Grief, Hope & A Future

T8E BLOG - Grief, Hope & A Future
 Hard Metal is one of two mental personal elements. 2021 is the second mental energy year in a row.  This means that people will continue to suffer from, struggle with and find ways to manage or improve their mental health challenges. 
For more on the mental health of The 8 Elements read the blog post, Elemental Influencers.   
In this blog, I will be sharing about the emotions associated with Hard Metal and how they might affect The 8 Elements this year. So, why is this important to know? Well, the energy of whatever element visits the center gua each year, influences everyone, including YOU!
Since Hard Metal is associated more with thinking than emoting, the default emotions of this Yang Metal energy might be new to you.  Only those who've taken my invitation only classes know about the emotions connected with each of The 8 Elements.  That's where I share more aspects of the personal elements not included in any of my guides.
While you can find information on the primary emotions associated with vital organs of The Five Elements of traditional Chinese medicine, what I share are the dominant high and low vibe emotions for all of The 8 Elements.
Both Soft Metal and Hard Metal elements have emotional aspects that temper their thinking.  So, even though they may favor filling their headspace with analysis and logic, rationale and reasoning, they can choose to tap into their heart space with intention.  And although Metal elements tend to be quite intellectual in their approach to life, my experience with and observations of Metal people have confirmed that they can be just as heartfelt as they are thoughtful.  In fact, they can be the most sensitive and sentimental of all of The 8 Elements.
Hard Metal is associated with the head and heart.  Because of that, they can really struggle with balancing their thoughts and feelings. It's a daily battle between leading with their head or following their heart.
As with all the elements, the key to inner happiness is honoring their Life Center. Since being a helpful person is the way Hard Metal elements enjoy personal wellbeing, they must give, generously.  Helping others without waiting to be asked.  And giving without any strings attached, even anonymously.
However, in order for Hard Metal elements to give from a place of more than enough, they have to hold a secure position. They cannot give if they have suffered a great loss, are overcome with grief or wallowing in sorrow.  They have to take the time to grieve, feel and release the pain, heal their heart and restore their hope. 
Since this is a Hard Metal year, the same is true for YOU!  


2021 is a year to grieve. To grieve what has been lost. And the losses are great and many. Family members, friendships and connections with people you love. The death of a dream...or two. Loss of faith in humanity, in the political system, in the tyrannical government. Missed opportunities, canceled plans and indefinitely postponed trips. A closed business or lost job, foreclosure of a home or drained savings due to the quarantine of healthy people and draconian lockdowns. Physical wellness due to illness and mental health due to stress, trauma and anxiety. Personal and emotional wellbeing. Free will choices, basic human rights and constitutional freedoms. 

The Stages

It's important to go through the various stages of grief. And not to get stuck, but to keep moving through them, processing and releasing feelings as they come up. Then, restoring your soul and your hope in a better future for all.
The process of becoming conscious is very similar to the stages of grief.  It’s been interesting to watch people at the various stages of awakening, as we move through this transformational time together. And, as more Truth is revealed, it’s important for those of us who have already awakened, to hold space for each soul, wherever they are on their journey. 
The loss of everything they've always known and thought was real, will not only be devastatingly heartbreaking, but earth shattering and so life altering they won't recognize it.  The mass exiting of the matrix is the end of the world as they know it. And the cognitive dissonance of the first two stages of grief - disbelief and denial - will precede the psychotic breaks in reality before the rest of the difficult stages of grief set in.
Shock. Denial. Pain. Guilt. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Self-Reflection. Acceptance.
The SHOCK people will experience will move us to tears and inspire us to calm the fears and comfort the inconsolable. The fog of DENIAL people will try to hide within will be swiftly cleared by the amount of undeniable evidence...the Truth that will set us free! The PAIN of knowing will physically hurt and keep them up at night. The GUILT of those who knowingly, or unknowingly, participated in perpetuating the lies and enslavement of humanity will cause excruciating suffering. The ANGER people will feel and act out on will be both understandable and yet scary to witness. The BARGAINING will not satisfy the desperate desire to un-know what they now know. The grief they feel at the destroyed illusions they once thought were keeping them safe and their life secure will lead to DEPRESSION. The SELF-REFLECTION that the solitude of feeling all alone with the unimaginable Truth, provides the time to do the inner work of self-healing.
Many people start to share or “red-pill” others before they complete the work of healing themselves.  This can leave them feeling even more isolated when the “sheeple” and “normies” can’t connect with or even hear what they are saying.  The Truther movement has created a container for people at various levels of awareness who have yet to unplug from the Matrix. Very few ever get to ACCEPTANCE...loving what is. They never allow themselves to have the peace that surpasses all understanding and that guards your heart and mind. The deep inner peace that comes from an intuitive knowing, not hoping, that all is well.  
The trauma of our collective abuse, fuels their every post, as if their vigilant and vengeful vitriol will make all well, all the faster. Acceptance is the only door through which you can move into being the change and holding the space for humanity’s freedom and sovereignty, complete healing and the future ALL the souls came here, to create together. Without Acceptance, the Truthers are just operating at another level of denial and will have to work through each stage of consciousness on the Spiral Path toward The Great Awakening along with everyone else still asleep. 


2021 is also a year to hope. Hope that every eternal soul in a human body will remember who they are...and embody their True Self. And if not, that the divine will intervene on our behalf. That good will triumph over evil. And justice will be served. That those who have committed crimes against humanity will be exposed and dealt with fairly and quickly. And that sovereignty will be reclaimed, human rights honored and individual freedoms restored. That the Earth and humanity will receive the healing they need. And we can all move forward as a maturing, evolving and enlightening species.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
Hope is trust that a better future for the world and its inhabitants is ours. It's the positive thinking that's inspired by the threat of a crisis and required to shift the probability factor in our favor. It's optimism in action. It's the little engine that could, that chugs up the steep mountain tracks repeating the mantra, "I think I can. I think I can". 
Hope is an anchor that keeps us safely tethered in the storm. The silver lining in the clouds. The confidence that after the rain, the sun will shine again. The knowing that what we don't yet see, will suddenly a rainbow in the still misty skies. 
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.
~ Emily Dickinson
Hope is the optimistic state of mind combining the power of positive thinking with a positive belief system. It's the expectation of positive outcomes while in active pursuit of a better future. And the self-confidence required to fulfill dreams and accomplish desires.
According to Charles R. Snyder, hope is a cognitive skill that determines a person's ability to stay motivated and maintain the drive required to achieve a goal. The American psychologist theorizes that this faculty relies on two types of thinking: agency and pathway. The mental willpower to set a goal, make a plan and blaze a new trail to the determined destination is tempered with the open mindedness allowing for detours, the road less traveled and taking the view that the obstacle is the way.

False Hope

Some might say that hope is merely wishful thinking. The expectant anticipation of a desired outcome, however naive or unrealistic. A belief in the utopian principles of communism, Marxism or socialism. A performance-based trust in the religious promises of future heavenly rewards for good deeds on earth. A driving force that propels the faithful toward settling karmic debts and earning a better life on the next reincarnation of the wheel of fortune. 
But these are all false hopes. Hopes that are dependent on the savior program. Hopes that are a response to a series of promises made by priests, preachers and politicians only to be disappointed time and again by promises broken.


And yet hopeful, even if it's false hope is better than no hope at all. Hopelessness is a very low vibe emotion. The beloved fictional character, Anne Shirley called it "the depths of despair". Grief and despair are both at the lowest possible level on the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale. And hopelessness registers at 50 on Dr. David R. Hawkins consciousness scale of energetic frequencies, only slightly above the Soft Metal emotions of guilt at 30 and shame at 20.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
Proverbs 13:12
At the entrance to Dante's Hell is the inscription, "Lay down all hope, you that go in by me". Hopelessness is literally a pit of desperate powerlessness. So, just as hope can improve the prognosis and recovery of the sick, so too can hopelessness cause poor health and accelerated death.  


Hopium is the addiction to false hopes and the drug of choice for the hopeless in stressful times. When you need lies to make you feel better, you've already given up and opted out. When you put your faith in being rescued by a savior, you give your power away. Period. There's no ifs, ands or buts. The savior programs that run on this planet are many and overlapping. They have existed for millennia and mar the expanse of time like a wall of colorful graffiti.
Politics and religions both, are full of saviors. The Jews have the prophecy of the "chosen people's" political leader, the Messiah. Christians have the promised return of their ritual human sacrifice, Jesus to look forward to. The red team have put their hope in the second coming of Trump. And anons trust Q's "plan to save the world". 
Sovereignty is the antidote to hopium. It's tapping into your own inner strength, inner knowing and inner wisdom and taking a stand. Consenting no more. Choosing yourself. Saving yourself. And putting your ideal future into the quantum field to be manifested.

Pandora's Box

In ancient Greek mythology, Hope appears as a healer. As the story goes, when Pandora opened a box after being warned not to, she unleashes a multitude of evil spirits bringing plagues, diseases and illnesses on mankind. The spirits of greed, envy, hatred, mistrust, sorrow, anger, revenge, lust, and despair were allowed to run rampant and torment humans night and day. Inside the box, there was also an unreleased spirit of...Hope, with the power to heal and help people survive the worst of times - times of great suffering, illnesses, disasters, loss, and pain caused by malevolent spirits, evil doers, diabolical agendas and malicious plandemics.
Sovereign BEing,
Hang in there! After going through the stages of grief as a collective, hope will be restored...and we will let it heal our hearts and minds, bodies and souls.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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