The Way of Flow

T8E Blog - The Way of Flow

Author Journey | Journal Entry 08

"You're a writer", she said. 
I had asked my mom about what she had done when her husband left her with girls to raise and monthly bills to pay. For her, up until the global shutdown in 2020, it was home care. A perfect occupation for a genuinely caring Hard Wood element. 
As for me, I'm a writer.
I've always been self-employed. Each year I would learn, master and get certified in a new modality that I could add to my list of services. And up until this year, when business dried up, I had been able to manifest the income I needed, even though I don't like marketing on social media or self-promotion. 
I could blame the drought in my business on the economy or inflation or the "obstacles and delays" energy of the Yellow Earth, that blocks my Water flow. Or, I could take into consideration the fact that my inability to attract clients is connected to not being myself this year, as I embody The 8 Elements, for weeks or months at a time. Or, I could be honest with myself about the fact that what I do, what I offer, is just not valuable enough for people to invest in. That there's just not enough interest in my work to continue. Because, you know what they say...
If you're not making money, you have an expensive hobby, not a business.
~ Business Guru
Honestly, there's nothing wrong with having an expensive hobby...if you can afford it and don't need to make a living at it. What does tend to cause problems is expecting something you love to pay the bills. And I love The 8 Elements! It's my favorite thing to talk about, teach, coach and write about. 
I stopped doing that a few years ago, when my intellectual property was stolen, copied, taught and published online. I removed The 8 Elements chart from my website and seldom published blogs beyond the ones about the annual element each year. I was still observing and studying, mastering and writing everyday, but I was no longer teaching classes or sharing my work online. And I became really selective about who I took on as private coaching clients.
So, the truth is, I stopped my own flow long ago. I blocked myself by closing channels of authentic self-expression. I dried up my own streams.
I'm a writer. I love writing. I write every day. For hours. Late at night. And into the early morning. 
I write about a lot of things, not just The 8 Elements. I have been writing and publishing feng shui, personal, food/recipe and energy healing blogs since 2011. And I started a new writing project in 2020.
Recently, I decided to go where the writers are and the readers go. I created a Substack account and have begun uploading over 10 years of blogs. Once the feng shui and The 8 Elements archives are complete, I plan to add two other publications, a personal blog and a blog for sovereign women. 
Yes, I'm not myself. I'm currently still embodying the Mother Earth element. They like to do what they love and follow their bliss. Multi-passionate creatives, they have both a "center of the Universe" complex and suffer from a "passion of the week" syndrome. This is what comes with the territory of taking on the energy of another element. I get to be blessed by their gifts while I struggle with their burdens. 
And let me tell you, Mother Earth elements are world champions at holding grudges. So, if that's coming through my recent blogs, that's why. Just like a woman, they remember every unkind word, slight and insult, whether is was meant to be one or not. What a way to go through life! 
Really, I feel like I've come full circle. Mother Earth energy, when in balance, feels like a warm embrace, gently holding space for the water contained in a crystal clear lake. But when it's out of balance, Mother Earth is the skipping pebble that creates ripples across the mirrored surface, the stone's throw that splashes water up and drops down with a thud to the bottom the lake, stirring up the the deeply calm and clear energy, making the water muddy and murky, disturbing the water's inner peace by its very presence and causing it to become stagnant, by stopping it's gentle rhythmic flow. 
I have to let the energy that got stirred up settle back down by being still and calm. Being alone with my thoughts. Maintaining my inner peace. And being discerning about who I allow into my space.
To start flowing again, I will be publishing what I've been writing over the previous years, on my blogs, Substack and new website, once it's launched. And get back to being in my natural state...the way of flow.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Annual Goals for The 8 Elements


Getting to Happy