The End of Tribalism

T8E Blog - The End of Tribalism

Out of the Tribe and Into the Collective

As we come to the end of the Mountain Earth 20-year cycle and shift into a new Fire element era, tribalism will be replaced with collectivism. And just as there are both positive and negative presentations of tribalism in society, there are both unifying and conforming expressions of collectivism. Unfortunately, the persistently self-righteous othering that results from the most prevalent type of tribalism we’re seeing today, leads to chasms of division that tend to initiate the great equalizer of the state owning everything and everyone owning nothing…and of course, being happy.

Tribalism is one of two relationship dynamics associated with the Mountain Earth element. Mountain Earth elements tend to build tribes around an area of interest or identity. People of like mind or shared values support each other, join a cause to raise awareness or engage in what they hope will lead to legislation-changing activism.

According to the dictionary definition, tribalism is a way to organize a group of people. The derogatory meaning involves certain behaviors and attitudes that come from belonging to and having a strong loyalty to a certain social group. And according to Wikipedia, in a negative connotation and political context, tribalism can include discriminatory behaviors or attitudes towards out-groups, anyone outside of the tribe. Examples of this are racism and sexism, liberalism and conservatism.

We’ve seen that communities will form and allies will circle the wagons around these various groups to protect them from being triggered, misgendered or insulted. They’ve given themselves names with acronyms like LGBTQ+, BLM or BIPOC. Feminists, people of color, gender dysphoric and homosexuals use their minority, marginalized or victim status to demand special treatment in society.

There have been evolutionary advantages to tribalism. Tribes would come together to fight a mutual enemy. Tribe members would pool and share their resources to survive war, famine or natural disasters.

Often, tribes are associated with small groups of ancient hunter-gathers or the lifestyles of some indigenous people that still live in remote areas of the world. For Mountain Earth elements, their tribe is an extension of their family, like the kin folk of a clan. But instead of having a common ancestor, their tribe forms in a geographical location or gathers around a certain group of ideas.

Having a strong tribe can be highly supportive, even essential to surviving modern day life. Unlike Soft Metal’s social network and circles of friends that provide contacts and camaraderie, the tribe provides physical support, in real life and in real time. Members of the tribe perform generous acts of service. They actually show up to clean the house, mow the lawn, make the meal, hold the baby, etc.

The tribe is also distinguished from Soft Metal’s insistence that “it takes a village”. Unlike the village that is structured by the power dynamics of hierarchies and ordered by bureaucratic rules and regulations, the tribe operates outside of the control system. They are the original gangsters. The tribe’s members don’t wait for requests from their tribesmen or tribeswomen for help or permission from authorities to take action. There is fair trade but reciprocity is not set or managed by some governing body or oversight committee.

Many of the tribal communities today are not centered around ancestry or ethnicity, cultural traditions or religious practices. Nor are there any social hierarchies based on political ambitions, educational degrees or economic status. Instead, individuals from all walks of life form strong bonds through shared views, values and lived experience.

What’s still relevant for modern tribalism is their purpose for coming together. They find each other to ensure their own and each other’s survival. And in a world of increasingly unlawful detainment, discrimination and denial of human rights, having a tribe is vital to maintaining personal freedom and individual liberty for all.

But as we’ve seen in the last two decades, especially with political tribalism, groups can develop some myopic narrow-mindedness, blind spots in their world view and selective awareness in their experience of reality. They lack the ability to see outside the boundaries of the little box they live in, whether that’s their political affiliation, religious belief system, national patriotism, or secular world views with a God complex like we see in academia, allopathic medicine, intelligence agencies and the military industrial complex.

Like the devouring mother, we know the left eats their own; but the right is no better. What’s been interesting to watch is how the right is splintering like the branches of Protestantism, when groups leaving the Lutheran church over very subtle theological differences established many of their own separate denominations. Petty offenses and minor disagreements are widening the gap between political conservatives who share the same values but have different ideas about how to conserve and honor them.

A recent example is a conservative political commentator getting butt hurt when singer-songwriter, Oliver Anthony clarified that the rich men north of Richmond weren’t just the bad actor in the White House or the Democrats in D.C., but all of the political elite in power, including congressional Republicans, not just the RINOs. He said the song was about every candidate on the stage of the Republican presidential debate and all of the politicians that registered Republicans keep voting into office to “represent” them.

Politics is a game you have to play to win. And political conservatives understand that politics is downstream from culture. So, they’ve made it their mission to fight the left and win the culture war. Although, at this point, any lost ground they might succeed at taking back is far too little and way too late. But at the same time, they’ll criticize anyone who won’t pick a side, attacking non-political conservatives and accusing anyone who refuses to participate in the political system by voting like a good citizen, as divisive.

You could say that the left and right are warring blue and red tribes. Because, as the saying goes, “you’re either with us or you’re against us”. It’s not enough to not be a racist. You have to prove you’re an anti-racist, even if that means expressing self-hatred and demonizing your own race. It’s not enough to be not woke. The self-righteous would have you believe that to be in the fight and beat the left, you have to demonstrate being anti-woke. You can’t just be a sane person with common sense and not buy into people’s crazy, false, harmful or interesting points of view. Like the left, you have to take up an offense for others and defend the members of the alphabet communities from micro aggressions. You can’t just defend your own and other people’s basic human rights to life and liberty. Like the right, you have to go on the offensive and beat the left at their own game.

So, while the right is dividing and defeating themselves, the left is imploding. Their own ideologies that sprang up from disproven and unscientific theories contradict themselves. Somehow they are both allergic and immune to facts. Because if you question their false ideas you are accused of being racist or sexist or having some kind of phobia. Gender is a social construct and there are dozens of them, but when you schedule your gender affirming surgery you are given two choices, male or female hormones, facial features, body parts and sex organs. Men don’t have a uterus, so therefore they don’t get to have an opinion on abortion. But a man can be woman, get a period, give birth and breastfeed. 2 + 2 can equal 5 or whatever you feel like it equals on any given day of the week, because like ambition, discipline and punctuality, math is racist. Apparently, repeatedly showing up late for work is not laziness, a lack of character or irresponsible behavior, it’s just this new phenomena that Gen Z suffers from called, time blindness.

Another example of tribalism in modern times are the accredited schools in academia that dictate and control admissions, curriculum, grades, degrees, certifications and licenses. Just ask Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, who built his entire career on his advanced degrees from accredited universities only for the same governing body to require his re-education in order to retain his psychology license. Like a maniacal dictator, they can withhold the renewal of his license on ethical grounds because, apparently his tweets are insensitive.

These same higher educational institutions control information by deciding what the truth is and who receives and retains their credentials. They set the standard and discredit anything they deem pseudo, conspiracy, biased or anecdotal. Then, when the people who complete this extensive mind control programming, graduate and get certified by their handlers or receive their diplomas and accompanying honorific titles, they are granted the privilege of claiming the high status of being an expert or authority on the subject they majored or specialized in. They open a practice, apply for research grants, conduct studies for their financial backers, donors and sponsors, publish papers and books and get interviewed as the guest expert on legacy media. And if you question or disagree with any of these highly educated (thoroughly indoctrinated) experts with letters tacked on before or after their names, you’re a plebeian, a commoner with a completely worthless, obviously wrong, uneducated opinion, who didn’t go to school or get an advanced degree, and therefore has no authority to even speak on any subject ever.

“You know nothing, John Snow.” ~ Ygritte

Don’t think for yourself or anything. Turn to the experts and let them tell you what to think. That’s what authorities, accredited by the institutions and licensed by the state are for. Thinking done for you.

The inhabitants of the ivory towers are protected from the peasant’s ignorance by their tenure and peers. Tenure means that after a probationary period, professors are guaranteed permanent employment and can’t be fired or asked to resign. Peer reviewed just means that other people brainwashed by the same system read the published papers as a from of mutually assured approval and perpetual confirmation bias.

Then, there’s the cult of cut, burn and poison, otherwise known as the medical system. Like a positively polarized tribe, natural health practitioners operate outside of the bounds of this gargantuan Goliath of indoctrinated and trained, credentialed and licensed medical professionals. And instead of trying to take down this giant with a single hit to the seat of inner vision, natural healers help the members of their tribe who were damaged by the side effects of toxic and addictive medications and the poisonous injections of BIG pHARMya and the surgeries that deprived them of their vital organs, as well as, those who are committed to honoring their body’s needs with a holistic approach that does no harm. But because the medical scam is the current cult in power, anyone who shares their lived experience or anecdotal evidence or makes a recommendation other than a board certified medical doctor’s advice or opinion, labs and tests, diagnosis and prognosis, prescription drugs and major surgeries, radiation and other medical treatments, has to include a medical disclaimer.

One of the most egregious aspects of the negatively polarized expression of tribalism is the protection of the perpetrators of excessive control and psychopathic manipulation, violence and every kind of abuse. This dysfunctional dynamic within tribes means that not only will the most vulnerable and defenseless members be harmed and abused, but they will have no recourse. If they are rescued or able to escape, they are now isolated from their family and excluded by their community. Examples of this are cult-like religions, especially fundamentalist and high demand religions, woke and trans activist groups, cults and secret societies, mobs and cartels, mafia and elite families, political organizations and government agencies, police departments and the military.

The coming shift toward collectivism will move humanity away from tribalism, centered around their own self-interests - a social issue, religious doctrine or political ideology. Collectivism is required for humans to survive, not as groups of diverse tribes but as a collective of fellow humans, planetary residents and global citizens. Humanity must overthrow the evil overlords who invaded and hijacked Earth, colonized and enslaved humanity and have been terraforming and depopulating the planet. They must refuse to accept the globalist’s transhuman agenda or they will cease to exist.

Collectivism has been predicted for millennia to show up in a variety of ways. New agers believe in some kind of solar flash that will wake people up from their amnesiac sleep and raise their consciousness in an instant. Christians believe there will be a glorious rapture, when the saints will meet their lord in the sky and the souls who have not repented of their sins will be cast into the lake of fire, to burn in hell for eternity. The biblical book of Revelation prophecies about a coming apocalypse in which the truth will be uncovered and revealed. Truthers call this stage of human evolution, the “Great Awakening”. And the globalists are trying to destroy the world so they can “build back better” in their collectivist Great Reset.

Where we go one, we go all.

~ Q

The problem with collectivism is that an individual’s free will becomes an operational hazard, jeopardizing the success of “mission impossible”. The “plan to save the world” gets indefinitely delayed, waiting for the lowest common denominator to wake the fuck up and get on board. And human rights and personal freedom get suspended to serve the interests of “the greater good”.

All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.

~ Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers

In addition to the collective, another dynamic associated with the Fire element is the sun and its constellation of eight celestial bodies in perpetual orbit. This dynamic is much like a guru and their throngs of cult-like followers or a celebrity and their stadium of adoring fans. Fire element, Donald Trump, host of Celebrity Apprentice and, as he likes to boast, the most popular president, has this star quality, celebrity status and the millions of devoted supporters to go with his fame and fortune.

In fact, one of the best examples of a star’s fanatical followers are the loyal Trumpsters, who support, defend and have become apologists for Donald J. Trump. Even though he locked the country down, put Americans on house arrest, continues to take credit for the death sentence that was the use of ventilators in hospitals and launched Operation Warp Speed, the DOD bioweapon during his administration, he can do no wrong in the eyes of his MAGA voter base. And they have all of the rationalizations to explain away why this intent not just to harm but to kill millions of people was actually a good thing, the lesser of two evils, necessary to open the country back up as quickly as possible, my favorite - “for optics”, the most evil - an easy way for the stupid people to eliminate themselves or some other such nonsense that leaves their lord and savior’s perfect record unblemished by his obvious and unpardonable crimes against humanity.

Of course, collectivism can and has in the recent past, devolved into communism. Communism removes the right to private property and does away with social classes. Children are raised by the state and adults are treated like slave labor. People own nothing and are dependent on their beloved dictator for everything, much like the multitudes of bodies orbiting a single star.

Communism always has some dictator, the most notorious of which killed hundreds of millions of people in the last century. And yet the socialists insist that even though communism never ends well for the “workers of the world”, it just hasn’t been done the right way by the right people…yet. And when I ask millennials to share what they like about communism, they don’t describe government housing and prison camps, bread lines and death by firing squad or starvation, they describe an egalitarian utopia.

“Nine companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.”

~ Elrond

This new era will be defined by the Fellowship of the Ring. Whether they be comrades or compatriots, congregations of saints or clubs of sinners, will depend on the consciousness of the collective. Whether we’ll see a rise in spiritual gurus and religious saviors and their fanatical followers or communist dictators over global citizens, stripped of their human rights, is still unknown.

My hope is that people will put aside their tribal differences and see each other, not as their enemies, but as fellow humans. That the light in each soul recognizes and honors the light in every other soul. And that our collective consciousness will set us free, not just to live in the Garden of Eden that is Earth, but free to explore our solar system and the constellations of stars beyond this realm.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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