Bad Advice

T8E Blog - Bad Advice

Knowing When Advice is Just an Interesting POV

I've been given some really bad advice. Sometimes in response to a question. Other times, completely unsolicited.

I never take it...personally. What I do is add this knowledge to my research notes for my blogs, guides and books.
Because I innerstand The 8 Elements™, I know where their advice is coming from. Their experience. Their values. Their needs. Their ways of being, showing up or operating in the world. All of which are expressions of their personal feng shui element. 
Self help gurus are the worst offenders of bad advice. It's not necessarily that their advice itself is always bad. It's that what has worked for them, won't work for you, unless you're their same element. Even then, there are subtle nuances to your unique expression of your personal element that you should honor.  
Besides their upbringing, world view, degree of state indoctrination, level of consciousness and unhealed traumas, people have different types of status like socio-economic, marital and occupational. All of these factors and more contribute to the kind of advice they give. But in my work, I've observed that it's their element that informs the majority of their advice and how they present it.
A Water element today on IG held up her index finger and started her reel with the words, "There's only ONE thing you can do to..." Guess what her completion number is? Yep, one! 
And let me tell you, if you asked a Mother Earth person the same question, say for example Jordan B. Peterson, he'd likely say you have two choices, list them for you and then expound profusely. A Hard Wood person would likely say no matter what the situation, there's always a third option, yet not be very forthcoming with what it might be because they honestly don't know themselves. 
See where I'm going with this? Yet, it's not limited to element completion numbers. The advice people give is directly related to all the things associated with their personal feng shui element, from qualities and characteristics to needs and values, default emotions and the life center that brings them the most personal wellbeing.
I used to study celebrities way back in the day when I first started taking my observation of people seriously. Since then, it's been revealed that they lie about both their age (DOB) and sex. If you don't know what I'm taking about, research pre-pubescent trannies. 
So, in addition to people I know personally and clients, I began devoting more time to observing influencers who would casually share their birth date on the Internet in a podcast or social media post. And let me just say, this group of wannabe celebrities legit confirms everything I've discovered about The 8 Elements™. They can't help it. They're just being themselves for all the world to see. It's unbelievable! 
Take a Hard Metal element who recently released a podcast about money. You know, the one who proudly claims she reads all the personal development books and consumes everyone else's content that she then regurgitates and plagiarizes and writes books that are composed of journal entries (she should have kept private), disguised as chapters because she throws in a little well known and overused self help advice? The one who has mastered the art of the humblebrag, so she can tell stories of her life as content, instead actually adding something original or even insightful or contributing anything of value to the conversation? The one who's proof that behind every successful woman is a rich man, financially supporting her business endeavors, despite all the claims of hard work being the magic sauce?
Among all the new age bs and prosperity gospel preaching, the queen of scripted authenticity and fake relatability, shared her personal manifestation practice, including meditation, visualization and the 6 "songs for manifestation" on her Spotify playlist. Her #1 song "to manifest a bright and beautiful future"? Coldplay's Viva la Vida. 
I laughed out loud. If you don't know why, go read the lyrics. I wonder if she even knows what that song is about.
First of all, the completion number for the Hard Metal element is 6. Secondly, that is Hard Metal song. She said she doesn't know what it is about that song that she loves so much. If you've read my blogs and annual energy guide about the Hard Metal element from last year, you know this element values wealth, power and status, is represented in the body by the head, in the world by heads of state like kings and leaders, is associated with castles, keys and swords and utilizes the powers of the mind to manifest.
For a person who tattooed the word, 'mogul', on the inside of her wrist and was on top of the world for a few years, had a good run, and then created a series of public relations issues for herself, ending in what's now known as "toiletgate", it seems she did indeed manifest exactly what she was programming her mind to achieve. In case you're unaware, that song reminisces about losing it all after having it all and laments the fact that, "I used to rule the world". 
To use a Hard Metal pun, it's kinda ironic.
Quite apropos, I'd say, for a woman who's fallen from grace, not so gracefully and is trying unsuccessfully to reinvent herself and make a big return to the world stage of self help gurus. After revealing what she really thinks of her fans and followers, she might be right in thinking they do want her "head on a silver plate". If she continues along this path, she might be sweeping the streets she used to own. Definitely take her bad advice if you'd like to repeatedly make a fool of yourself publicly and lose it all. (Girl, stop advising!)
I could give example after example of people giving bad advice and unpack why it's just their personal energy's authentic self expression. Bookstores, social media platforms and podcasts are full of people who think their way is the right way...for everyone, or at least their audience. Of course there's good advice mixed in with the bad. And if you have the right intention you can take away something valuable from every experience. I always do.
One of the most life changing bodies of work, PAX Program, was created by a woman who based her teachings on what a Mother Earth needs and values in a relationship. The perfect element to create workshops about partnership! But she failed to take into consideration that fact all men and especially, all women, are not Mother Earth elements, like her!
With the White 6 star in the NW this year, you're going to feel inspired to both give advice and seek out good advice. Remember to listen to advice with the awareness that the advisor can only speak from their interesting point of view. Their advice is limited to their personal experience and natural abilities, is based on their value system and may not be relevant to you at all. Don't make it fit by trying to stuff yourself into their box. 
And don't take bad advice. Instead, seek out people with areas of expertise you're interested in, who are your same element. Or, talk to someone who knows about your personal energy, based on your personal feng shui element.  
Find a thought leader you might resonate with. Thought Leaders & The 8 Elements.
I offer personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching, based on The 8 Elements and customized for YOU! Contact me to book your initial session today!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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