The Anatomy of a Distance Session

ICM Blog - The Anatomy of a Distance Session

Spring of 2020 was the last time I provided in person Reiki sessions. For obvious reasons, low to no contact and remote services became the new way of doing businesses. And my intuitive energy healing practice was no different.

Thankfully, Reiki sessions can be done remotely. And I’ve found that I’m able to see, receive messages and clear a lot more during a distance session, than I was with in person sessions. Instead of spending energy being conscientious of my body posture to avoid fatigue, hand positions for hovering and gentle placements and making sure I’m not breathing on my client, I can focus on their energy, clearing what comes up and receiving messages for them.

Once half the population modified themselves, distance sessions became the only way I provide Reiki. I can do sessions for people from the comfort of my home while they are quietly resting in the comfort of their home. Sessions last from 45 minutes to an hour. And I follow up with an email of my session notes.

I have done sessions for pregnant women and newborns, young children and people of all ages, as well as, check-ins on recently transitioned souls. And I learn something new every time I do a session.

Since my first Reiki I attunement in 2011, my energy healing has evolved into sessions that include a lot more than simply sending Reiki healing energy through my hands or with my intention. So, I though I would share what I do and what a distance session with me might be able to help clear for you.

Lifestyle of a Reiki Master

The first thing to know is that I have my own self-care practice. I give myself Reiki and do Qigong everyday. Instead of clearing my energy constantly, I maintain my sovereignty, which creates an energy field that is not a vibrational match to lower frequencies or entities. And I live a healthy lifestyle of clean eating, pure water, detox protocols and gentle exercise like walking and yoga. I do not partake in any substances and am very selective about who I spend time with. (Rarely, I will have some red wine, Sangria in summer and mulled wine in Winter, but never within 24 hours of a Reiki session or Akashic Records reading.)

I’m also fully self-employed so that I can be “on call” and make myself available to my clients as needed.

Preparation for a Distance Session

  • Wash my hands.

  • Clear myself, my hands and my space with Palo Santo or an Energy Clearing essential oil blend.

  • Drink water.

  • Personal Energy Clearing & Protection

  • Usui & Tibetan Reiki Master Symbols


Before I connect to my client and begin the distance session, I remind them to set their intention for what they’d like to release and receive. If there is something specific they’d like me to ask or look for, they share that with me. Otherwise, they keep their intentions private. I trust Reiki to share whatever I need to know for that session.


Once I connect with my client’s energy, I first build rapport. This can take as little as a few moments up to 10 minutes or so. I often receive a lot of preliminary information during this initial part of the session, especially about anything that needs to be cleared before they can more effortlessly connect with Source. Sometimes it’s busy thoughts, stored thoughts at the back of their head or energy blocks at their crown or third eye chakras. Sometimes it’s an interfering or parasitical entity. The more regularly the client receives Reiki (or practices Reiki as a form of self-care), the less rapport and initial clearing they need.

I don’t work with angels, inter-dimensional beings, entities, religious figures or gods/goddesses. I connect directly to the Source of all creation. And I facilitate the connection of my client’s soul connection to the golden chi of Source. I have on occasion asked Archangel Michael for his assistance with some of the heavy lifting or clearing highly toxic energy.

Energy Clearing

  • Yin side of the body

  • Energy Field

  • Energy Body

  • Cellular

  • Quantum

  • Chakras

  • Vital Organs

  • Home or Space

  • Other people’s energy and emotions

  • Client’s energy and emotions

  • Karma

  • Inherited emotions

  • Stored (unprocessed) emotions

  • Attachments

  • Aka cords (tiny thoughtforms)

  • Limiting Beliefs

  • Untrue Thoughts

Reiki Healing

After the clearing, comes the healing. Some chakras and organs need more energy healing than others. Sometimes chakras need to be connected and balanced. Sometimes I will employ the use of a crystal light “med” bed for ongoing healing. Sometimes clients have their own helpers (ancestors, soulmates and star family members) that come and assist me by being present, holding space and with the laying on of healing hands.


Often I will receive messages from my client’s Higher Self. During an initial session I will introduce myself and ask about their Higher Self’s name. A name can provided quality information about a past life or current life purpose. Sometimes the name or even the origin or meaning of a name is a message itself.

While some Higher Selves are non-verbal, many of them will have a message for me to pass along to my client. Sometimes it’s a single word or short sentence. Other times the message comes through a gesture or block of thought.

I also receive messages from my client’s body’s consciousness. Often, there is a nutritional deficiency and guidance on how to supplement or what to eat. Sometimes there are pathogens, a build up of heavy metals or even nanotech  for me to clear. Some bodies have adapted to the electromagnetic soup we live in and others are more sensitive to the EMF pollution from Smart devices, WiFi and cell towers.

Sometimes I will receive messages from the soul of a woman’s unborn child. This can be during their pregnancy, after a miscarriage or even pre-conception before embodiment.

Energy Body Scan

Before completing the distance session, I do an energy body scan. I use my inner vision to see the current condition of the soul and remove energy blocks that keep people stuck or hidden. Sometimes I will see who they were or how they died in a past life. This is also when I see entities and implants that are ready to be removed. Implants can range from weapons and body armor to listening and surveillance devices. It’s all quite interesting and can tell a story...the story of YOU!


Once the clearing and healing parts of the session are complete, I send my client a silent blessing. Sometimes they will make a final or special request. Often, it’s to elevate their personal energy vibration to a higher frequency, like Love or above!


To disconnect from my client, I intend to be done and gently press the tips of my fingers together. That way I don’t keep receiving messages for them. Then, I type up my session notes and send them in an email. Sometimes I will check in the next via text or even offer a follow up call.

Inner Chi Reiki

You can experience Inner Chi Reiki by requesting your initial session for $150 here.

Distance Reiki sessions are $100 for 45 minutes.

Monthly Reiki sessions are $80 per month when you pay via Zelle on the first of the month. To become an Inner Chi Reiki Monthly Member, contact me.

Save $300 with an annual subscription to the Inner Chi Monthly Reiki Membership. $900 per year

Save on monthly sessions for your family with the Reiki Monthly Membership family package. 1 Monthly Session - $80, 2 Monthly Sessions - $150, 3 Monthly Sessions - $200

With the Inner Chi Mastery Monthly Membership, pay $80 per month and select one of the following offerings: Distance Reiki, Emotion Clearing, Intuitive Guidance, Personal Energy Coaching or Tarot Reading.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Inner Chi Mastery by Month