2018 Feng Shui Gua by Gua

FSYS Blog - 2018 Feng Shui

When reading about the energy visiting the various guas and their potential effects on you and your life this year, keep the two most important areas of your home in mind. The front door and the bedrooms are the key areas to remedy and enhance. You bring the energy at the front door in with you every time to you enter your home. And you spend one-third of your day/life in your bedroom sleeping, so the energy in the bedrooms for you and your family also have a great impact on your health and well-being. If you work from home, your home office is also vitally important to feng shui as well.

The sitting and facing directions of your home are also essential to understand. A classical feng shui consultant will be able to help you determine how the annual energy will affect your finances, health and relationships based on your home’s sitting and facing directions. Inner Chi clients who know their sitting (people) and facing (money) directions can read the following blog to gain deeper understanding of their house’s potential influence of their life this year. It is essential for everyone to remedy the N and W this year.

To determine gua directions, draw a floorplan to scale and take a compass reading. Draw a bagua of 9 squares (3X3) over the floorplan and mark the directions on the grid so you know where the key areas for you and your family are in your home for 2018.


With the 9 Fire energy visiting the Center, happiness sets up housekeeping in the heart of every home. Good news arrives right away and keeps on coming!  Everyone is being given the opportunity to enjoy excellent health and personal well-being in 2018. Balance. A beautiful life. Happy days.  Harmonious and fulfilling relationships. Scholastic awards, career advancement, business success. Love, passion and romance. Fame. Good fortune. Blessings. The fulfillment of heart’s desires and dreams. And whatever you need to create wealth for your future.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Homes with open floorplans or front doors that open into the center or a bedroom or home office in the center have especially auspicious energy this year! This festive Fire energy sparks a desire to gather together with family and friends, especially at home and celebrate life. And these celebrations of life - family reunions, birthday and graduation parties, engagements and baby showers will inspire you to host them at your house. Or, maybe start a movie or game night, book club or food prep co-op to have more people in your home.

It’s a year to be the hostess with the mostest.  Don’t be surprise if people show up at your door unannounced or you have house guests for extended periods of time.  You phone might ring more than usual, frequently calling your attention away from what you are doing and pulling you into other people’s dramas.

The hospitality energy will in turn motivate you to do some home renovations and redecorating. Start these professional or DIY projects in the Center gua. The best areas to remodel are the South, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest. Do not disturb the N and NW this year.

Upgrade your home life!  Start by replacing furniture and furnishings. Buy some art for your walls and new treatments for your windows. Have the carpets cleaned or the entire house professionally cleaned. Get some new cooking pots and pans or other kitchen appliances and tools to help you make healthy meals for your family. Spend money making your house a home, a home that comforts, supports and inspires you. Avoid the temptation to overspend and value material possessions over experiences with family and friends.

Fire energy highlights the importance of your image and public relations. If you are seeking a new job with more money or a higher position in the company, fame and fortune will come through your reputation in your community or extended social connections. You might keep yourself busy coming and going constantly, attending events and socializing or putting out fires in your own or other people’s lives.

Fire energy is also favorable for growing your family. So, if you want to get pregnant this year, spend time and make love in the center gua, even if your bedroom in not located in the center. If you don’t want any more children, avoid the S and take the necessary precautions.

While Fire energy can inspire enthusiasm for life and provide a lot of energy, when it lands in the center gua, it can activate, increase or intensify some health challenges. Everyone should get their vision checked and if you wear corrective lenses you may need a new prescription. Nutrition should focus on supporting your eye and heart health. Degenerative disease, auto-immune disease and cancer or tumors may show up. Even people who take really good care of themselves and tend to be health conscious and have a clean lifestyle may feel tired, become easily exhausted, suffer from chronic fatigue and burn themselves out. Make your health and feeling well, a priority.  Eat clean and get enough sleep.  Move your body and rest.


When the Yellow 5 Earth energy visits any gua, challenges are sure to follow. This energy tends to affect health, finances and relationships. Because it settles in the N (Career & Life Path) this year, it has the potential to affect your career or job, monthly income and financial security. It can dry up cash flow and reduce monthly incomes, cause job loss and career problems and limit your ability to enjoy your life.

Feng Shui for YOU!

REMEDY: METAL (100 lbs.) Remove all bright lights, fire elements and red spectrum colors.

Keep this area dark and quiet. No digging, renovations or loud noises. Do not use a firepit or barbeque here.

Avoid the North, if at all possible, in 2018. If your front door is in the N, use another entrance. If your kitchen is in the N, try not to use the stove too much. If you have a fireplace or wood burning stove in the N, do not use it this year under any circumstances.

No one should sit the North for any length of time, especially at your desk in your home office. Never have your back to the N this year.

If this is your bedroom, do NOT sleep here.  Do NOT sleep with your head pointing North.  Even if you are a Water element, do NOT honor your Peaceful Sleep headboard direction (N) in 2018. Sleep in one of your other three best directions instead (S, SE or E).

If you have a garage, bathroom, large closet, laundry area, missing area or room that is not used in the N, this inauspicious energy will have less of an effect on you and your life.

Make sure you practice good personal hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly in the work place and keep your immune system strong.  Supplement healthy eating with vitamins and minerals, drink pure water and get plenty of sleep and rest. Avoid confrontations with employers and co-workers and choose not to get involved in office romances. Keep your ear to the ground about potential layoffs and be prepared to update your resume and look for a new job should the need arise.

Couples may argue about money this year and families may face financial strain due to job loss.


With the 3 Hard Wood energy visiting the NE, the potential is for family disputes, health issues and legal battles to arise.  Because this energy has planted itself in the education and personal development gua, it may wreak havoc in schools and among students and teachers. This Hard Wood energy makes complaints, unreasonable demands and irrational emotional upset more likely.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Do not have any important discussions or take any important calls in the NE this year. If you can sleep in another room this year, your health and family relations will benefit greatly. Couples who sleep in the NE should move to another bedroom in 2018 to protect their relationship from home wreckers or disruption by a third party.

Also, because this energy is visiting the gua associated with learning and wisdom, it’s important for children and all students NOT to study in the NE in 2018. This energy combination also makes bullying in school environments, especially by and towards boys and young men far more likely. Parents, be on the lookout for any changes in your son’s energy or attitude so you can provide some guidance and comfort. Make sure you know what your children’s school’s policies, requirements and rules are and follow them to avoid unnecessary problems.

The NE is also not a good area to make any life-altering decisions. Poor judgment, irrational emotional reactions and anger will cloud your thinking to the point of severe indecision or decisions you will come to regret. You will need to set some boundaries with the people in your life and be willing to reinforce them when challenged. You will go from wanting to be stubborn and putting your foot down to learning how to be more patient and develop more emotional intelligence.


With the 7 Soft Metal energy visiting the E, the potential for families to sever ties with each other is great. You may be separated or feel cut off from family members. Lies, broken promises and other kinds of deception, maliciousness and treachery may cause strife within families, push people away or make them feel estranged. There might be exchanges of sharp, critical or mean-spirited words resulting in hurt feelings, anger or even violence. It also creates the potential for arguing, especially about money, health and safety concerns among family members.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Install a security system. Add motion detector lights. Lock all doors and windows. Be more vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times.

If your kitchen, garage or workshop is in the E, be very careful when using sharp blades and metal objects, to avoid injuries. Wear steel toed boots, goggles and other safety gear when operating mechanical equipment or power tools. Practice safety first in all things, especially while driving.

Accidents and injuries, credit card fraud and identity theft, layoffs and lawsuits are also possible. Make sure you have sufficient auto insurance. Check your bank and credit card statements carefully. If you want to keep your job, keep your friends close and your frenemies closer. Don’t engage in anything NSFW. Read the fine print when signing contracts or making agreements. Get everything in writing and keep good financial records.

Be careful with your words, especially on social media or in social settings, even just to your Facebook “friends” or among your friend’s friends. Avoid confrontations and don’t engage with argumentative people. Don’t gossip, slander or say anything that might cause someone to file a defamation suit against you. Think before you speak and measure your words when you do open your mouth.

Because this divisive and inauspicious energy gets thrown like a knife in the back of the gua associated with health, people may experience some health challenges, especially with their feet/ankles, thyroid and liver, as well as, their teeth and respiratory system. Wear shoes when working around the house or yard. Do a gentle liver detox. Get your thyroid checked. Make sure you have medical insurance or savings to pay for emergency services. Also, be prepared to spend money at the dentist this year for your entire family, especially children.


With the 8 Mountain Earth visiting the SE, an abundance of wealth and good things arrives early and stays all year as a welcome guest. This is the most auspicious energy there is. And it’s visiting the area that holds the space for entrepreneurial success, wealth and travel, romance and prosperity.

Feng Shui for YOU!

This abundance energy brings good health, lots of money and happy relationships. You will have such an abundance of money, you will have more than you need and will be able to save and invest more than ever before.  Relationships flourish in times of prosperity. Because this energy can create workaholics and keep people really busy, be sure to make time for the people you love and get enough rest. Don't work so hard that you don't have time or are too tired for romance.

Because this abundant energy is in the “money tree” and entrepreneur gua, your money and your business will grow exponentially. This creative energy will provide you with ideas to grow your business in new directions or bigger that you ever imagined. Business opportunities will bring huge commissions. Businesses will enjoy record making profits.

Homes with doors that open into the SE usher in this energy every time occupants enter the home. A home office located in the SE provides very auspicious energy for occupants and their career or business. Eldest daughters will benefit the most from this energy, however, everyone can be blessed with this abundant energy by spending time in the SE, especially if this is your bedroom.


With the 4 Soft Wood energy visiting the S, love comes knocking. Answer the door and welcome love in! And as you do, you also invite in entrepreneurial success, academic achievement and unexpected windfalls.

Feng Shui for YOU!

If your front door happens to enter into the S, sparks will fly! You will surely fall in love or fall back in love this year. Passions will ignite and burn bright or be kindled and then snuffed out just as quickly. Set intentions to attract someone who shares your values and vision for a life together. Otherwise, you might attract a series of whirlwind romances instead.

Sleeping in the S will also bring your love to you in 2018. Make sure you spend time in this area if you want to find love. If you are happily married, set intentions to rekindle your romance and renew your commitment to your partner, fall back in love with your husband or wife and reignite the spark in your relationship and sex life.

This energy adds fuel to the fire. This combination especially benefits people in sales or business owners. It is especially auspicious if you have a home office in the S. Make the most of it by starting or growing a business. Write or publish a book. Launch your new program or product. Put yourself and your offerings out there.

This energy also brings Fame & Fortune to your life. Create a wall of fame in the S with all of your framed certificates, degrees, awards, etc. You could also, place your Vision Bagua here. If it’s fame or recognition you desire, think about what you want to be known for in your family, community, industry, social network or the world at large and write it down.

Fire Ceremony

Add 9 red candles or votives to the S this year. Light them once a day for a few minutes. Read your intentions or goals for the year out loud. Look at your Vision Bagua and feel what it would be like to be, do, have and experience that Ideal Life. Then, blow out the candles one by one as you say, “thank you” each time or feel gratitude.

The S is also an excellent area for everyone’s studies this year, especially for children doing their homework. It’s also a great area for reading and writing. Take advantage of this favorable energy for academic studies and creative writing. Writers and speakers, entrepreneurs and performers will do well in 2018.

A word of caution: If you tend to be prone to depression, have been suicidal or have any addictions, especially to drugs or alcohol, you may not want to sleep or spend too much time in the S this year.


When the 6 Hard Metal energy visits the SW energy, heaven comes to earth. Angels walk among us. Kings build their castle.  Queens are beloved by their court and kingdoms. Men return to their wives and mothers of their children. Women are swept off their feet by their prince charming and ride off into the sunset. Fairytale stories end with a happily ever after.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Enjoy this very favorable energy, especially for women and couples. Create your own little heaven on earth at home. Surround yourself with people you love, trust, respect and admire. Seek their wise counsel. Benefit from their experience and expertise. Think bigger for yourself and family. Upgrade your life to first class!

You will attract the help you need to bring your vision into reality. Rich, powerful and influential people will bring necessary resources to fund, support and encourage the fulfillment of your dreams. Opportunities to travel, meet VIPs and expand your business or carry your message internationally will fall effortlessly into your life. Seriously consider a job offer overseas.

Your work may keep you busy and make you overly tired. It may cause more stress, both mentally and physically and bring on tension headaches and heart palpitations. Make sure to schedule plenty of vacation time to reward yourself for your hard work. Honor your need for rest to restore your energy before fatigue sets in.

If you have a woman in your life that you love, remind her to take breaks, especially from screen time. Go for walks together. Help her with the housework and kids. Do the little things that make her feel loved, valued and supported. Instead of the grand gestures like taking her out to a fancy dinner for which she has to dress up, order in and spend quality time in each other’s company.

If you have a man in your life, and he brings home the bacon, make sure to express your appreciation in words and actions. Surprise him with a favorite meal when he gets home or a special dessert for after the kids have gone to bed. Do thoughtful things all day, like texts and notes, that make him feel loved and appreciated.

Front doors, bedrooms and offices in the SW will enhance the potential for unexpected gifts of money, acquisition of a dream car and travel for both business and pleasure. Attract some BIG money or help from a benefactor, investor or mentor this year by wearing crystals, diamonds, jewels, pearls and gold.


With the 2 Mother Earth visiting the W, health problems related to teeth and tummies may occur. Unexpected bills, financial setbacks that affect the quality of life and resulting arguments, may cause women, couples and children some extra stress. Expenses may include high dental and orthodontics bills for cavities, extractions and braces or other dental work.

Feng Shui for YOU!

REMEDY: METAL (50 lbs.)  Remove all bright lights, fire elements and red spectrum colors.

Keep this area dark and quiet.

Occupants sleeping in the W should move to another bedroom to protect their health. Use another entrance if your front door is in the W.

Be especially vigilant about taking care of your children’s health and well-being.  Feed them healthy foods. Make sure they get enough sunlight and fresh air and exercise. Remind them and help them with brushing their teeth am and pm. Get any dental work they might need done. Seek out the advice of health professionals to keep them well all year. Spend more time connecting with them one on one to support their mental and emotional health, as well.

Women will tend to continue to be more argumentative this year. Last year the argumentative energy was visiting the house of women all year. This year, the woman’s energy is visiting the argumentative gua. Expect more of the same from women all year. Avoid angry women who feel entitled to lash out verbally and try not to provoke the women in your life.


With the 1 Water visiting the NW, opportunity comes knocking. There is potential for the primary breadwinner to increase their income exponentially. Careers could take off. Business expansion to international markets could make this your year. First class travel abroad could be comped or you will be able to pay for the lifestyle upgrade yourself. Big purchases of a dream house or car could already be in the works.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Keep quiet. Do NOT do any digging or renovations in the Northwest this year.

Make sure to sit with your back supported by the Northwest (292.5° – 307.5°). Facing this sector of the NW gua will activate the potential to infuriate people in positions of power and authority over you and make your life or work very difficult, even impossible.

This amazing energy combination is like receiving a trophy.  It gives you the feeling of holding court and reigning supreme. Being king of the world. Having sovereignty, the power and authority in your own life. Being victorious in your every endeavor. Coming in first. Winning the prize.

This energy also brings transformation. Don’t be surprised if something happens in your career, business, life or relationships that changes for the better. Let this energy have its way with you. Go with it. Stop paddling upstream. Allow it to carry you along your life path with ease. Embark on your hero’s journey. Surrender to the process of self-discovery, self-reflection and self-actualization.

It’s a year to master your ability to listen. Get quiet. Be still. Listen to your own inner voice. When it comes to listening to others, really hear what is being said and left unsaid. Without interrupting. Without waiting just to get your opinion heard. He who has an ear, let him hear. Listen to the messages that you hear and take them to heart. They are for YOU!

Take action on the messages you receive. Follow your intuition. Conspire on your own behalf. Don’t be shy about promoting what you do and talking about what you have to offer. Negotiate and advocate for yourself.

Make sure your work does not interfere with your health and important relationships.  Self-care and proper rest will be vital to your success and well-being this year. Don’t let the work load disrupt what you need to maintain your inner peace. Schedule dates with your spouse or lover weekly. Don’t sacrifice who you are working for or lose sight of why you are working so hard to get ahead. Ask for the help you need. Don’t do it alone.

The Three Losses

The three losses include: a loss for the year, a loss of material possession and a loss of a life.

Never sit with your back to the 90-degree area of your home from 315° – 45°. These 90 degrees cover 2/3 of the NW gua, the entire N gua and half of the NE gua. Don’t spend too much time in these guas, if at all possible.

I recommend that you think about some things you are ready to let go of. Some extra weight, a broken-down car, a stressful job, a toxic relationship. Write them down and burn the paper, energetically releasing yourself from them. Instead of waiting until they are taken from you.  Let them go yourself with intention. Then, celebrate your losses.

Annual Remedies & Enhancements

Fire & Water

Feng shui consultants who provide annual remedies and enhancements that require Fire and Water elements without knowing the permanent energy of the house/building and personal energy of the people are unwise, and in my opinion, unethical.  I have seen first hand what happens when someone paints a wall red or turns a water fountain on and activates dormant negative energy or intensifies potential negative energy with disastrous results to their health, finances and relationships.

You never want to add Fire or Water to any area for the year that has not had the permanent energy feng shui’d first. Both Fire and Water activate, intensify and increase the permanent, annual and monthly energy. Some years, some auspicious annual energy cannot be enhanced because it would also enhance the permanent negative energy, instead of reducing it. Also, there are other guidelines, especially regarding water features, that need to be followed. Add Fire and Water elements or colors to your home, without a professional feng shui consultation, at your own risk.


Each year there are always two guas that need the Metal remedy. These areas change every year and this annual feng shui blog provides information about where everyone needs metal for the year. The proper placement and weight of metal remedies and removal of all Fire elements and colors protects people’s health and keeps them safe. The only personal elements that might not do well with that much metal in their home, especially their bedroom or home office, are Hard Wood and Soft Wood elements. In that case, they should use metal colors like white and gray instead. Please, remember to take your own personal energy into consideration and honor YOU when feng shui’ing your space.

Wood & Earth

Plants and crystals are good feng shui. They bring high vibes and good chi to your space. And there are lots of areas in your home to place them for the year ahead. Certain guas and personal elements will benefit greatly from wood and earth remedies and enhancements. It’s important to clear your crystals weekly and take really good care of your indoor plants with water, sunlight and plant food.

2018 annual remedies and enhancements for your home need to be customized for your home’s permanent energy and the personal energy of your family. The only way to do that is with a compass reading and energy blueprints prepared by a feng shui consultant with expertise in the Flying Stars school. To enhance the auspicious areas (Center, S, SE, SW & NW) and reduce the inauspicious areas (N, NE, E & W) for 2018, you need to get feng shui’d first.

Want to know how to minimize and neutralize the inauspicious energy with remedies and maximize the auspicious energy by enhancing them this year?  Book your Virtual Feng Shui Consultation and get feng shui’d! Or, for the annual remedies and enhancements for your feng shui’d home, order your 2018 Annual Energy Update.


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


True Shui


Western Feng Shui