The End of Neutrality

T8E Blog - The End of Neutrality

Leaving the Middle Ground to Take a Stand

The Neutral Zone

As we near the end of the Mountain Earth 20-year cycle, people will begin to move out of the neutral zone. They will emerge from their hiding places. And they will take a stand for the truth. 
No longer will they be able to claim to be more spiritual or evolved than others because of their self-righteous "non-judgment". No longer will their "anything goes" approach be praised as virtuous. No longer will their tolerance of pure evil be celebrated as the ally's badge of honor. No longer will their inclusivity (of children at drag shows) be recognized as the expected behavior of a "good human". No longer will their normalization of transgenderism grant them entry into the clown world of progressivism. 
Being neutral doesn't make you conscious. It makes you a coward.
~ Dara Eden
It's not that you'll have to pick a side. The right side or the left side of the culture war or political theater. The right side or the wrong side of history. Only that you take a stand for truth. For liberty and justice for all. 
And to do that you have to be willing to know the truth, no matter how difficult it is. Because once you know the truth, you can't unknow it. You can't put your head back in the sand. You can't pretend evil is not present on this planet. You can't decide doing something about evil is someone else's problem. 
If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
~ Desmond Tutu
You won’t be able to remain neutral anymore. You won’t be able to appear to be accepting of everyone and approving of everything. You won’t be able to stay on the fence or in the middle ground, stuck at the level of neutrality that vibrates at the frequency of 250. You’ll have to be willing to judge people and their actions and the consequences of their choices. You’ll have to be willing to take a stand against evil and say “no” to tyranny. You’ll have to consent no more.
The Mountain Earth element likes to maintain a state of balance between the contrast of extreme opposites. Yin and yang. Masculine and feminine. Good and evil. Right and wrong. Like the infinity symbol and figure 8, they prefer to stay in the middle between the loops extending out to the sides or up and down. They like to stay at a comfortable, climate controlled, tepid room temperature. They will not get hot enough to cook anything or cold enough to keep something from spoiling.
So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:16
People who seek the truth are not afraid to see what is really going on - the good, the bad and the ugly. They find and know the truth no matter how grotesque and gruesome, disappointing and heart wrenching. They don't stand only in the light or hide away in the dark. Nor do they try to remain neutral. They choose to know, to be aware and to see the current state of affairs with their eyes wide open.
Because like Source, the Truth sees it all for what it is. Like the Tree of the Knowledge, the Truth knows both the good and the evil. Like the tai chi symbol, the Truth encompasses both the yin and the yang. Like the enlightened being who has integrated their shadow, the Truth contains the light and the dark. 
It's knowing the Truth that will set us free. Not a lack of discernment or judgment. 
This attachment to the neutrality of Switzerland during the spiritual and psychological war being waged on Earth, has shown up in other ways over the past two decades. It's even extended into fashion and beauty, interior design and home decor and personal style and aesthetics. But most critically, it's normalized this false notion of a non-binary. 

The Neutral Aesthetic

Ever notice how everyone and everything is some shade of boring beige? They like to call their personal aesthetic or home decor, neutral. It's all some barely there Earth color or in the buff skin tone from porcelain to tan. Even the makeup with all the contouring, bronzers and nude lips are neutral. And the hair color treatments are a cascading ombre of neutrals from chocolate browns to blonde highlights. 
This is a very Earthy color scheme. Earth is represented by yellow, terracotta and every shade of brown from espresso to sand. And every shade of the humanity from every continent on Earth. 
As a Feng Shui consultant, I agree that neutral walls tend to be the best choice. They provide a blank canvas for art and decor to be featured and better appreciated. But when everything is a neutral color an imbalance of the Five Elements is created in living spaces and working environments. 
It's the cookie cutter track homes with all neutral wall colors, flooring and window coverings. It's the YouTuber's all white kitchens with granite, marble or concrete countertops. It's the all neutral Pinterest boards and interior designers' muted inspiration boards.
And then there's the monochromatic neutral on neutral fashion trends. Everyone looks like their favorite coffee drink, a walking latte, cappuccino or café au lait. They mix and match the earthy tones of bisque and beige, the warm tones of caramel and toffee, the light tones of cream, ecru and oatmeal, accented only by the pale tones of some blush pinks.  
The closer we get to the new Fire element cycle beginning in 2024, the more people will begin to put a little more color back into their life, their home and their personal complexion and appearance. They'll add some vibrant colors to their home decor, especial red spectrum colors. They'll leave their neutrals behind and embrace the colors that give them life. They'll add more color to their faces, especially rosier tones on the cheeks and lips. And they'll play up their eyes for a bolder, more colorful, look.  

The Non-Binary

If a person were to say they have access to both their yin and yang energy, I would say they've achieved a higher level of consciousness. Because that's what's true about who we are. We are complete within ourselves because of the sacred union of the masculine and feminine. 
We know that some women have more prominent yang energy and some men have excessive yin energy. Psychologist might call them masculine women and effeminate men and chalk it up to their personality traits. But those of us who study personal energy know that people’s predominant yin or yang energy is greatly influenced by their personal feng shui element.
And there's wide variety of presentations and personal expressions. A man who presents as very masculine can still have a predominantly yin personal energy. And a woman with a lot of yang energy can choose to present herself in feminine ways.
But what's been put forward is the gender theory that there are people who are neither male or female. They might be gender fluid, gender non-conforming or just gender confused. Or even worse is the promotion of the gender dysphoria of people who identify as the opposite sex to their body's biology. Thus, the emergence of gender neutral bathrooms and the invasion of biological men into what used to be single sex spaces, like women's locker rooms and prisons.
Claiming to be non-binary is the most extreme presentation of Mountain Earth's obsession with being neutral. This rejection of maleness or femaleness perfectly demonstrates their unwillingness to take a position. And it reveals their refusal to be honest with themselves and others about the truth of who they are.
Anyone who has studied human biology knows that sex is male or female. Sex is not assigned at birth. Sex is biological fact, based on XY or XX chromosomes. And sex cannot be changed with medical interventions, pharmaceuticals, fashion, hair styles, makeup, preferred pronouns or legal name changes.
And anyone who has studied computer science knows that the binary code is based on a two-symbol number system of 1s and 0s. The binary is a scientific fact. Other binary codes are Braille's raised and flattened dots, Morse code's dots and dashes and feng shui's bagua of yin (broken) and yang (unbroken) lines. 
It remains to be seen if the irreversible damage that's been done is extinction level. Humanity may not be able to overcome the harm that's been done to children through puberty blockers and sterilization and the steadily declining human sexuality, fertility and reproduction. With low birth rates, libido and sperm counts, the rise of asexuality and vasectomies, continuing abortions by the thousands daily, childless by choice millennials and the increased numbers of miscarriage from vaccine damage, humanity may not continue. 
Don't get me wrong - people are having sex and consuming porn. But they've tricked the system. They've mastered the art of getting off without having babies.
The zest, passion and enthusiasm for LIFE that the energy of the Fire element brings cannot come fast enough. May it put an end to the era of neutrality. And may humans remember and accept, honor and embody who they really are, a divine spark of Source, in a male or female body.
People are experimenting with this notion of neutrality in an attempt to be complete within themselves. They’re just going about it in all the wrong ways. In the face of pure evil, being neutral (non-judgmental) is complicit in the ongoing perpetration of evil. And rejecting one’s biological sex, identifying as the opposite sex or claiming to have no sex, is a psyop the deluded perpetrate on themselves.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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