Feng Shui for Your Business

T8E Blog - Feng Shui for Your Business
 Just like all the self-help gurus who give advice based on what worked for them in the past or general advice based on an amalgamation of everything they learned from reading and consuming other people's books and content, most of the business advice out there doesn't take YOU into consideration. It's a one-size fits all approach that promotes patriarchal mindsets and predatory practices.  
If you're in business to become a multi-millionaire, this blog is not for you. Go follow all the big names who made it big and model yourself after their greedy money grab and your business after their plan to kill it. Be honest about the fact that what worked for them 10-15 years ago won't work in today's economy or climate. But go ahead, get yourself into thousands of dollars of credit card debt to purchase their generic copycat program so you too can be the next BIG thing! 
I've heard so many people, mostly women talk about wanting to quit their business. And some do! Not because they don't like what they do. But because the ways they were taught to market and sell their services feels icky. Or, the ways they were told to find their ideal customer or client feels gimmicky. Or, setting up all the pieces of the business they were told are essential to success, become so challenging and time consuming, that it took them away from doing the work they love, are actually good at and enjoy providing. 
When Marie Forleo sent out a request for feedback after B School, I shared why I wouldn't be implementing what I learned. The hustle culture she promotes and the marketing methods she teaches thousands of people each year, might indeed create some level of success for some Mountain Earth and other yang elements. But that masculine, money hungry approach doesn't resonate with me. Nor does the "do what I did" copycat or "do what works" cookie cutter model, work for me. My take away was honestly, what not to do. Which left me wondering what to do.
For me to honor my values of authenticity, uniqueness and originality, I had to find my own path. As I learned new modalities along the way, I was able to discover more aspects of who I am, like the many facets of a prismatic crystal. And I found ways I could intentionally honor each of those aspects in my life...and my business. 
I talk a lot about being a unique expression of your personal element. I'm a Water element and I resonate with that very independent personal energy, but there's a lot more to me than just my personal feng shui element. And all of those other things are what makes who I'm being, a UNIQUE expression of the Water element. 
A short list of contributing factors to the unique self-expression of a personal element includes:
• Astro-Numerolgy Birth Code
• Chinese Astrology BaZi 
• Enneagram Number
• Human Design Energy Blueprint
• Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator
• Western Astrological Sun, Moon & Rising Signs & Lunar Node
Other aspects may include your upbringing and world view, programming and limiting beliefs, unhealed traumas and stored emotions. 
This idea that if you mimic what everyone else is doing, do your mindset work and clear your money blocks, you too can be a millionaire, is just not true. And the answer to burn out is not to shift your focus from 1:1 sessions to launching sold out or evergreen courses, automating everything or constantly raising your prices. That's how to do less and make more. And there's nothing wrong with that, if that's your intention. If you're in business just to make money, then set up the gatekeepers, monetize everything you do and grant access only to those willing to go into massive credit card debt in exchange for all of your money back guaranteed promises. 
As for me, I like session work. I'm a completion number 1, so I prefer to do 1:1 private coaching. It's my zone of genius. Of course I could create multiple streams of passive income with a course, app or membership to increase my financial success and following. And I am. But it's not so that I can stop working with clients. It's to express my creativity and provide additional ways for people to be contributed to by The 8 Elements™. 
In Feng Shui for Business, my private coaching offering for entrepreneurs, you'll discover what your zone of genius is. And also what it's not, so you can stop wasting your time, money and energy on the things that don't honor your personal energy or serve your business. And then, give yourself permission to design your business around your needs, your values and your intentions. 
2022 is the year of BEing YOU! Not the next self-help guru like Tony Robbins or business mogul like Richard Branson. The YOU you've always been and always knew you could be. 
Feng Shui for Business supports you in discovering how YOU can build a business you love. Not to get rich quick and retire early. But to create something unique and valuable, financially successful and personally rewarding. And that makes you so happy, you wouldn't ever want to quit your business. 
That's what happens when your business is soul-aligned. When you get to do what you're naturally good at. When your work feels fun and fulfilling. And because it's your favorite thing to do, you would do it even if you weren't getting paid. 
What if you could receive guidance from your True Self? Or, know what your Life Purpose is? What if you could select a name for your business that has auspicious energy? Or, if you could create branding that perfectly resonates with your element? What if you knew to create and sell products or offer services? Or, how to honor your yin or yang energy in business? And how to promote what you do in ways that feel good and attract your ideal customer or client with ease? 
My newest offering is an intensive 8 weeks of business coaching designed to support you in honoring YOU in your business. Read about the coaching package, Feng Shui for Business.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.
Subscribe to Feng Shui Yourself on Substack.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Under the Influence of the Elements


Bad Advice