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Feng Shui Consultations & Coaching

Dara Eden is a professional feng shui consultant and personal element expert. She offers a variety of feng shui services from virtual feng shui consultations to personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching. Her feng shui consultation services include personalized Feng Shui Reports, Annual Energy Updates and Prospective Property Readings for both homes and businesses. Her personal energy coaching includes 60 minute coaching calls and Personal Element Energy Guides.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Virtual Feng Shui

Inner Chi offers professional feng shui services internationally. Conducted onsite or online, Inner Chi Feng Shui consultation services include personalized Feng Shui Reports and Annual Energy Updates, Prospective Property Readings and Real Estate Staging for both homes and businesses. Inner Chi clients benefit from a combination of Environmental, Personal and Intentional feng shui.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Numbers Don't Lie

As a classically trained feng shui consultant I am sometimes amused, more times annoyed and even occasionally angered by some of the advice so called "professionals" give to the public about interior design. These schooled stylists do one of two things. Either they diagnose a problem and prescribe a standard treatment, much like a surgeon who can't wait to make that first cut. Or they come in a with a "vision" that they want to see brought to life, regardless of budget or the client's personal taste or preferences. They've been to the fancy school. They have the training, the glowing testimonials, the celebrity client rosters, the full page spreads in popular magazines. They are the professional. They know what they are doing.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Lunar & Solar New Years

There are two Chinese calendars, one yin and one yang. The yin or lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon. This is the one that determines the Chinese Lunar New Year and your Chinese zodiac animal sign. The yang or solar calendar is based on the solar longitudes that determine the cycles of the seasons. This is the one that determines the Feng Shui Solar New Year and what feng shui consultants use to determine your personal element.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Space Cleansing

Space cleansing is cleansing the unseen energy in your space. It cleanses your space of negative energy and emotions that are left in a room or environment after interactions with people. It cleanses your space of the thought forms, emotions and energy of people and other energy beings occupying your space.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Blessings & the 9 Life Centers

Blessings are not a new concept or practice. People have been bestowing blessings since the dawn of mankind. Many people bless their food before eating a meal. They bless their daily bread or whatever they are about to eat. Others bless their homes. They place "Bless this home" embroidered pillows on their couches or cross-stitched art on their walls. People have been encouraged by their mothers and clergy to "count your blessings" and shower others with blessings. Certain religions have blessings that are recited during ritualized prayers, organized meetings or ceremonial gatherings. People say them to bless their children, their family and friends, even their enemies. Patriots will bless their country and their countrymen or service men and women. Politicians frequently end their speeches and public statements with "God bless America". Other nationalities have blessings built into their saying, greetings and salutations. The Irish are known for their beautiful and genuine blessings for travelers and happiness.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Clean, Clear & Cleanse

The feng shui solar New Year begins during the first week of February. To get ready to receive blessings, start by creating space in your living and working environments for the new energy coming in. The 3 Cs are cleaning, clearing and cleansing. Don't forget to Feng Shui For YOU!

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Annual Energy Dara Eden Annual Energy Dara Eden

2014 Feng Shui

The following remedy and enhancement recommendations are general guidelines. They do not take into account the specific permanent energy of your home, captured before the roof was put on, or the current occupants of your home or business. Only an energy blueprint based on the results of a compass reading and a consultation with the family or staff members can do that. If you choose to follow any of these recommendations, please carefully monitor your life, finances, relationships and health and remove them immediately if you notice any changes that don’t make you happy.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Clear the Air to Breathe Easier

2014 is a Soft Wood year which holds the energy signature of “persistent wind”. It's a reminder to pay attention to the air quality within our homes. With heavy metal toxicity from geo engineering and radiation fallout from Fukushima is now more important than ever to cleanse the air in our homes. Our lungs are a filtering system that is struggling to keep up with the daily onslaught of synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, viruses, radiation and other environmental contaminates. Although there is little we can do about the air quality outside in the world, there are some measures we can take to improve the air we breathe inside our homes and offices, even cars. Clear the air to breathe easier!

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