T8E Blog - House Guests | June 2022

The 8 Elements Mastery | House Guests | June 2022

The following is one of four exclusive blogs for subscribers of The 8 Elements Mastery monthly membership. Other monthly blogs are Element of the Month, which is about the element visiting the center gua plus the energy affecting each family member. House Visits is about the effect of your personal element’s visit to another element’s house. Monthly Personal Energy is about the effect of the energy combinations in each element’s House and Life Center.

The 8 Elements Mastery monthly membership is true mastery – month by month, element by element and house by house.

Each month a new energy moves into your personal element's house. This energy is represented by one of The 8 Elements. Since your energy is currently visiting your own house all year, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to really pay attention to how the energy of the personal elements affects you and the area of life your house governs.


HOUSE - Career & Life Path | HOUSE GUEST - Hard Wood

Element - This month, Hard Wood is visiting the House of Water. Water elements may have emotional interactions with Hard Wood elements.

House - Because Hard Wood is visiting the House of Career & Cash Flow, job offers, career opportunities or much of the monthly income for Water elements may come from or be in collaboration with Hard Wood elements.

Life Center - Hard Wood energy may instigate a family drama and create an opportunity for Water elements to reconcile with estranged family members or work things out in dysfunctional family relationships.

Energy - Hard Wood drains the Water element's energy. It may also have a detrimental effect on the health of Water elements in the areas of their liver/gallbladder, throat/thyroid, feet and ankles, hair and nails. They may experience constipation, a gallbladder attack, sore throat, a sprained ankle or brittle nails.

Expression - Hard Wood is an emotional element. Emotions associated with Hard Wood are anger and rage, resentment and bitterness. Water elements can use this opportunity to process their emotions in healthy ways through journaling, releasing emotions through crying, clearing emotions with The Emotion Code and practicing forgiveness with the Ho'oponopono mantras: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."


HOUSE - Love & Partnership | HOUSE GUEST - Soft Wood

Element - This month, Soft Wood is visiting the House of Mother Earth. Mother Earth elements may enter into a new romantic relationship or business partnership with a Soft Wood element.

House - Because "Peach Blossom" energy is visiting the House of Love, romantic feelings may be aroused and the love in committed relationships may be renewed. Those not in a romantic relationship may attract a new love interest or channel this energy into romanticizing or falling in love with their life.

Life Center - Soft Wood energy may inspire Mother Earth elements to start a new business that will build wealth and leave a legacy. Or, they may work toward building a strong family and enjoying a prosperous life.

Energy - Soft Wood energy dominates the Mother Earth element's energy. Health effects might include seasonal allergies, colds and flus, viral infections and sore muscles. They may experience cold symptoms, chronic fatigue or body aches and muscle pain.

Expression - Soft Wood is an emotional element. Emotions associated with Soft Wood are inconsolable hysteria and depression, resulting in self harm and suicidal ideation. Mother Earth elements may also feel envious or become contrary and opportunistic. They may use this energy to become more flexible and resilient and practice patience and perseverance.


HOUSE - Health & Family | HOUSE GUEST - Yellow Earth

Element - This month, Yellow Earth is visiting the House of Hard Wood. Hard Wood elements may have more interactions with Mountain Earth women and Mother Earth men.

House - Because Yellow Earth is visiting the House of Health & Family, the severe or even life threatening health issues of a family member may become the all-consuming central theme for the month.

Life Center - Yellow Earth energy may force Hard Wood elements to slow way down and put energy in to establishing more work-life balance, creating more harmony in their relationships, especially with family members, and doing the things they know they need to do to have more personal wellbeing.

Energy - Yellow Earth energy feels like slowly sinking in quicksand or trying to walk in waist deep mud. Health effects might include broken bones and tumor growths. They would do well to rise early to watch the sunrise, move slowly, walk daily, practice grounding, spend time in nature, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep and drink plenty of water.

Expression - Yellow Earth is a physical element. This energy may make Hard Wood elements feel physically tired, emotionally unwell and energetically stuck. They will need to practice self care and honor their need for rest, instead of trying to push through all of the obstacles and delays. I recommend repeating the Five Reiki Principles daily.

Just for today...

I will not be angry.

I will not worry.

I will be grateful.

I will do my work diligently.

I will show myself and others compassion.

~ Five Reiki Principles


HOUSE - Wealth & Prosperity | HOUSE GUEST - Hard Metal

Element - This month, Hard Metal is visiting the House of Soft Wood. Soft Wood elements may receive wise advice or a genius idea from Hard Metal elements, a mentor, a man, their father, their boss or leaders in their industry.

House - Because Hard Metal is visiting the House of Prosperity, unexpected windfalls of "heavenly blessings", especially in regards to their business, investment portfolio, personal net worth or family assets may show up like a surprise gift from a rich uncle or large donation from an anonymous benefactor.

Life Center - Hard Metal energy may inspire Soft Wood elements to be more helpful by giving generously of their time and money, offering gifts or resources and paying it forward without having to be asked. With Hard Metal represented by all modes of transportation, one of the kindest gestures Soft Wood elements could do this month is to fill up the gas tank of someone in need.

Energy - For Soft Wood elements, Hard Metal energy feels like being cut off at the knees. Health effects might include headaches, a heart attack or brain aneurysm. Soft Wood elements may also experience some mental health issues or problems with moving their bowels.

Expression - Hard Metal is a mental element. This energy may make Soft Wood elements hyper sensitive to information overload, overly fatigued from occupational stress and feel mentally and emotionally drained. They may utilize this energy by planning the best ways to execute on a great idea and delegating the work to their support staff or team members.


HOUSE - Helpful People & Travel | HOUSE GUEST - Mountain Earth

Element - This month, Mountain Earth is visiting the House of Hard Metal. Hard Metal elements may have more physical interactions or sexual experiences with Mountain Earth elements.

House - Because Mountain Earth is visiting the House of Heavenly Blessings, an abundance of good news, great opportunities and generous offers are already on their way! Hard Metal elements can express gratitude in advance and expand their capacity to receive the abundance of good things.

Life Center - Mountain Earth energy may inspire Hard Metal elements to increase their physical fitness and have more ecstatic sex, expand their spiritual awareness and develop a better knowledge of self.

Energy - Since Earth sources Metal in the productive cycle, Mountain Earth energy supports Hard Metal elements. Health effects might include back pain, vertigo and migraines. Mental and emotional effects might include anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or a nervous breakdown.

Expression - Mountain Earth is a physical element. This energy may make Hard Metal elements more cognizant of their physical and sexual needs. It would be wise for them to honor their body's needs, strengthen their vagus nerve and improve their mind-body connection.


HOUSE - Creativity & Children | HOUSE GUEST - Fire

Element - This month, Fire is visiting the House of Soft Metal. Soft Metal elements may feel like the center of attention, as if they're having their 15 minutes of fame.

House - Because Fire is visiting the House of Creativity, brilliant ideas spark joy and provide the passionate energy required to invest in an idea, project or endeavor that will bring about future success and happiness.

Life Center - Fire energy may bring great fame and fortune, a lift to their reputation and many blessings, translating to well deserved recognition for their contribution to "the village" and future prosperity for their own lives and those of their children and grandchildren.

Energy - In the transformative cycle, Fire energy melts Soft Metal, allowing all of the impurities to rise to the top to be scraped off and discarded. Health effects might include eye strain and heart pain, as well as, less optimal absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

Expression - Fire is a spiritual element. This energy may make Soft Metal elements more aware of who they really are on a soul level and see themselves as a divine spark of Source. They may also have an out of body experience, meet an energy being or have a conversation with God.


HOUSE - Spirituality & Self Knowledge | HOUSE GUEST - Water

Element - This month, Water is visiting the House of Mountain Earth. Mountain Earth elements may seek moments of quiet solitude, pausing to reflect on the purpose of life and contemplating their personal mission for this lifetime.

House - Because Water is visiting the House of Abundance, the infinite cash flow is continuously and steadily meandering downstream, flowing around any rock or boulder on its way to the banks of the river of life.

Life Center - Water energy may bring a victory, new career opportunity or stream of income and an increase in monthly cash flow.

Energy - Water energy is channeled in streams and gently held in lakes by the Mountain Earth element. Health effects might include earaches, blood disease and kidney stones.

Expression - Water is a spiritual element. This energy may inspire Mountain Earth elements to get still and go within to see their True Self. They may review their past lives and envision their future lives on the timeline they came to participate in and be present for.


HOUSE - Fame & Fortune | HOUSE GUEST - Mother Earth

Element - This month, Mother Earth is visiting the House of Fire. Fire elements may seek partnership to find their person, twin flame or love of their life.

House - Because Mother Earth is visiting the House of Future Prosperity, having someone special to share their love and life with becomes an intention that fuels the inspired action focused in the direction of having their own happily ever after.

Life Center - Mother Earth energy may help with balancing the yin and yang energy within and the sacred union of the masculine and feminine energy in a committed relationship.

Energy - Mother Earth energy smothers Fire, just enough to safely keep the coals hot and the home fires from completely burning out. Health effects might include digestive distress and reproductive dis-ease.

Expression - Mother Earth is a physical element. This energy may inspire Fire elements to take really good care of their bodies and improve their health. Or, they may create the energetic space for another in their life and the physical space for a partner in their home.

If you learned something that you feel might be helpful to you this month, consider subscribing to The 8 Elements Mastery monthly membership.

If you know someone who would benefit from learning about their personal feng shui element and the energy that may be affecting them, please share this blog.

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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Personal Element of Your House