T8E Blog - 2018 Annual Personal Feng Shui

In the first part of this blog series about personal feng shui in 2018, you will learn about the energy visiting your personal element’s gua. Each year as the energy shifts, a new dynamic is created between permanent personal energy and visiting annual energy. While understanding the five element dynamics of the Fire year energy on your person element is important, knowing what effect the annual energy has the potential to have on your personal energy is also essential. That way you can make it the best year yet or at least make the best of the year ahead.

To determine or double check your feng shui personal element consult the Personal Element Chart.


The number visiting the N is 5. Although this energy isn’t as strong this year as it was last year, this Yellow Earth 5 is the toughest energy there is. It can feel like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, hitting a brick wall over and over again or wading through waist deep mud. The more you struggle, the faster you sink in the quicksand. The more you try to advance, the more obstacles and delays confront you. Focus on what you can do to minimize this energy’s possible negative effects.

Don’t struggle. Don’t push. Don’t fight. Don’t worry. Don’t try to make a lot of progress or reach lofty goals. Don’t react or overreact.

Motto: “Whatever comes, let it come. Whatever stays, let it stay. Whatever goes, let it go.”

Take really good care of your health and personal well-being. Rest. Honor your need for sleep. Eat healthy foods. Stay hydrated. Exercise every day, even if it’s just a short walk.

Be still. Get reflective. Look within. Find your inner peace. Observe. Set intentions. Release your attachment to outcomes. Instead of trying to make things happen, let life respond to your way of being in the world.

In addition to the “obstacles and delays” energy, there is another potential to suffer three losses this year. You can use intention to select what those losses will be by choosing three things to let go of. Think about the things that you are ready to release, like extra pounds or a toxic relationship. Look at the things that no longer serve you like a job you don’t like or a broken-down car. Write down three things you are done with and energetically let them go. Claim them as your three losses and celebrate!

Energy Dynamic: Earth dams Water

Your Water energy is dominated by Earth, so you could feel trapped and stuck. Your flow may become constricted or stopped altogether. Your clarity may become muddied. Your sparkling and reflective qualities may become diminished and muted.  Your potency may become diluted. Your strength may be weakened.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Wear metal jewelry and metallic colors this year to reduce this energy’s effect on you and support your Water energy in holding space for yourself. Let Metal elements and men, especially a husband or father, contribute to you. Spend time in the NW this year.

Mother Earth

The number visiting the SW is 6. This Hard Metal energy brings opportunities to receive BIG money and the ease to purchase big-ticket items. A new house or car may already be in the works for you. Expensive jewelry may be given to you or you will be able to buy it for yourself. Promotions to leadership positions and accompanying raises in salary are likely. Benefactors may bestow a wealth of wisdom, offer gifts of guidance and lend their assistance to finance your dreams. Powerful and influential people may help you get ahead in life and support you in your education, career or business. This energy represents the “bridegroom cometh”, so wedding bells may ring this year! A luxury vacation is in your near future, maybe even a honeymoon or special anniversary trip. If you already have a family, this energy supports you in thinking bigger and stepping up to be the kind of provider you want to be for them. You become the benefactor for your own family.

Energy Dynamic: Earth supports Metal / Metal depletes Earth

Your Earth energy sources Metal, which means YOU are the enhancement to this favorable energy. Because metal depletes earth, it’s important to make restoring your energy a priority.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Make sure to get enough natural sunlight. Spend time with people, especially Fire elements. Go outside. Ground. Do yang energy activities to balance your energy. Wear more red and red spectrum colors, especially your happy colors (pink or terracotta) to support your personal energy. This will allow YOU to support this beneficial energy and reduce its depleting effect on your energy. Plan several vacations, or at least weekend getaways throughout the year, to restore, strengthen and keep your energy up.

Hard Wood

The number visiting the E is 7. Soft Metal is a cutting energy. It cuts people away from their family and cuts them off from their community. Car accidents are common when this energy is present, so drive carefully, even defensively. Injuries by metal object are more likely, so be more conscientious when using sharp metal blades. Identity theft and robbery have a higher probability, so review your bank and credit card charges and statements regularly. Also, be more aware of your belongings, especially in public areas. Be more vigilant about security measures for your home, like locking windows and doors. You might even want to install a security system or motion detector lights. Exchanging sharp words with family is also possible, so listen more than you speak this year and choose not to take anything they say personally. There is also potential for job loss, a layoff or firing especially if you engage is office gossip or tend to be argumentative. Because Soft Metal is associated with the mouth it’s important to get any dental work that you need done before it affects your overall health.

Energy dynamic: Metal cuts Wood

Your Hard Wood energy is aggravated and annoyed by Soft Metal energy. Unlike Hard Metal which chops you off at the knees, Soft Metal cuts like a knife and stabs like a dagger. It’s a constant irritant that keeps you upset, off balance and unwell. It can make you feel like fighting and arguing even with the people you love the most.

Feng Shui for YOU! 

Wear more blue this year to reduce the metal’s effect on your emotional and mental health. Since blue is a water color and water feeds wood it will also strengthen your energy and help you withstand this energy without getting continually exasperated by it.

Soft Wood

The number visiting the SE is 8. This Mountain Earth energy brings an abundance of good things, accumulated wealth and personal prosperity. Everything just goes your way this year. Your needs are fulfilled even before you know what they are. Money flows effortlessly into your multiple accounts. Save it. Invest is wisely. Spend it on assets and upgrades to your home and life. Buy something nice for yourself. Give it to the people you love and appreciate.

Energy Dynamic: Wood pierces Earth / Earth supports Wood

Your Soft Wood energy is provided with a solid foundation that allows you to grow and thrive, live long and prosper. Enjoy the abundance of good health and happy relationships.

Feng Shui for YOU! 

Wear your happy color lavender and as much red and red spectrum colors as you like to enhance this very auspicious energy!

Hard Metal

If last year felt like a series of unfortunate events, missed opportunities and lost income, you will be relieved to know that the “separation and sickness” energy has left and is being replaced with very auspicious energy this year. Whatever was lost will be restored immediately and10 fold in 2018.

The number visiting the NW is 1. This Water energy brings an increase in career, business and sales income. It will move you to the top and the front of the line, overcoming all competitors in your field. Close the deal, make the sale, get the contract. Expansion into international markets and travel to foreign countries are in the cards for you too!

Energy Dynamic: Metal supports Water / Water corrodes Metal

Your Hard Metal energy is both enhanced and reduced by Water. Metal energy produces water in the productive cycle, which means YOU are the enhancement to this favorable energy. Because Water is an energy enhancer, this combination may create so much opportunity for business and income that you feel overworked.

Feng Shui for YOU! 

Support your energy with favorite crystals and as much metal jewelry and accessories as you like. Plan to take some time off, schedule periods of rest and go on vacation.

Soft Metal

The number visiting the W is 2. This Mother Earth energy brings sickness and separation. A nagging cough, frequent tummy troubles and dental problems are common. It’s important to pay extra attention to your health, especially your oral health.

Energy Dynamics:  Earth sources Metal / Metal depletes Earth

Your Soft Metal energy is supported by Mother Earth energy. Because metal reduces earth, you are the remedy for this energy. Your energy weakens its negative effect on you, your health and relationships.

Feng Shui for YOU!  

Wearing metal jewelry and metallic colors with further weaken this energy’s effect on you. You can also benefit from wearing some green, your Power color and spending time outside in nature.

Mountain Earth

The number visiting the NE is 3. This Hard Wood energy brings whining and complaining, slander and gossip, arguments and legal battles, anger and even rage.  Don’t be surprised if people tend to bring you their complaints and express their anger to you. You may become frustrated and fatigued, not be able to think clearly or make wise choices. Don’t make any big life altering decisions this year. Choose not to engage in or listen to gossip. Take especially good care of your health. Get regular chiropractic adjustments. Since Mountain Earth is associated with the small bones of the body, take especially good care of your hands and wrists, feet and ankles this year. Put some extra effort into keeping your relationships with family happy and healthy. It takes two to fight. Pick your battles carefully. Establish boundaries and be ready to reinforce them when they are challenged.

Energy Dynamics: Wood pierces Earth

Your Mountain Earth energy could be severely depleted by the Hard Wood energy this year.  The Hard Wood element tends to take a lot of the Earth’s resources.

Feng Shui for YOU!  

Make sure you get enough natural sunlight and spend time with Fire energy people. Spending time outdoors doing yang energy activities with lots of people will keep your energy up. Make plans to look forward to. Wear some red spectrum colors to support your energy and burn up some of the Hard Wood energy.


I am happy to report that the 5 Earth energy has left your gua, creating space for some really auspicious and exciting energy this year. Hopefully, you made it through 2017 without too many challenges or chose to turn those difficulties into some valuable life lessons. If so, congrats! You have so much to look forward to in the new year. If not, take time to heal and regroup so you can thoroughly enjoy the coming year. Do a life review or seek out support and help from your friends and family, community of like-minded or caring and compassionate people who love you.

The number visiting the S is 4. This Soft Wood energy brings new love and romance, academic and creative writing success and opportunities to travel for business and pleasure.  Instead of searching for love, allow it to arrive (maybe even at your front door!) Introductions through friends or double dates are the best way to find a romantic partner this year. Go back to school, take those classes, write that book or accept invitations to speak. Say yes to chances to go on trips or plan your own vacation this year, maybe even a honeymoon.

Energy Dynamic:  Wood fuels Fire / Fire burns Wood

Your Fire energy activates the Soft Wood energy. And the Soft Wood energy fuels your personal energy. You will be on fire in 2018.

Feng Shui for YOU! 

Wear as much red as you like, especially if you want to attract a lover. Purples are also a good color for Fire element people this year.

Fire years can be spectacularly exciting. Life changing. Follow the recommendations for your personal element and have a wonderful 2018.

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2018 Feng Shui for The 8 Elements


2018: Fire Energy Dynamics & The 8 Elements