The Evolution of The 8 Elements

T8E Blog - The Evolution of The 8 Elements

Author Journey | Journal Entry 02

As I prepare to release the 2022 Annual Guides with excerpts from my series of unpublished books, I thought I would share my journey from feng shui enthusiast to The 8 Elements master to future published author of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! 
If you haven't yet, you can read My Story. 
Over the years of study and research, observation and contemplation, teaching and coaching, I have created a huge file of notes and quotes, information and examples for all of the personal feng shui elements. And as I began to sort and organize the hundreds of pages of notes into sections that will become separate books in the series, I realized what a huge task writing about your element will be for me. I will have to become a better writer, editor and proofreader and learn how to self-publish, book launch and market as an authorpreneur and teach myself how to podcast to promote my work and continue sharing beyond what I can comfortably fit in each book. 
After years of doubting my ability to do my own body of work justice, I finally feel ready and up to the task of taking all that's in my mind and heart and organized notes and turning them into published books. 
Honestly, even though I write every day and have been for most of my life, writing is hard work. It's a very slow, creative process that I have to be ready to give myself and life over to. Because as I write, I take on the energy of that element and it begins to directly affect my personal life and business. 
Right now I'm writing about the "get laid, get paid" element. Of course, those activities don't always occur in that order, nor are they even necessarily connected at all. However, I did send a follow up email this morning, reminding a client of her unpaid invoice. 
What has come up for me this week, is a great desire to be more financially successful by putting more time and energy into becoming a better businesswoman. Honestly, I completely suck at it. In a perfect world I would delegate all of that legal and biz stuff to someone I trust.
Normally I spend up to 6 hours a day reading and researching and honing my spiritual gifts and skills as an energy healer and intuitive guide. But this week, the Mountain Earth energy has inspired me to reach higher and ask for more of myself and of life. I've signed up for multiple masterclasses and webinars on various relevant topics to becoming a published author. This is something I'd stopped doing years ago when I realized these popular, disingenuous, predatory practices were just infomercials for high priced courses and channels for their sales funnels of daily and sometimes accusatory and threatening emails into my inbox. 
When I hear from friends that my intellectual property is being published by someone with no education, experience or expertise in classical feng shui, I'm astounded at the level of brazen indifference to honoring the continuous lifelong study of this ancient art and science that has so much knowledge and wisdom to offer. 
Writing daily about the elements this year has been very healing for me. It's a true labor of love for me to write about my own discoveries and observations, prospect my decades of notes for the golden nuggets and expound upon them in the comprehensive annual guides for The 8 Elements™, and communicate all that I know about the personal elements. If I'm finding writing my own body of work so challenging, how could anyone else, no matter how "clever", ever know what to say to make the greatest impact or what words to use that will resonate the most? 
While a lot of the principles of feng shui and traditional Chinese medicine can be studied and applied to the personal feng shui elements, there are many other aspects of The 8 Elements™ I've learned from studying YOU! You can study feng shui principles of yin and yang and the emotions and health theories of TCM, but much of it is limited to the Five Elements and their three cycles of energy. Over the years, I've devoted my time and energy to discovering the uniqueness and nuances of each of the eight personal feng shui elements. There are huge differences between Hard Wood and Soft Wood, Mountain Earth and Mother Earth, Hard Metal and Soft Metal and Water and Fire.
And while I've shared much about The 8 Elements™ in my guides, blogs and classes, there are many things I've only shared with private coaching clients until now. This includes, but is not limited to, the element's archetypes, the dominant and default emotions, the ages and stages of development, the highest values and essential needs, the completion numbers and relationship dynamics. Anyone teaching any of those aspects of The 8 Elements™ that they've learned from me, are doing so from their intellectual property theft of my work. 
People often ask me where they can learn more about their personal feng shui element. They've searched the Internet for more information on The 8 Elements and found it's all very Chinese, general or vague, or limited to the Five Elements. Nothing specific to them, besides what to wear or what direction to sleep. 
My personal energy coaching sessions are specific not only to your personal element, but to YOU! There's no one like you. I encourage you to discover how to honor your personal energy and unique expression of your personal element.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!  
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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