Fall Fun for The 8 Elements

T8E Blog - Fall Fun for The 8 Elements
If you watch YouTube or follow influencers on Instagram, who all say Fall is their favorite season, you'd think this season is about pulling out your cozy sweaters in August or while it's still warm in your area, sipping on pumpkin spice lattes while you shop for fake fall decor and spending money on a huge variety of fantasy pumpkins that rot and autumnal mums that die in a few days. 
The Fall season is associated with the Metal element. Hard Metal and Soft Metal personal elements thrive during this time of year. It's their season. The other elements can enjoy Autumn too, by celebrating the season with their own unique personal rituals.
Fall is a time of bounty and plenty, helping and sharing, comfort and joy. It’s a transitional time between the heat and activity of summer and the cold and stillness of winter. It’s a time of reaping what you’ve sown and storing up the return on your investments, giving thanks and getting cosy.
Fall is the season in which we reap the benefits of all our hard work and diligent efforts. The time of year when crops are harvested, cut down with sharp blades, piled up in heaps and bound together in bales. The time when barns and cellars are full, cupboards and pantries are restocked and tables are heavy-laden with the plentiful gifts of the season.
Harvest symbolizes our mature adult years, the time in which we reap the rewards of our financial or business success. A time to come together to collect the fruits of our labors and gather around the communal table to feast. It’s a time of abundance and thanksgiving. A time to be grateful and show appreciation for the bountiful harvest that will sustain us through the long, cold winter ahead.
In the Fall season the climate changes, the temperature drops and the weather begins to brew. A new school year starts, providing us with food for thought. The air begins to get colder and sweater weather ushers in a season of pumpkin spice everything. Autumnal foliage turns brilliant shades of multicolors before falling to the ground. And all the cosy vibes are created when fires are lit inside while the wind blows and rain falls outside. 
Fall is a time of gray skies and gloomy weather. It’s a time when people begin to suffer from melancholy or seasonal colds and flus. The days begin getting shorter and the afternoons and evenings become darker sooner and sooner. Deciduous trees respond to the colder temperatures and decreased sunlight by reducing the production of chlorophyll, resulting in the red, orange and yellow leaves we see above our head and below our feet. Following suit, people begin reducing their productivity, sitting down to sip a cup of warm tea or savor a home cooked meal, curling up with a fuzzy blanket and good book and embracing the slower paced days before the holidays approach with all their hustle and bustle.
Now that it's officially Fall (in the Northern hemisphere), make the most of the season! Plan fun Fall outings to the local apple orchard or pumpkin patch. Bake some pumpkin bread and make a hearty soup or stew. Bundle up and take a scenic walk outside to appreciate all of the autumnal colors. Stay in and read books set in the Fall, by the fire. Follow the example of nature by slowing down and contracting your energy. And practice hygge, the Danish art of coziness. 
Some Metal element people live this cozy lifestyle all year long. They spend time outside in nature no matter what the weather. They bake bread even in the hottest months of the year. They make comforting meals for their family and bring joy to everyone they meet every day.
While Fall is a time to finish projects and complete anything required to achieve your annual goals, it's also a time to start to slow down, savor the flavors of the season and seek out the comforts and joys of Autumn. Don't let your to do list monopolize all of your time. Plan to have some Fall Fun too!
Take a few minutes this weekend to journal about what you love about this colorful season. Then, make a list of the things you'd like to do to enjoy Fall to its fullest! Use the ideas above as a guide. Pick and choose from the activities for The 8 Elements. Or, focus on the Fall Fun for your personal element.
Happy Fall!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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