Infinite Abundance

T8E Blog - Infinite Abundance

As we move deeper into the last month of the year and the last few days of a decade, it’s good to take the time to pause and reflect, complete or abandon any undone projects, let go of dreams that no longer spark joy and be inspired to have new dreams and set new intentions.

December ushers in a series of fortunate energy over three consecutive months to close out a 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle and be blessed with the abundance that Mountain Earth years bring, before it takes a bow and makes its final curtain call.

The Climb

Mountain Earth years can be challenging and overwhelming. Full of personal development, soul growth and opportunities to gain copious amounts of self-knowledge and wisdom. Depending on your goals and level of energy, it may have inspired a climb to the top of whatever mountain you planned to climax. Or, you may have been inspired to teach others how to ascend and guide them safely to the top of the mountain they were focused on reaching. In any case, achieving new heights and gaining a new perspective always provides greater awareness through experience and more appreciation through self-mastery, standing on high places and taking in the view from the top.

Safe Space

Mountains are a refuge, a sanctuary of sacred space to do the work required to achieve enlightenment and have the Zen of the monk on the mountain. The safe place of solitude, serenity and silence that allow you to go within to see the world. The journey that leads you to the dark night of the soul and provides shelter to retreat to, should you choose to face your shadow and integrate it to be whole.

Balancing Act

Mountain Earth is represented by the number 8. The figure 8 depicts perfect balance of yin/yang. The sacred union of divine masculine and feminine energy.  The full embodiment of the soul in the body. The marriage of the dark and light aspects of the self. The contrast and completeness of holding both positive energy and a negative charge. The balanced state of being that allows you to know everything and judge nothing.

Infinity & Beyond

The Mountain Earth completion number of 8 is also represented by the horizontal ∞ infinity symbol. The circular path that folds in within itself and creates an opportunity to meet itself between extended tours of exploration to infinity and beyond. A depiction of the eternal soul’s journey through the Universe of space and dimension, without beginning and without end. And where the paths cross, experiencing moments of déjà vu, knowing oneself in another time, past life or parallel timeline.

Find Your Tribe

Mountain Earth years are an opportunity to find your people. The souls from your soul family or larger soul group. Recognizing them in spouses and parents, friends and children. Knowing their soul from other galactic adventures. Connecting with them in the here and now. Gathering them around you in community and circles of support. Feeling comforted by their presence in your life or even just on the planet with you. Knowing they have your back. Always and forever.

Infinite Abundance

Mountain Earth energy brings an abundance of good things and good news, great wealth and great opportunities. The work is to improve your capacity to receive without attention on reciprocation. Just creating space for it in your life and receiving with sincere and heartfelt appreciation.

The Shadow

If your experience this year, has not been one of an abundance of good things, it’s not your fault. The energy affecting the personal elements, especially men and women, cast a shadow of darkness across the face of the Mountain Earth energy this year. All women, especially, were affected by the very heavy “obstacles and delays” energy that slowed our uphill climb and caused severe fatigue. This energy climaxed in July, intensifying whatever men were experiencing and increasing the disastrous energy for women and relationship drama for everyone.

Window of Opportunity

Beginning around Thanksgiving each year, the current energy begins to release its hold on the center of the gua it called home all year. This creates space for the new energy to begin moving in and taking up residence in the center of every home and building. As the Mountain Earth energy moves from its embedded position and shakes the earth under your feet, take advantage of this window of opportunity to receive all the good energy and gifts of abundance with your name on them, lovingly collected and held for you all year. This year, let the Universal energy play Santa and bring you every item on your wish list.

Wish Lists & Gifts

It’s not too late to receive the abundance that Mountain Earth years hold for you until you are ready to receive it. The energy that has been affecting your personal element and all women and relationships is lifting. And because the energy combinations for the next three months are so auspicious, you can claim your gifts with appreciation, intention and space clearing.

First, feel truly grateful for everything you have now. We tend to take our current standard of living and first world lifestyle for granted. Here’s a powerful way to truly appreciate what you already have and get into a genuinely grateful feeling state. Take a tour of your home and as you look at everything you have, ask yourself how your quality of life would be tomorrow if you didn’t have that item. Hits you in a different place than making a list in a gratitude journal, right? Now, do the same thing for your life. Close your eyes and imagine your life right now…your family and friends, your health and well-being, your freedom to choose, create and change every aspect of your life. Ask yourself: what would my life be like without my vision, my business partner, my access to high-speed Internet?

Next, write a thank you letter to the Universe or Source. Make a list of the things you would like to have or have more of; but write it as if you have just received the gift and begin each line with, “Thank you so much for…” or “I am so happy to have…” or “I love my new…”. Have fun with this! Then, read it out loud before you go to sleep at night.

Finally, create space for the abundance of goodness that is already flowing into your life. De-clutter and space clear and clean your home and office. Mountain Earth elements and Mountain Earth years tend to accumulate mountains of stuff. Even if you are not a hoarder, you have stuff you don’t use or need or can choose not to store in your space anymore.  

Use the KonMari Method.  Room by room, corner by corner, drawer by drawer, closet by closet, take everything out. Pick up each item, one at a time, and make a decision. Separate your belongings into keep, gift or throw away. Express gratitude for the things that no longer spark joy and move them out of your living and working spaces right away. Don’t forget your paper clutter and email inbox, purse and wallet, car and garage.

Practice gratitude. Practice receiving without reciprocating. Practice expressing appreciation for everything and everyone. Even the things that caused pain or were challenging to experience and overcome can have beneficial effects on who we became in the process and get to be now!

Practice giving without any expectations. Be generous with your thanks and giving.  Embody being the abundance you seek. BE abundant.

May you receive and enjoy infinite abundance in the coming months and years ahead.

Do this decluttering and you will be ahead of the game come February when the Soft Metal energy sweeps in with its sharp blade, ready to cut away everything that no longer serves your highest and greatest good and well-being.

And subscribe to this blog for monthly personal energy updates all year beginning in January 2020.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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