Going Raw FAQs

ICM Blog - Going Raw FAQs

What makes food RAW?

Raw food is any preparation of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes that do not exceed 118◦ F. Temperatures above 140◦ F destroy raw food’s living enzymes and 30% of their vitamins and minerals. During the cooking process, 50% of food’s proteins are destroyed or denatured through free radicals, toxins are introduced through carcinogens, fats from nuts, seeds and oils are compromised and the oxygen within these living foods is lost. Many Raw Foodies prepare their food without heating them above 115◦ F.

Why go RAW?

Raw foods are alive and vibrating with a high energy frequency. The enzymes found in living foods make them easier for the body to digest and provide better nutrient absorption and bio-availability. People who enjoy more raw foods feel good, enjoy more energy and sleep better. Many people who go raw lose and maintain a healthy weight, regain their health and overcome mental and emotional problems like depression and anxiety. Raw Foodies report feeling stronger, healthier and happier!

Going RAW is not just about eating uncooked food. Going RAW is a way of eating organic living foods closer to the way they are found in nature and enjoying these nutrient rich flavorful foods in their natural state. Raw food preparations preserve the nutritional value and enzymatic activity of the living foods making them not just beneficial to your health but yummy, filling and satisfying.

What are RAW foods?

Sprouted grains and legumes, soaked nuts and seeds, raw fruits and vegetables, micro greens and herbs, and naturally fermented foods and beverages.

Raw Foods are natural whole foods prepared simply with minimal ingredients. Most recipes have less than 5 ingredients and incorporate ripe seasonal foods eaten in the raw or after being soaked or sprouted.

Raw Food Preparations: Sprouted flatbreads, dehydrated crackers, nut cheese, cold soups and sauces, salads and raw dressings, chutneys, pestos, hummus, and dips, veggie chips and fruit chews, granola, cookies, dried fruit and nuts, green juice and green smoothies, water and coconut kefir, raw desserts and chocolate.

Does Going RAW mean becoming a vegan?

Not necessarily. There are Raw Vegans, High Raw Vegetarians and High Raw Foodies who eat organic meat, eggs and fish. You can be a Raw Foodie without becoming a Raw Vegan.

Am I 100% RAW?

No. Nor am I a vegan. I love food too much. Raw foods contribute greatly to my health and wellbeing, raising my personal energy vibrational frequency, developing my spiritual gifts and maintaining a clear channel for my Reiki energy healing.

Do I have a Culinary Arts Degree?

No. I am completely self taught. Everything I know, I learned from blogs, websites and YouTube videos. I do not own a single raw food cookbook. The Farmers' Market is my inspiration...my kitchen is my culinary school.

Who is Raw Food for?

Slow Foodies!

There is nothing slower than Raw Food (imagine waiting 48 hours for a batch of sprouted bread). Then again…bite into a piece of fruit, grab a handful of raw soaked almonds on the go, eat a salad or a blend up a green smoothie…Raw food can be fast and easy too!

Real Foodies!

If you love eating natural whole foods like fruits and vegetables, greens and herbs, nuts and seeds, grains and legumes you are going to love eating them in the raw!


If you love food, you will love exploring what the Raw Food world has to offer! Life Lovers! Anyone who wants to enjoy more energy, raise their personal energy vibration and the consciousness of the planet.

How do I Go Raw?

Just eat your food in the raw. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, drink more juice and smoothies, eat bigger salads and you will be eating less animal and processed foods. Going RAW…its good for the you; its good for the Earth!

Dara Eden was interviewed on a local radio talk show: Real Food Empire on KCAA 1050 AM. Listen to the podcast for July 1, 2012. Scroll to 35:00 to hear the Dr. Stephanie Georgieff's interview with Dara Eden of Inner Chi Mastery about Raw Food.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Born A Healer


Energy Clearing