T8E BLOG - Elemental Influencers
 One of the things I really like about Hard Metal elements is that they have their brain turned to the 'on' position. Both Hard Metal and Soft Metal people are really smart. And they can temper their cognitive ability, analysis of data and strategies by checking in with their heart and taking into consideration how their decisions might affect others before implementing or executing their plans.
With Hard Metal at the center of the energy blueprint this year, all of The 8 Elements will have the opportunity to tap into this focused mental energy, develop their intelligence and try on being an intellectual, or at least take the time to THINK. Unfortunately, as we enter our second mental energy year in a row, while some people are thinking for themselves, the vast majority of the masses operate at the level of group think and have gone collectively insane. After over a year of 24 hour fear porn and totalitarian lockdown, the effects of post traumatic stress have created a global mental health crisis. Mental illness is the true pandemic and the derangement syndrome is real. 
The 8 Elements have default settings that influence their thoughts and feelings, behaviors and actions...and their mental health. Water can suffer from paranoia and their insomnia can lead to eating disorders, memory loss and psychosis. For Mother Earth, their obsessive worrying can turn them into hypochondriacs and their unhealed traumas and triggers can lead to phobias, PTSD and panic attacks. Hard Wood can suffer from mental confusion and their preoccupation with their health can lead to an illness anxiety disorder. For Soft Wood, their addictive personality and mood swings, substance abuse and severe depression can lead to hysteria, suicidal thoughts and self harm. Hard Metal's mental stress and prescription drug dependence can lead to brain fog and decreased cognitive function. For the OCD Soft Metal, a guilty conscience can lead to obsessively punishing thoughts and the compulsive retelling of their shame stories in their head. Mountain Earth's manic busyness can lead to anxiety and attention deficits. For Fire, their ESP and particular susceptibility to possession can lead to schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders and dementia.
One of the many Hard Metal gifts is their ability to heal themselves, manifest their desires and effortlessly attract whatever they want - a trip or a lover, money or resources - with the powers of their mind. This mind over matter approach is available to everyone this year.  So, set your intentions, remember that your thoughts become things and...
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
If you've read your Personal Energy Guide, you know which of the four human expressions is the most dominant for your personal element. The physical Earth, mental Metal, emotional Wood and spiritual Water and Fire elements. It's your primary default setting for how you approach life. Doing, thinking, feeling or being.
Each year we are given a challenge without ever stepping out of our comfort zone. That challenge shows up in the form of your annual house guest. The personal element visiting your house each year determines which of the human expressions you will be most influenced by.  This energy can provide opportunities for personal growth and development.  Many times it allows you to explore different ways of being, acting, thinking and feeling and can help you establish more balance within your personal energy.
These elemental influencers are like an Instagrammer on your daily feed that you can't unfollow or even mute. They are just visiting, but they are in your house for the entire year. Best to find ways to cohabitate peaceful, even if by now, you feel like they have overstayed their welcome.
If you are curious to see what kind of influence your house guest's energy is having on YOU this year, read on!


Water, Soft Wood and Soft Metal will all be influenced by an Earth energy this year. They will be asked to take better care of their human bodies and physical health, take action on their goals, be productive and actually DO the things they desire or say they would like, instead of just dreaming, planning or talking about them. In addition, these three very distinct Earth elements will have a unique effect, based on the relationship dynamics, representing family member and the energetics of each numeric combination.


Mother Earth is in your house all year.  This energy feels like a warm hug and loving embrace. It's a container that generously holds space for you...just to BE! To be still and reflective. To go deep and tap into your well of inner peace. To do the inner work that only the sacred space of this divine feminine energy can provide.  To gain clarity on all the things you are contemplating, so when it's time to enter the flow state again, you are guided by that touchstone of inner wisdom. 
With The Lover visiting your house, you will be asked to choose to get better at being in partnership.  Balance the yin and yang, masculine and feminine, light and dark within yourself.  Give and receive love.  Welcome the invitation to pause and accept the offer to rest from being in the flow.  Pool into a quiet place to dwell and access the deep well of wisdom in the stillness that inspires reflection and provides clarity. 
This energy is irresistible. Surrender to the warmth and safety of Mother Earth’s encircling arms.  Show your appreciation for this unconditional love and store the memory of these sensations and emotions within your heart.  
But don’t be taken hostage by it. Be aware enough to notice when the protective envelop becomes a stranglehold, before it can cloud your intuition, muddy your waters and stagnate your energy.  Be sure to release yourself from any “captivating” partnerships that become too needy, demanding or confining.
This energy is like an open invitation to Mother Earth elements in your life, mothers (your mother or mother-in-law), wives (current, future wife or ex-wife) or any partner in life, love or business, as well as, all women, including female friends, motherly figures and wise women in your community. 
In combination with the Water number, this Mother Earth energy brings the potential for separation.  Separation from a partner, even divorce.  Or, separation from other things in your life that you're done with.

Soft Wood

The Yellow Earth is in your house this year.  This energy feels like trying to walk through waist deep mud. You will learn how to rest, honor your needs and master self care, shifting your focus from building a legacy to investing in your longevity.
With the Yellow Earth visiting your house, you will be asked to slow down, pace yourself and turn off at the rest stops along the way. Push the reset button on your life. Conserve your energy for the coming year of continuous movement ahead.
Fortunately, since your element dominates Earth, you can reduce this stagnate energy’s effect on you and your life.  It will be a choose your own adventure story of “the road not taken”. And what you choose will make all the difference. Just don't be a stick in the mud and choose one!
Two roads will diverge in a yellow wood. You can take the road less traveled. The one that honors your need to always be on the move, yet at your leisure, allowing for intentional slow living, so you can take in all the sights. Or, you can try to force things to happen on your timeline, despite the obstacles and delays, road blocks and detours.  
This energy is a request to honor your needs - body, mind and soul. Prioritize your health and wellness.  Find emotional stability and wellbeing.  Seek ways to balance your energy.  And create more harmony in your relationships with your partner and children, family and friends, colleagues and team members. 
In combination with the Soft Wood number, this Yellow Earth energy reminds you to love the skin you're in!  And take really good care of it. Switch to super clean skin care products. Turn back time with anti-aging serums and daily gua sha. Heal any skin issues and protect your skin from any further sun damage. Get any lumps or bumps checked out.  Reclaim your youthful appearance.

Soft Metal

Mountain Earth is in your house all year.  This energy feels like a sanctuary, a safe space to explore and express your creativity.  Take advantage of this abundant and beautifully balanced energy, as it only visits your house every 9 years.  Welcome the good news. Accept the great offers. And say "Yes!" to the amazing opportunities.
With The Peacekeeper visiting your house, you will be given a new perspective. You’ll be more inclined to take into consideration other people’s points of view and preferences. Be inclusive of their wishes and honor their needs in your decision making process before taking action or moving in a new direction.
This energy will inspire you to choose your own adventure. Go on a hero’s journey. Take a hike! Climb a mountain. Ascend to new heights. Achieve. Reach the pinnacle and take in the panoramic view from the top.
It will be a year of peaks and valleys.  Highs and lows.  Agony and ecstasy.  Overwhelm and overcoming all the challenges.  And you’re here for all of it, because of who you are becoming in the process along the way.  
This energy will heighten your curiosity and boost your creativity in sex. Dress up in costumes and role play to your heart's content.  Learn tantric sex practices and experiment with different positions for more varied and pleasurable experiences.  Master the art of foreplay or skip it altogether for a risqué quickie or dry hump. 
In combination with the Soft Metal number, this Mountain Earth energy brings the potential to win money and overindulge in sex. Buy a lottery ticket and place it in the West. Practice safe sex, but get laid...often.


With Hard Metal in the center, all of The 8 Elements™ will be influenced by this yang Metal energy this year. We'll be challenged to THINK, improve our IQ and increase our cognitive ability. Expand our mind, examine our thoughts and think BIG! And, we'll be asked to address our mental health issues and heal their particular underlying causes. Release cyclical or patterned thinking, stop repetitive thoughts and choose better feeling thoughts. And be careful to avoid head injuries and concussions and manage headaches and migraines.
This year, everyone will be influenced by masculine energy.  The toxic and the divine. The condemnation of patriarchal religions and the promises of salvation from the control systems of the patriarchy. The provision and protection of the givers and the voluntary and generous patronage of noble humans.  
2021 is an invitation to access and embody your own inner divine masculine. Be your own savior and hero, provider and protector, fatherly figure and wise advisor.  Be a leader in your own life.  Find your dream man or become the man you desire to be.  Make someone a father or become a father. Deepen your relationship with your father, reconcile with your father or forgive the father of your children.
Things to do during a Hard Metal year:
  • Join a mastermind.
  • Be the leader in your own life.
  • Open your crown chakra to commune with Source & your True Self.
  • Take your power back. Stand in your sovereignty.
  • Be the king or queen of your castle.
  • Spend time with your father.
  • Listen to the "Breaking Down Patriarchy" podcast.
  • Reduce stress. Take mental health days.
  • Talk to a mental health professional.
  • Read. Create a reading list, set an annual book goal or join a book club.
  • Travel to different countries and times through books.
  • Exercise your mind. Concentrate.
  • Contemplate. Set time aside each day to THINK.
  • Stay sharp. Play mind games on an app on your phone.
  • Work on crossword puzzles or sudoku.
  • Do a puzzle with the family.
  • Supplement with exogenous ketones, collagen and nootropics. 
  • Eat brain foods like walnuts, EVOO, bone broth and egg yolks.
SHOP MIG for Arise clean energy, Beauty Elixir collagen and Brain Activation plant powered nootropic.
Hard Metal elements will be doubly influenced, first by their own energy of the year and secondly by the yin expression of the Metal element in 2021.

Hard Metal

Soft Metal is in your house all year. This energy feels like a fun playdate with your best friends and favorite fantasy role play games! Take a childlike approach to life. Be in awe of the natural world. Allow your curiosity to get the best of you. Find a playmate. Do what sparks JOY!
With The Storyteller visiting your house, it’s a good time to tell your story. Write a memoir. Keep a journal. Share your journey through the spoken word or a visual gallery.  Offer your wisdom through a blog or posts on social media. Give a speech. Start a podcast. Teach a class. 
Contribute especially to children. Write a children's book. Read to your children. Volunteer to read to children at your local library's Story Hour. Tell stories around the campfire or under the stars, in backyard tents or living room forts.
Explore the world through other people' stories. Learn more about the story of us! Commit to memory an oral history. Ask people to tell you their story to broaden your world view. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts to increase your knowledge and expand your consciousness. Read letters and journals, biographies and historical novels to walk a mile in another's shoes.
It’s also a good year to discover your story, your soul’s story. The story of YOU! Discover your story through astral travel, dreamtime and shamanic journeys. Quantum hypnosis past life regressions. Akashic Records & Galactic Heritage readings.  Astrological Lunar Nodes insight and guidance.  
This energy is an invitation to heal your inner child. Tell someone you trust your childhood story with the intention of processing and releasing it. Forgive them for your own wellbeing. Forgive yourself for any guilt or shame. Release the burden of regret. Do the work to recover from childhood traumas.
In combination with the Hard Metal number, this Soft Metal energy brings on the likelihood of violent attacks, knifings, carjackings, vandalism, petty theft, credit card or identity fraud and robbery at gun point.  Double to check to make sure you have adequate car insurance. Be aware of your surroundings and vigilant about your security.


Mother Earth and Hard Wood will both be influenced by a Wood element this year. They'll be provoked to emote, asked to express their feelings and FEEL all the vibes. Provided with opportunities to process their emotions in healthy ways and required to release them before they get stored.  Let feelings color their world and move through them.  Allow emotions to be the "energy in motion" that they are.  

Mother Earth

Hard Wood is in your house all year. This energy feels like being in your natural state of providing a fertile foundation for all life, from the daintiest daisy to the grandest oak tree.  It's fulfilling, yet depleting at the same time. You'll need to restore your personal energy with lots of time in the sun and by being with the people and pets you love.
With The Healer visiting your house, you'll be invited to heal yourself from every trauma and trigger, mother wound and pain body, inner child hurt and daddy issues, as well as, unprocessed and stored emotions.  Heal your body and your mind for more emotional wellbeing.
This energy may also provoke the expression of emotions like anger, bitterness and envy. Ask for what you need instead of leading with your complaints.  And don’t allow gossip or whining to damage your relationship with your partner or child(ren) and friendships with women.
Don’t be stoic and long suffering.  If you know your body needs help to heal, pay attention to the messages being expressed through your symptoms and address any health issues before they become debilitating and chronic.  Consider including living foods, herbs and whole food supplements in your healing protocol.
This energy is an invitation to develop the ability to speak about complex ideas with simplicity, as if you were explaining it to a child. Honor their lived experience but don't assume people know what you know.  Be willing to state what seems obvious to you. Practice patience and kind communication with those who don't have your base of foundational knowledge and experience.
In combination with the Mother Earth number, this Hard Wood energy is particularly harmful to women.  Get your thyroid and hormones checked.  And take care of your reproductive health. Take digestive enzymes and probiotics.

Hard Wood

Soft Wood is in your house all year.  This energy feels like a whirlwind romance.  Go ahead, get swept off your feet.  Feel the wind in your sails again after a long bout of standing still.  Fall in love, if not with someone, then with yourself or your own life!
With The Entrepreneur visiting your house, you will be provided with opportunities to see that money does indeed grow on trees!  You’ll find a team of equals to complement, instead of compete with your strengths and skillsets.
This energy will bring the winds of change and unexpected windfalls.  You’ll grow rich and prosper, not just in your financial accounts, investment portfolios and asset accumulations.  You’ll also find a partner in life or business, build something to last a lifetime and leave a legacy.
It will also be a year of new love and exciting romance, marriage proposals or deeper intimacy.  Choose to renew the love in your committed relationships.  Or, meet and marry the man or woman of your dreams! 
This energy is an invitation to romanticize your life.  Make a playlist that will be the soundtrack or ASMR room for your daily activities. Choose an aesthetic theme for the year and invest in a few items that will make you feel like the main character in your life. Savor the quiet moments and simple pleasures of sipping tea, lighting candles at night or reading in a bubble bath. Be intentional about loving your life, just the way it is now, by making daily tasks beautiful and memorable.
In combination with the Hard Wood number, this Soft Wood energy can be an emotional cyclone of angry outbursts and hysterical dramas. It can also cause malicious sexual encounters.  Even in committed relationships, the addiction to seeking negative attention and the coupling of being contrary and controlling can result in repeated fighting, just so you can working things out and have fun making up. 


Fire and Mountain Earth will both be influenced by a spiritual element this year.  They will be asked to approach their spiritual life from a new point of view.  And given opportunities to raise their consciousness and access new levels of their awareness, commune with Source and embody their divinity.  Develop their clairs and practice using them. BE their True Self.


Water is in your house all year.  This energy feels like long, cool drink on a scorcher of a midsummer's day. Or, a gentle rain falling from clear blue skies that don't hide the golden rays of the happy sunburst. Or, the midnight sky's black cloak studded with shimmering white stars. It's a clash of energy that can be appreciated for both its contrast and balance. The dark canvass that makes the light, visible.
With the The Visionary visiting your house, you will be provided with opportunities to expand your awareness, broaden your world view and see into the future!  See your future prosperity, your future self and your future life!
This energy will bring moments of quiet calm, experiences of exquisite serenity and opportunities to tap into your own deep well of inner peace. Practice silence. Be still and acknowledge yourself as the great “I Am”.
It will also be a year of exciting career advances and the accompanying increase in cash flow. You may be inspired to become a solopreneur and create multiple streams of income to support your ideal lifestyle. Declare victory over this area of your life.
This energy is the casting call to be the leading man or leading lady of your own life.  You're used to being in the spotlight or center of attention - when there's an audience.  This year, it's more about experiencing your own inner world, not as monetized consumable content for the public, but for your own self-actualization in the privacy of your own mind, soul and being.
In combination with the Fire number, this Water energy will inspire you to have single focus and profound insight.  Close your eyes and open your third eye. See with your inner vision.  Eye dis-ease, especially cataracts may diminish your physical eyesight.  Get your eyes checked and protect them with blue light blocking glasses during tech use.  

Mountain Earth

Fire is in your house all year.  This energy feels like the eternal flame of inspiration. Light is shining on everything you give your attention to.  Be intentional about what you are thinking about and focusing on.
Enjoy your year in the sun.  In 2021, look forward to your 15 minutes of fame.  With the bright light shining on you all year, you won’t be able to hide.  So, be intentional about how you want to be seen and what you want to be known for.
Besides fame, you’ll also seek and find your fortune.  It’s your year to turn your passions into profits.  Take inspired action and cash in!
Fire activates and increases whatever energy it is with.  With Fire in your house this year, infinite abundance is being exponentially enhanced.  It’s your responsibility to claim what you want an abundance of by vibrating at that frequency with your every thought, word and deed.
It’s also important to remember that in the productive cycle, the Fire element creates Earth.  So, this energy will not only support you, it will make more of whoever you are being in the world. Check in to make sure you're being your best self.
The Star is visiting your house.  Be careful of magnificent obsessions.  With the sun in your midst, it’s easy to become obsessed with celebrities, gurus and cult leaders.  Don’t get blinded by their light and fangirl (or fanboy) hard. 
This energy is a festival of lights.  It's your invitation to the party. The celebrations of life.  The family reunion. The flash mob at the mall. The neighborhood street party.  The holiday parade.  The activists' march through the city.
In combination with the Mountain Earth number, this Fire energy enhances the abundance you are manifesting.  Pause at the milestones to celebrate the wins, both big and little. Put a bottle of champagne in the fridge with your next goal written on it and pop the cork with friends to mark the achievement.
For more on what 2021 holds for YOU, download your Annual Personal Energy Guide, located at the foot of the page for your personal element.  In the guide, you'll learn about your House Guest, House Visit and the energy influencing your 4 Best Directions…and much, much more! 
And for monthly energy guides and coaching, read about The 8 Elements Mastery subscription.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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