Winds of Prosperity

T8E Blog - Winds of Prosperity

Wealth & Prosperity for The 8 Elements

Soft Wood is associated with the Life Center of Wealth & Prosperity. And it’s represented in nature by the “persistent wind”. So, Soft Wood element years can bring not just the winds of change, but also the winds of prosperity.

Wealth is not just having more than enough the money to live well. It’s being debt free and having savings. It’s owning assets like homes, land, rental properties and other real estate investments. It’s having gold, silver and other precious metals in your possession in the form of coins or jewelry.

Prosperity is less tangible and more emotional than wealth. Being prosperous is the feeling you have when you can easily take really good care of yourself and your family. You have the financial freedom to confidently live your life your way, on your time. You can move fast like the wind or take the time to move slowly through life, the way a soft breeze meanders through the trees. You are no longer just surviving month to month, week to week or day to day, but thriving, always.

Much of the focus over the last twenty years has been directed toward making a mountain of money and spending it on material things. People hoped having money and the things it can buy would make them happy and fulfilled. But there are some things that money cannot buy. That’s where prosperity comes in.

The word prosper comes from the Latin prosperare, meaning, ‘doing well’. To prosper you are well-to do and well off but you also have wellness and wellbeing. Many wealthy people have more money than they can spend in a lifetime, but without their health and a family to share it with, it’s just something to take care of so that it will take care of them when they’re sick or old.

You can work on your business marketing and money mindset, but until you FEEL prosperous you won’t be a vibrational match to the prosperity you’re intending to have. This is because prosperity is not about profit margins, bottom lines and net worth. It’s about feeling as though you are flourishing. Prosperous feelings can be felt by taking a walk on the beach at sunset, savoring the flavors of a meal made with love and farm fresh ingredients, working in a well-appointed office with a beautiful view or climbing into a well made, soft, comfortable bed at night after a pleasant or productive day.

Soft Wood is one of two emotional elements. So, just as health and family relationships are related to our emotions, how prosperous we feel is also related to the emotions we’re experiencing the most often. If we’re feeling depressed and blue or stressed and worried, we’re less likely to feel the emotions connected with prosperity.

If you’d like to harness the “winds of prosperity” this year, there are some things you can do, not just to get wealthy, but to feel prosperous, even when your funds are running low. And making feeling prosperous a priority can, in turn, help you manifest more money, attract more clients or customers, find a better paying position you’re good at and really enjoy and become more financially successful.

Money Blocks

One of the biggest money blocks to receiving the abundance you desire is how you think and FEEl about money. If you feel like money is dirty, you’ll probably repel it. If you think there’s a limited amount of money available to you, you’ll probably set an energetic cap on your income and restrict the amount of money you allow yourself to make or have at any given time. If you think that money doesn’t just grow on trees, as a renewal resource, you’ll probably be afraid to spend the money you have and be obsessed with hoarding and saving it. Or, if you think rich people are evil and greedy, you’ll probably spend any money you do get so you never give yourself the opportunity to build wealth.

My money block is an energetic one. Money, at least the U.S. dollar, is a worthless fiat currency. The collective have agreed to give green paper bills value even though they are printed at will and are backed by nothing but promises. But the reality is, whether it’s cash in your wallet or digital numbers on a screen in your online banking app, this legal tender is actually just Monopoly money. It has no real value because it’s not backed by a hard asset or commodity. So, for me it’s been very difficult to be a vibrational match to dollars because they don’t have an energetic frequency I can resonate with. It’s just a bunch of dead presidents.

Intention Setting

Handwritten intentions are powerful. Similar to the power of writing down your goals, writing your intentions moves the energy out of your head and heart and into the world where they can breathe and you can review and examine them to make sure they're still what you really intend and desire.

Money Story

Write about your money story. Think about what your relationship to money is or has been and what you’d like it to be. Determine what your money blocks are. Figure out what your self-imposed income cap is and what you’re doing to sabotage you’re ability to break that glass ceiling. Make a list of things you can do to bring more money in. And then write down how you’d like to spend your money.

Money Qs

  • Do you make enough to pay your bills on time?

  • Do you live within your means?

  • Do you have high interest revolving credit card debt?

  • Do you have a budget that you keep to or are you winging it every month?

  • Do you automatically save a percentage of your income as soon as you get paid?

  • Do you transfer money into a saving account only after you’ve paid all of your bills?

  • Do you occasionally save only when you feel like you have extra?

  • Are you saving up for something specific like the downpayment on a house or a new car, international travel, a vacation, college tuition or a wedding?

  • Are you saving for emergencies?

  • Are you saving for retirement?

Life Scripting is a way to write about your Ideal Life. Instead of writing about what is currently going on in your life, write detailed descriptions of your ideal life. Your future life. The life you are in the process of creating and manifesting NOW!

Select an aspect or area of your life. Then, write about it as if it were already true for you. Express your appreciation and write about how you feel being, doing or having that manifestation in your life.

Prosperity Journaling

Think about some of the things you enjoy doing that make you feel prosperous. It could be as simple as drinking your coffee or tea out of a beautiful cup in the morning. Or, writing in your journal each day with a pen that feels really good in your hand. Make a list or just write about the things you do and brainstorm the things you could start doing on a daily basis or at least more often to make you feel prosperous.


Journaling daily, weekly or even periodically is a great way to keep a record of your life. It's also a good way to express your feelings, process your emotions and examine your thoughts. Sometimes you don't know what you think until you are inspired to write about it. Other types of journaling are writing down what you are grateful for or have dreamed about. Keep personal, gratitude and dream journals by your bed.

Money Mindset

Like attracts like. So, to attract more money and be wealthy you need to feel prosperous. Visualizations and meditations can assist you with the manifestation process because they help you conjure up the feelings you need to be a vibrational match to an abundance of a generous monthly income, increased cash flow and the influx of other needed resources into your life. Asking questions and making statements can also help interrupt patterned or cyclical negative thinking and shift your mindset.

Afformations are a concept introduced by self-help author and speaker, Noah St. John. The term "Afformations" is a combination of "affirmations" and "questions." Essentially, Afformations are positive empowering questions that we ask ourselves, designed to shift our focus and mindset in a more constructive direction.

Unlike traditional affirmations, which assert positive statements in the present tense (e.g., "I am confident" or "I am successful"), Afformations are phrased as questions that presuppose a positive outcome or attribute. By posing these questions to ourselves, we direct our subconscious mind to seek answers and evidence that support the presupposed positive reality. This process helps reprogram our thought patterns, override limiting beliefs, and promote a more optimistic and growth-oriented mindset, ultimately leading to personal transformation and success.

~ from The Ultimate Guide to Affirmations

Manifestation Methods

Not all manifestation methods work well for everyone. Some people are really good at visualizing what they desire. Others are better at using positive affirmations or afformations. Still others prefer to discover and explore their intentions with life scripting or zero in on manifesting something specific or immediate with the 55X5 method. To customize your manifestation practice even more you might consider doing the techniques that resonate the most with your personal feng shui element.

55 X 5 is a Law of Attraction manifestation method that involves handwriting your goal or wish, dream or desire 55 times each day for 5 days in a row. Select a college ruled notebook and comfortable gel ink pen for this daily writing ritual. Create a simple, single sentence that describes how you feel now that you have the desire you are intending to manifest. Add this to your morning or evening ritual Monday through Friday each week.

Manifesting for the Five Elements

Each of the Five Elements have different ways of manifesting that may work better for their personal energy. Wood elements like to use manifestationmethods that require them to write their intentions and desires with pen and paper. Fire elements can use rituals, meditations and mantras to manifest. Earth elements can use the sexual energy of orgasms and manifestation altars with crystals, cards and candles to manifest. Metal elements like to use positive affirmations and map out a plan in their minds to manifest. Water elements can use intention, visualization and their energy frequency to manifest.

Project 3-6-9 is a manifestation method that involves more frequency and less repetition than the 55 X 5 method. Create a written affirmation that claims what you are desiring to manifest. Include lots of feeling words and make it 17 seconds long when you read it aloud. Then, write it out 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the middle of the day and 9 times at night or before bed. Bonus points if you can feel the high vibe emotions as if it were your current reality. Continue writing them each day until what you desire manifests.

Maximizing Manifestation

One of the other ways we can customize the manifestation methods for the personal elements is to take into consideration their primary human expression. When you know that your element is more physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually focused, you can honor your energy, utilize your strengths and maximize your manifestation. Then, the process of manifestation can not only be more successful but more effortless and enjoyable for you.

If you don’t know what your personal feng shui element, you can discover your element with The 8 Elements Chart.


Earth elements are doers. They like taking massive and immediate or inspired action.

For the Doers: What would you DO if you knew you could not fail? Dream BIG! Describe your most ambitious, amazingly successful and personally satisfying goal. Write your "I do..." list. Then, go make it happen. Take action and produce the results.


Metal elements are thinkers. They are excellent at creating a masterful plan, executing it and using mind over matter to manifest.

For the Thinkers: What could you manifest if you put your mind to it? Let your imagination run wild. Describe what you will think into existence. Write your "I create…" list. Then, think and grow rich! Use the power of your mind to bring what your desire into your reality.


Wood elements are feelers. They prefer to use their emotional guidance system to manifest.

For the Feelers: How do you desire to feel? Get into the feeling space of it. Describe how you would like to feel about yourself and your accomplishments. Write your "I feel…" list. Then, do the things that make you feel the way you desire to feel. Choose to stop doing the things that don’t make you feel your desired feelings.

Place your manifestation journal under a large citrine point or cluster to activate and accelerate your manifestations.


Water and Fire elements resonate with being. They are ever present, aware, conscious, connected, intuitive.

For the Beings: Who will you need to BE to experience and enjoy your Ideal Life? Describe who YOU are and would like to BE. Write your "I am…" list. Then, visualize those ways of being. Choose to BE who you intend to be and embody all of those qualities more fully.

Manifesting for The 8 Elements

An abundance of wealth and prosperity can be depicted in a variety of ways. Once you find a symbol or metaphor to represent what wealth and prosperity mean to you, you can use that image in your visualizations, journaling, meditations and affirmations. You can also place figurines, art and manifestation alters in your personal element’s Wealth & Success area.

To determine your personal element’s Wealth & Success direction, download the free Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your element.


Water ebbs and flows. It springs up from the mountains and rain falls down to the earth. It moves steadily downstream and out to sea.

The words associated with money, like banks and currency, cash flow, streams of income and liquid assets are also associated with the element of water. Rivers have banks and currents. Streams of water flow and pool.

Water elements can have lucrative careers. They can be successful solopreneurs. They can create multiple streams of passive income. They can keep the cash flowing by moving funds and outflowing money into other people’s lives and businesses.

Water elements can visualize floating in a lazy river, full to overflowing with whatever the currency of their country is. They can envision the rain falling, every drop a gold or silver coin. They can see multiple streams of income flow into their wallet or bank accounts.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Water element, I like to place a moving water picture in my personal Wealth & Success area of my home.

Mother Earth

Mother Earth is the fertile soil that is cultivated to grow food, herbs, trees and flowers. The soft, dark earth that is enriched with life giving nutrients. It provides the foundation and sustenance for all life to grow and thrive.

Mother Earth elements can sell physical products. They can do manual labor like farming, animal husbandry, construction or homesteading. They can use their bodies to make a living as a fitness instructor, dance teacher or massage therapist.

Mother Earth elements can create crystal grids for their manifestation. They can write their intentions on a piece of paper and plant them in pot of soil or in the garden like a seed. Or, they can write words they associate with wealth and prosperity on smooth stones to place outside in the flower beds.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Mother element, you may want place crystals in the Wealth & Success area of your home or property.

Hard Wood

Hard Wood is every living green tree or plant, flower and herb, except for evergreens. It’s the food that sustains life, the medicinal herbs that heal and the flora that makes the Earth so beautiful. It’s that garden of life that provides everything humans need to be well fed and live a healthy life. Unlike paper, that is made from softwood, paper bills are made from a blend of cotton and linen, which are hardwood plants.

Hard Wood elements can own and operate a family business. They can care for the little ones. They can be homemakers, cooking and cleaning, sewing and baking, interior designing and season or holiday decorating. They may like financially supporting or gifting money to members of their family.

Hard Wood elements can be major breadwinners, make lots of dough and “get that bread”. They can think of money as plentiful, as if greenback dollars are the multitudes of leaves on deciduous trees. They can envision themselves picking money off the trees in their orchard or garden, like harvesting fruit and nuts, or picking up fallen autumnal leaves off the ground and collecting them into baskets.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Hard Wood element, you may want to place a living green plant or tree or lighted, crystal or gem tree in the Wealth & Success area of your home.

Soft Wood

Soft Wood is the evergreens in ancient forests. It’s the winds of prosperity that move through the air in streams and swirls. It’s the tree of everlasting life in the Garden of Eden.

Soft Wood elements can have profitable businesses and live prosperous lives. They may like working with a team of equals or coach a team sport. They can be awarded grants or scholarships They can be given seed money and investment capital to start a business. They may like re-investing their profits back into their businesses.

Soft Wood elements can manifest windfalls and unexpected checks in the mail. They can live life “in clover”. They can think of money as a renewable resource like money that grows on trees. They can envision the wind blowing from the four corner of the earth bringing them all of the money they need to flourish and thrive.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Soft Wood element, you may want to place an evergreen tree or lighted, crystal or gem tree in the Wealth & Success area of your home.

Hard Metal

Hard Metal is the utilitarian metals that are used to make tools and weapons, bridges and buildings and all forms of transportation. It’s the hard assets, commodities and natural resources that have intrinsic value. It’s the rainbow currency, backed by precious metals, that will replace the fiat currencies in the coming global financial reset.

Hard Metal elements can be presidents, CEOs or on the board of global corporations. They can own international businesses. They can be world leaders or mentor VIPs and other great leaders. They can work as stock brokers, investment consultants and financial advisors or travel agents and travel guides.

Hard Metal elements can receive pennies from heaven. They can be the beneficiaries of wills and trust funds, stock shares and bonds. They can receive inheritances, life insurance payouts and investment dividends. They may like investing in hard assets like gold and silver or have a large collection of cars, private jets or yachts.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Hard Metal element, you may want to place a Wealth Bowl, gold and silver in a safe or symbols of what wealth means to you in the Wealth & Success area of your home.

Soft Metal

Soft Metal is all the precious metals, like gold and silver. It’s the coins that used to be used as currency. It’s also all the digital and crypto currencies.

Soft Metal elements can be storytellers, speech therapists and creative writing or art teachers. They may like to use their mouth to make a living, singing, or commentating, teaching lessons or giving lectures and motivational speeches. They use their imagination, artistry and creativity to make money.

Soft Metal elements can be cashed outside. They may like being paid in cryptos or buying cryptos. They may like buying gold and silver and displaying the coin collection. They may like wearing gold and sterling silver jewelry, watches or accessories.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Soft Metal element, you may want to place your gold and silver coin collection or jewelry in the Wealth & Success area of your home.

Mountain Earth

Mountain Earth is a treasure trove of utilitarian and precious metals and essential minerals. It’s a cave of wonders, veined with gold and studded with hidden jewels. It’s a storehouse of natural resources. It’s the salt of the earth. Roman soldiers, worth their salt, were given a salary, meaning they were paid in salt, a valuable mineral that is essential to life.

Mountain Earth elements can sell physical products. They can prospect for gold and gems or customers and business builders. They can be an athletes, working in professional sports, or do some other kind of physical labor. They might like to work with their hands. They can use their bodies to make a living as a sex worker, dancer or actor.

Mountain Earth elements can live an abundantly wealthy life. They can hoard money like dwarves hoard gold. They can amass a mountain of gold that will set them up for life. They may like buying land, investing in real estate and managing vacation rentals.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Mountain Earth element, you may want to place your manifestation altar in the Wealth & Success area of your home.


Fire is the divine spark of Source. The sun that lights the day and illuminates the moon at night. The stars that sparkle from a distance in the dark sky. The fire that makes hot meals and keeps homes warm.

Fire elements can become rich and famous. They can perform as a celebrity in the entertainment industry or preach as a priest or pastor in the ministry. They can be the star of the show and main attraction. Or, they can be the event planner or manage large gatherings of people. They can reach the top of the pyramid in religions, secret societies and network marketing companies.

Fire elements can live a blessed life. They can make some quick cash as a flash in the pan or one hit wonder. Or, they can make the big bucks and maintain their reputation as a world famous star with a throng of fanatic followers.

Feng Shui for YOU! As a Fire element, you may want to place a pyramid shaped orgonite or light a red candle in the Wealth & Success area of your home.

Share in the comments below your favorite manifestation method or technique for feeling wealthy and prosperous.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Feng Shui for Wealth


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