of life. Unless you are conscious of your reasons for clearing, you may not follow through with letting go of everything that’s holding you back.
So, let’s do the inner clearing first.  Let’s begin with your why.
Why declutter?
Decluttering creates space for what you are asking for and ready to receive. It's an inspired action you can take in your physical environment to support you in your metaphysical manifestations. It signals to the Universe that you are ready to move out the old and let in the new. It energetically represents your intention to experience change in your life.

Change 27 things in your environment, change your life.

 ~ Chinese proverb
Start a feng shui journal. Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts about your clutter and the prospect of decluttering. Notice any resistance to clearing or fears of letting go of your stuff. Become aware of any anxious or excited feelings about clearing in your space and seeing big changes or subtle shifts in your life.
Why am I ready to declutter my space?

Now that you know what decluttering has the potential to create in your life, begin by setting intentions for clearing. Write down why you are committed to decluttering. Make a list of the intentions you have for your life. The things you want to be, do and have.

What are you ready to create space for? The things you plan to incrementally upgrade. 

What are you ready to manifest and receive? The things you would like to experience more of or enjoy more often.

What are you ready to change about your home, life and business? The things you are going to transform.

What are you ready to release? The things you are going to throw away, give away or return to sender.

What are you ready to invite and welcome into your experience NOW? The things you know you might need to get started and get organized.

Now that you know your whys and are committed to clearing your clutter, let’s get some clarity about clutter. Define what clutter is. Determine whose clutter is in your space. Discover what clutter represents depending on where it is located in your home. Decide on when to begin decluttering.
1) What is clutter?
Clutter is anything taking up space that is unfinished, unused, unloved, unresolved or unorganized both in your physical environment and digital spaces. It represents postponing decisions indefinitely and therefore the inability to move forward in life or with projects. It blocks the flow of energy into your life. It blocks you from receiving whatever you are in the process of manifesting.
2) Whose clutter is it?
If the clutter is yours, take full responsibility for what you have brought into your life and space. If the clutter is someone else’s, return it to them. If the clutter is a partner’s or family member’s, offer to help them sort through and organize or let go of their stuff. If the clutter is your children’s, make them a part of decluttering their rooms and other spaces.
3) Where is the clutter?

Where your clutter accumulates often reveals fearful, furious and frustrating feelings.

If there is clutter at the entrance to your home or under your bed, it represents a fear of having or being in relationships.

Clutter in closets, represents an unwillingness to examine your own emotions and become aware of how you feel about your life.

Feeling resentful or overwhelmed by taking care of the people in your life? The clutter will be in your kitchen.

Feeling like you need to make a drastic change or like running away from your life? Check the space next to your bed for clutter.

Have clutter on your desk? You may feel frustrated, fearful of letting go or obsessed by the need to control everything.

If you have clutter in a corner or behind a door, you may be feeling detached from people.

If you have clutter stored under couches or other furniture, you may be overly concerned with appearances.

If the clutter is stored in the attic, you may be holding on to or living in the past.

If the clutter is in the basement, you may be procrastinating.

If the clutter is in the garage, you may feel like you can’t accomplish any of your goals or fulfill your own potential.

Got clutter everywhere? You may feel constantly frustrated with yourself, others and your life, be angry at the world and even suffer from self-loathing.

Take a tour of your home right now and look to see where you have the most clutter. Notice where the clutter is in your home or office. Get present to how the mess or piles makes you feel.
4) When do I clear clutter?
Now is always the best time to start decluttering. Begin by clearing the area with the most clutter today. Do it with the intention of releasing the emotions associated with that area. Place your attention on creating space for what you would like to receive.
If you feel like doing more decluttering, go for it! In the next blog, you will learn more about The Energy of Clutter.


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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Energy of Clutter


Don’t Get Feng Shui’d