Getting to Know YOU!

T8E Blog - Getting to Know YOU
 Every year, about this time, I start working on writing an annual review and planning guide. This fall, I am present to how important it will be to prepare now for the year ahead. There are just three months left before the new "persistent wind" energy sweeps in like a force of nature, stirs things up and finally shifts us out of what's been a year of perpetual "Obstacles & Delays". 
The incoming Soft Wood, that some begin feeling toward mid-November, is a swift, ever moving and contrary energy. Once it's fully present, you'll see your life speed up, your growth accelerate and your energy shift into a higher gear. And you'll be challenged to maintain your balance as you try to keep up with the faster pace of life.
Winds in the East. Mist coming something's a-brewing, about to begin.
~ Mary Poppins
We are in for a whirlwind of a year. 2023 will rush in, breeze through your life and leave in a gust, just as quickly as it arrived. We don't want to get so carried away that we miss it. So, it's best to set your intentions now. That way you'll know where you'd like to direct that meandering airstream of energy. 
After an excruciatingly slow year with little to no forward or upward movement, we'll need time to adjust to the blustery winds of change on the horizon. But we'll also want to be prepared so we can benefit from its amazing resilience and wonderfully prosperous energy. And now is the time to begin, before the holidays are here and the year is over. 
If you felt like someone pushed pause or even reverse on your life in 2022, get ready, because next year is going to feel like someone pushed the fast forward button. I hope you honored your need for rest and mastered self-care this year. Because you're going to need to tap into those energy reserves and rely on those daily practices to help you keep up with the swirling vortexes that will begin showing up in various areas of your life. (To find out what those area are, subscribe to the blog.) 
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
~ The King and I
So, where to begin? First, take time to really get to know yourself. Connect with what you really desire and why. Think about how you're going to get, create or manifest it. Decide when you'll be living in that reality. And determine where you are now and where you're going. 


Not the who the world told you to be or who you think you should be. Ask yourself who you really are. I recommend including a thorough knowledge of your of personal feng shui element so you can honor and balance your personal energy. Read about my 15-week signature Feng Shui Yourself coaching package.


Journal about what YOU really desire. What you'd like to have, do and be. What you'd like to create next. Not what you're supposed to want or what you have to do or what you should have by now. 
Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants?
What do you want?
~ The Notebook


Knowing your why is essential to anything you do in life, both personally and professionally. While it can helpful at the start of an endeavor, it's even more important in the process. Because it's your why that keeps you going even when you're tired or feeling discouraged with your progress along the way. Reminding yourself of why you're doing something in your life or business gives you the energy boost you need to continue on your journey, walking that path toward your goal...ever onward.


We've all heard about those "cursed hows" that we're supposed to leave up to the Universe and advised not to worry about. But it is a good idea to think about how you do the things you do, not just why. The way you do something is just as important, if not more so, than what you're doing or why you're doing it. For more on this, read Finding Your Why.


When is always a tricky one. Deadlines can be highly motivating for a lot of people. In fact, most successful people need them to produce results and finish projects on time. For others it can feel overwhelming instead of motivating. But the real power of setting a date for a goal is creating the task lists and planning what you'll need to accomplish daily, weekly and monthly, leading up to your launch or event or whatever you've decided to do. 


It's common for people to ask, "Where do you want to be in 5 or 10 years?" Usually, the question comes from parents or potential partners, employers or guidance counselor and life or business coaches. But it's also a question people ask themselves when they're goal setting at the beginning of a new year. 
The answer is not so much a location like a city, state or even country. It's more about achieving a certain status or levels of success, from married with kids to homeowner to multi-millionaire. 
But the question I like to ask is rephrased to be more of a visualization exercise to help me get into the feeling space of where I'll be. "Where do I see myself in the future? What do I look like? How do I feel about myself and my life? How am I spending my time and money? Who am I spending my life with? What kinds of people am I contributing to in my career/business? Where do I get to go for my evening walk? What do I see when I look out my kitchen or home office window?" 
2022 was the Year of YOU! The year of getting to know you. The year of honoring you. The year of fully embodying and BEing YOU! 
If you don't feel like you've done that, there's still time. The new energy doesn't officially arrive until February of 2023. Your personal energy is still in your personal feng shui element's house. If you need some help, let me be your guide. Contact me to schedule a coaching session. Or, read about the Feng Shui Yourself coaching package I offer.
Read the other blogs in the Annual Review & Planning series: 
Getting Clarity on Your Goals
Getting to Happy

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.
Subscribe to Feng Shui Yourself on Substack.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Getting Clarity on Your Goals


Just Like Me