Not Normal

POW Blog - Not Normal

Common vs. Normal

I seldom ever comment on social media. But in October of 2021, I left a comment about the importance of not confusing what’s common with what’s normal. The doctor was posting about “normal” menstrual cycles and mentioned a study in which only 13% of women had a 28 day cycle. Post the COVID injections, I felt like she was trying to normalize the high rate of menstrual abnormalities in vaccinated females and the unpoked women in their sphere.

I commented, “High percentages in a study make something common, not normal.”

Purposefully missing my point, she commented, “it’s not abnormal to have a cycle that falls within the 21-35 days. That’s been long established before this study.”

I replied, “My comment was about linking percentages to the word normal. I’m not questioning the normalcy of slightly longer or shorter periods. There are high percentages of overweight people in the U.S. That makes obesity common, not normal. Instead of a study about numbers, I’d be interested to know why cycles fluctuate. Maybe you could elaborate on those contributing factors.”

I guess she doesn't know or doesn’t want to say, lest she get in trouble with her medical board overlords.

Cycles of 21-35 days might indeed be “normal” for some women. But as soon as you do a study to look at percentages, you’re not measuring whether something is normal, you’re determining what is common among a certain group of people at the time of the study.

A disturbing fact is that the data for the study was collected from 600,000 women in 2019 who used an app to track their menstrual cycle and determine their monthly fertile window. The study was funded by Natural Cycles, a wearable birth control device, thermometer and accompanying tracking app. Be careful about the apps you use and read the fine print when agreeing to their Terms of Use before logging your personal information.

What would be far more interesting than determining that 87% of women have longer or shorter periods than 28 days, is to compare the data from 2019 to the data post covid injections. Or, better yet, compare the menstrual and miscarriage data from two groups of women, the millions who took the shot and the women who honored their sovereignty and maintained their humanity.

We know that women take all kinds of drugs, medications and contraceptives and that women’s hormonal imbalances are caused by a variety of reasons from poor nutrition to ill health, endocrine disrupters to environmental toxins and stress to emotional upset. I’m not going to come to a conclusion about what a normal menstrual cycle is, based on a study of women who don’t necessarily share my values regarding their health and fertility. For example, while it’s common for anorexics, vegans and female athletes, like professional gymnasts, not to have a period, amenorrhea is not normal.

This woman, who uses common and normal interchangeably, seems obsessed with declaring what’s normal. A year and a half after I commented on her IG post, she came out with a book called, “Is This Normal?” I haven’t read it, because unfortunately, she lost my respect when she just repeated her “long established” statistics in a condescending “the science is settled” kind of way, instead of addressing and correcting her conflation of common with normal or answering the question I posed, which is “why?”. The short answer? Each woman is unique with a different genetic makeup and environmental factors. The long answer requires truth and honesty.

Isn’t science about asking questions and seeking answers? Isn’t finding out what’s affecting women’s menstrual cycles kind of important to humanity? Isn’t knowing what’s causing the increase in irregular periods, infertility, miscarriages and lower birth rates essential to mitigating human extinction?

I guess for her the study was just some quick content to throw up on her Instagram grid for likes and shares. At least she didn’t delete my comment the way Liz Gilbert did when I commented on her despicable post about hating her womb to her 1M adoring fans. If you’re interested in my take on that, you can read my HER Womb Wisdom blog, called Womb Hate.

Common vs. Normal

Just because something is common, doesn’t mean it’s normal. And just because something is more common today than it used to be doesn’t make something the “new normal”. They are going to try to erase and rewrite history. They are going to try to normalize the abnormal. And they are going to tell you that whatever effects of the agenda they’re moving forward with was always that way it was. Lies.

Is it normal for children to have high rates of autism, allergies, asthma and auto-immune issues? Is it normal for them to have repeated earaches and sinus infections, bleeding eczema and ticks from Tourettes? Is it normal for children to stop talking and making eye contact, bang their heads against the wall, have developmental delays and learning disabilities and lose their empathy and social skills?

No, but it has become common after decades of the dozens of childhood vaccines on the recommended schedule, marketed as “safe and effective” and mandated for entry into state indoctrination camps, otherwise known as public school. No one can convince me that it’s normal for children to be so sick and have so many illnesses and conditions, allergic reactions and vaccine injuries. All the poisonous shots are making little humans sicker and sicker.

In a recent Instagram post, I confessed to being guilty of calling people who beLIEve lies, “normies”. But the truth is, it’s not normal for people to be this immature, immoral, idiotic and insane. What they really are, are dummies. And I’ve contributed to normalizing the absurd levels of stupidity we’ve witnessed over the last few decades and recent years, by calling the brainwashed, indoctrinated and mind controlled, normies.

What’s actually normal is no longer common. So much so that people don’t even know what normal is anymore. They think that, what’s been normalized by decades of corporate and government propaganda, is normal. It’s not.

It’s not normal to sit in your house all day staring at screens. It’s not normal to want to take and post selfies all day for likes. It’s not normal to go for weeks at a time without seeing people in real life or eating any real food.

It’s not normal to buy and sell children. Yet we have entire industries devoted to just that. Child protective services and medical kidnapping that steal children under the guise of child endangerment. Children from orphanages or care homes that go “missing”. Baby farms that enslave or pay women to breed and religious institutions that take in young pregnant women and single mothers so they can sell or “adopt” out their babies. Adoption agencies who offer people the privilege of paying money to gain parental rights to other people children. Government fostering programs for people who make a living by taking money to house other people’s children. Surrogacy services, sperm banks, egg donors, IVF and IUI for infertile or gay couples and women who put off having children until after their biological clock stopped ticking. Those are the legal ways to procure children for money. The kidnapping, sex trafficking and organ harvesting of children that the pedophilic elite trade in never gets disclosed and shut down. That will be deemed just a “right-wing conspiracy”until they completely normalize “minor attracted persons” and their love of having sex with children.

It’s not normal to outsource your health to for-profit corporations that cannot stay in business or enrich themselves unless they keep you sick. It’s not normal to take injections. It’s not normal for people to die suddenly. It’s not normal for young men to drop dead of myocarditis. It’s not normal for people’s blood to have excessive clots.

It’s not normal to want to surgically alter your body. It’s not normal to have breast implants or Brazilian butt lifts. It’s not normal to get lip injections or nose jobs. It’s not normal to cut off healthy breasts or turn a penis into a “front hole”.

I could give example after example but I try to keep these blogs to under 10 minutes, even though it’s not normal for people to have almost no attention span and lack the ability to concentrate for even short periods of time.

What’s been normalized has become the standard. And people just go along with the way things are done these days without ever questioning it. Few ever stop to think or decide on their own what’s best for themselves and their children. They just do what they’re told to do by talking heads on TV, expert guests, authority figures, peers and society. Almost no one takes the time or makes the effort to deprogram themselves. They just do what everyone else is doing and follow the other sheep to their slaughter.

Their world view is so warped that they call people like me, who don’t participate in the control system, not normal. Imagine coming to the conclusion that people who take full responsibility for their health and wellbeing, career and finances, children’s education and upbringing, eternal soul and divine purpose in life are not normal. Imagine thinking that the people who don’t have their brain turned to the ‘on’ position are the normal ones.

The world is full of stupid slaves who have yet to recover their sanity and reclaim their sovereignty. The more soul loss they experience with each choice they make, the less likely they are to be able to awaken from the illusion and fully regain their consciousness. Even if you told people the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and you provided irrefutable evidence, they would still believe all the lies they were taught from birth. It would take a literal act of God to wake up the sleeping masses of walking dead.

I know that calling people dummies is even worse than calling them normies. But honestly it’s more correct. COVID injections have been shown to cause significant cognitive impairment and the sudden onset of dementia. For more on this, I recommend reading Do The COVID Vaccines Affect Your Ability to Think? Whatever the cause, people are dumber and crazier than ever.

People are dummies if they:

  • Don’t read

  • Don’t spend any time researching

  • Don’t do any inner work

  • Haven’t questioned what they were taught by authorities

  • Went into debt to get a piece of paper from an accredited school

  • Watch corporate news (state sponsored propaganda)

  • Believe everything they see on TV

  • Work for the government, medical system or an evil corporation

  • Participate in the control system

  • Adopted their parents’ religion

  • BeLIEve the god of the Old Testament is the Creator of the Universe

  • Take drugs, meds and pHarmYaceuticals

  • Let the cult of cut, burn and poison take out their vital organs

  • Drink tap water

  • Have amalgam fillings and root canals

  • Had their baby in a hospital

  • Bottle feed their infant, even if it’s breastmilk

  • Circumcised their son(s)

  • Allowed someone to inject them or their children with poison

  • Drop their infants and toddlers off at daycare

  • Send their kids to be indoctrinated by the state

  • Eat and feed their children a steady diet of chemicals, artificial everything and foods that have no nutritional value

  • Vote for corrupt career criminals or compromised (controlled and blackmailed) politicians

  • Wore a mask (especially in their house or car by themselves)

  • Got an injection for a “virus” with a survival rate of over 99%

The good news is, even if they’ve done any or all of the above or are still being dumb, they can stop. Turn their brain on. Deprogram. Forgive themselves. Heal. Do better. Be sovereign.

I’m the first one to admit, I had a massive head start in life, at least compared to most. I was born at home, homeschool and raised by Christian conservatives who stayed married until after I graduated from high school. Unfortunately, I was vaccinated as a small child and indoctrinated by my parent’s religion. But I was raised to have good morals and values, without the influence of TV or popular culture.

I’ve always been a nonconformist, not out of a rebellious spirit, but because I knew the world was fake and fucked up. And to be true to my authentic self I couldn’t participle in the lies, false history and official narratives of the control system. I took it upon myself to deprogram from both Christianity and political conservatism.

What’s common is to be woke AF, addicted to drugs, sex or exercise, drink heavily, work for the man, sleep around, vote for their next lord and master, be thoroughly entertained instead of well educated, chase money and try to fill up their life with the accumulation of materialistic things.

Who I am is “not normal” only because what is normal is no longer common.

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Pearls of Wisdom is a personal blog of the wisdom writings of Dara Eden that fall outside the realms of feng shui, The 8 Elements and her other personal energy work. Established in 2014, the blog is an expression of her highest values: Sovereignty, Truth, Wisdom & Inner Peace. It’s devoted to increasing awareness, expanding consciousness, bringing knowledge, sharing innerstandings and offering wisdom to the sovereign souls inhabiting the Earth.

Dara Eden is a writer and wisdom keepHER. The name, Dara, means “pearl of wisdom”. Pearls are formed when a microscopic irritant, like a grain of sand, embeds itself within the soft tissue of a shelled mollusk. To protect itself, the oyster or clam covers the invading gritty particle with concentric layers of iridescent crystalline calcium to form treasures, pearls of great beauty and worth. Gifts of the sea, pearls are the oldest known gem and the only gem that does not need to be cut, shaped or polished. Pearls are associated with elegance and luxury and are a symbol of mystery and purity. Pearls represent priceless knowledge, the rare wisdom that begins as a tiny, random, common irritant.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Dumb Ages


Not Ideal