2021 Feng Shui for Fashion

T8E Blog - 2021 Feng Shui for Fashion

We can apply what we know about the 2021 annual energy to fashion and let it inform what we choose to wear this year.

In your Personal Element Energy Guide you learn about the Five Element's colors and their effect on your energy, based on your personal feng shui element.

In this blog, I will be sharing general information you can use to create, update or add to your capsule wardrobe.

Protective Feng Shui

As with feng shui for your living and working spaces, we can employ protective feng shui by first remedying the most inauspicious energy.


Women will be greatly helped by wearing red spectrum colors (red, orange, purple, fuchsia, rose, mauve, peach) that reduce the strong influence from the angry and argumentative, whining and complaining annual energy visiting their house. Nip the temptation to be the Gossip Girl in the bud and reduce the effect of gossip on you and your life by wearing some zesty orange. Avoid allowing this Hard Wood energy to take root, grow and thrive by adding its happy colors to your wardrobe - pink grapefruit, coral and salmon. If you don't want to wear these fiery and bright colors, accent and accessorize with them. Get a scarf. Tie it on your handbag if you don't want to wear it around your neck or shoulders. Or, hide the color underneath your clothes by getting some red or orange undergarments. Or, wear some orange socks around the house.


This year, men will need to wear some sky blue to reduce the effect of the regretful and passive aggressive, verbally abusive and treacherously violent annual energy. Add some blue collared shirts and ties, blue t-shirts, workout and leisure wear to your man's wardrobe. Blue boxer briefs and socks will also work if blue is not a favorite color for clothing.


Children should wear their personal element's Happy Colors.

  • Water - Irridescent

  • Mother Earth - Pink or Terracotta

  • Hard Wood - Orange

  • Soft Wood - Lavender

  • Hard Metal - White, Gold & Rainbow

  • Soft Metal - Red & White or Silver

  • Mountain Earth - Yellow

  • Fire - Red

Crystal Protection

Wearing crystals can provide amazing energy protection, as well as, healing. You can wear them as jewelry or place them in your pocket. Another way is to place your crystals in a small organza bag and tie them or safety pin them to your clothes. Women can tuck them inside their bra.

Women need to protect their health and relationships. I recommend the following red and orange crystals.

My top recommendation is carnelian, a "feel better" stone. It specifically helps with the emotions associated with Hard Wood: anger, rage and confusion. Physically, it helps with the digestion, liver and gallbladder and thyroid, among many other systems and vital organs. Carnelian can also help you make the connection between your emotional state or stored emotions and symptoms or dis-ease.

My second choice is sunstone. It's especially good for the throat and aching feet. It also helps with stress and offers protection from toxic energy.

  • Carnelian (inspires compassion, courage and personal empowerment)

  • Mookaite (decision making, protection, communication, grounding)

  • Orange Calcite (calms & balances energy, brings vitality, reduces aggression & belligerence)

  • Red Jasper (prevents illness)

  • Red Tiger's Eye (emotions & reproductive system)

  • Sunstone (brings vitality, strength and energy)

Men's health and personal wellbeing can benefit from some blue crystals. Wearing them on their person, like in a shirt or pant's pocket, is the most ideal. They can also sleep with them by placing them under their pillow or on their nightstand. Or, they can hold them during mediation or lounge with them during some daily quiet time.

My top recommendation is Lapis Lazuli, a "feel better" stone and helps with balancing yin and yang energy. This year the Soft Metal (yin) visits the Hard Metal (yang) house. Children, specifically the youngest daughter, enters the House of the Man/Husband/Father and asks for provision and protection and to be to shown compassion. Men will be invited to embody the divine masculine and enter divine union with their own divine feminine.

My second choice is Aqua Aura. It's another "feel better" crystal that is good for communication and protection. On both emotional and spiritual levels, it can help with negativity, loss and grief.

  • Angelite (provides feelings of security, improves communication)

  • Aqua Aura (good for communication and protection)

  • Aquamarine (good for the brain and intellect, brings calm and compassion)

  • Blue Lace Agate (improves communication and speech, emotional balance and calm)

  • Blue Topaz (good for clear communication, balancing for the mind, body and spirit)

  • Lapis Lazuli (promotes natural gifts & skills, vitality, mental endurance and creative expression)

REFERENCE: The Crystal Healer by Philip Permutt

Fashion for a Hard Metal Year

Hard Metal is associated with the head and crown chakra. You may enjoy wearing hats, floral garlands or tiaras, headbands or hair scarves. Or, you may be inspired to adorn your hair with extensions, intricate braids and bedazzled hair accessories, combs and pins. Others, may want to draw attention to their head by shaving one side or all of it. While others may want to change their hairstyle to something edgy.

Hard Metal is also associated with white, gold and all of the colors of the rainbow. Even if these are not colors you normally wear, find ways to incorporate them into your wardrobe this year. White pants suits or white jeans, white cotton eyelet sundresses, white linen shirts or a white silk robe. Accessorize with gold jewelry, belts or shoes. Rainbow doesn't have to be a tacky tie dye sweatshirt or yoga pant. Find a gorgeous scarf with variegated rainbow hues or a more subtle iridescent chiffon blouse.

It's a "Somewhere over the rainbow"year, so splurge on some ruby red slippers, whether they are ballet flats, wedges or sexy heels.

Fashion for Women

The following is an excerpt from the 2021 Self Care Guide for Women.

This year, women can wear certain colors and accessories to reduce the health and relationship challenging energy on their personal energy & wellbeing.

Create a capsule wardrobe and select a daily uniform, especially if you work from home. Wear the comfort, peace and power colors for your personal element. Accent with Hard Wood happy colors and fashion accessories.  Invest in some quality, custom jewelry and stylish yet, comfortable shoes.


This year wearing red spectrum colors will help to reduce this emotionally charged energy.  I highly recommend wearing some happy orange, coral, salmon, terracotta or pink grapefruit, as well.


Hard Wood elements like natural fabrics like cotton, linen and hemp. They also like floral patterns. If you want to stay with solids and neutral colors, add a floral accent like a broach, pendant, hair pin or earrings


One of the parts of the body associated with Hard Wood is the throat.  Get some pretty scarves to wear around your neck. Or, drape a gorgeous pashmina around your shoulders.


Wear some metal jewelry, especially necklaces and a bracelet with your word for the year.  Yellow gold is best, but silver or white gold are good as well. Diamonds earrings and rings with red stones like ruby, garnet and carnelian are excellent choices.


Play up your eyes this year.  The eyes are a Fire element.  And Fire reduces this Wood energy. Add a red lip to your look, as well.

Hair & Nails

Hard Wood energy invites us to let our hair grow longer and let it be au natural. If you do color your hair, invest in your health by using non-toxic hair dyes.

Hard Wood is also associated with our nails. Many women who used to frequent nail salons, started doing their nails themselves last year. If you like the pampering aspect of getting your nails done, invite a girl friend over and do each other's. If you like the foot soaking, massage and moisturizing of getting a pedicure, start doing weekly foot detox baths, nightly foot massages with essential oils and following up with the MIG Body Lotion Bar to hydrate cracked heels. Most nail products are extremely toxic. Use a natural nail polish remover and find nail polish brands that are 10 Free.


Feet and ankles are another Hard Wood part of the body.  Make sure you have good walking or athletic shoes. Wear soft socks to keep your feet warm.  Go barefoot when you are grounding.


Keep your red wallet and select a red or coral, white or metallic purse or hand bag.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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