2017: The Water Year & YOU!

T8E BLOG - 2017 The Water Year & YOU!

On February 3, 2017, the Water element year flowed into the vacancy left by 2016’s Mother Earth element. The previous element’s energy began releasing last fall to begin creating space for the new incoming energy from this year’s element. Now, the Water element is fully present in the center of every space from continents and countries to states and provinces, cities and towns, and most importantly your home or business and your life.

There are two Chinese calendars, one yin and one yang. The yin or lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon. This is the one that determines the Chinese Lunar New Year and your Chinese zodiac animal sign. The yang or solar calendar is based on the solar longitudes that determine the cycles of the seasons. This is the one that determines the Feng Shui Solar New Year and what feng shui consultants use to determine your personal element.

The ancient Chinese attempted to synchronize the lunar and solar calendars by adding an extra month 7 out of every 19 years. This additional month, also known as a leap month, is the reason the 1st day of the 1st month of the Chinese Lunar New Year varies from year to year, between mid-January and mid-February. The year of the Yin Fire Rooster began on January 28, 2017 and ends on January 15, 2018.

The solar calendar is divided into 24 solar terms each lasting about 15 days. The Chinese Solar New Year is the first day of the first solar term. This first day falls midway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, usually during the first week of February. The Water year begins on February 3, 2017 and ends on February 3, 2018.

Feng Shui Personal Elements

The Feng Shui Personal Elements are not to be confused with Western astrology or Chinese astrology.

Western astrology is based on the position of the sun at birth and is associated with the 12 signs of the constellations of the zodiac and the four classical elements (earth, water, air and fire). Example: Capricorn (earth sign)

Chinese astrology is based on the Chinese lunisolar calendar and is associated with the 12 Chinese animal signs and The Five Elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). Example: Fire Snake

Feng Shui Personal Elements are based on the Chinese solar calendar and are associated with The 8 Mansions / Trigrams or 8 Personal Elements. Example: Water Personal Element

These three systems use completely different calendars and are not related to each other. Nor are they comparable or interchangeable.

The 8 Elements

Gender + Birth Date = Feng Shui Personal Element

Feng Shui is the only system that takes your gender into consideration. Your personal element was established by your gender and the energy in the Universe at the time of your birth. Personal Elements are calculated using the Chinese solar calendar beginning February 3rd, 4th or 5th each year. So, if your birthday is between January 1st and a date within the first week in February, you must use the previous year. Example: Female born January 12, 1978 = 1977 (Water)

Determine your personal feng shui element here.

Water & The 8 Elements

The Five Elements found in nature are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. In feng shui, we use these five elements in our living and working environments to recreate the balance and harmony found in natural environments. A thorough understanding of how these five elements affect each other and their three cycles of energy allows us to remedy and enhance both the seen and the unseen energy in any space.

My work focuses on applying the principles of feng shui to the personal energy of people. Personal energy is heavily influenced by your feng shui personal element. There are 8 personal elements:  Fire, Water, Mountain Earth, Mother Earth, Hard Metal, Soft Metal, Hard Wood and Soft Wood.

The Water element energy in 2017 will have a different effect on each of the 8 personal elements. This is particularly felt in relation to the three cycles of energy and energy dynamics that are created between the Water element and the Five Elements. In the productive cycle, Water feeds Wood. In the reductive cycle, Water corrodes (breaks down) Metal. In the transformational cycle, Water extinguishes Fire and Earth dams Water.

Wood Elements

Water energy produces the personal energy of Wood element people. It has a supportive effect. Water is the Support Element for Hard Wood and Soft Wood personal elements. It allows Wood to grow and develop, live and thrive, be beautiful and productive.

Water years are a good time to start or grow a business. Go back to school or continue your education. Attract a new relationship or renew the energy within your relationships. Create multiple streams of income. Make, invest and save money. Heal your body or improve your health. Reconnect with family and friends. Collaborate with others and contribute to your community. Blossom and bear fruit. Find the cooperation you need from people to produce results and make progress in every area of your life.

Metal Elements

Water energy reduces the personal energy of Metal element people. It has a calming effect.  Water is the Peace Element for Hard Metal and Soft Metal personal elements. It allows Metal to release tension and relieve stress enough to relax and enjoy some leisure time, the little things and the luxuries of life.

Water years are a good time to choose the path of least resistance. To practice the Law of Least Effort. To get into the flow, go with the flow and let the flow bring you everything you need and desire. Focus on mindfulness and positive thinking, self-talk and affirmations. Surrender to the process of manifestation and creation. Find your joy in the journey. Let your why be about who you get to become along the way. Make following your bliss, having fun and playfulness the new ways to tap into your ease with every aspect of life.

Fire Elements

Water energy puts out the personal energy of Fire element people. It has a disempowering effect. Water is the Control Element for Fire personal elements. It allows Fire to temper its heat and dim its light enough to experience the cheerful, romantic and softer aspects of its eternal flame.

Water years are a good time to lay low. Don’t try to make a lot of progress this year or be really productive. Focus on getting your needs met and honoring your highest values. Practice self-care and make time to nurture yourself - body, mind and soul.

Keep the home fires burning. Spend more time in nature, especially in green areas like orchards and forests, parks and gardens. Fill your home and office with healthy green plants and trees, flowers and herbs. Your Fire may not be a roaring blaze, but if you tend to your inner chi, you can keep your internal fire lit and enjoy the warmth and ambient light of your Fire.

Earth Elements

Water energy strengthens the personal energy of Earth element people. It has an empowering effect. Water is the Power Element for Earth personal elements. It allows Earth to feel strong, powerful, even dominating and controlling.

Water years are a good time to discover and put your super powers to the test.  Know your own strength. Take back your power. Be mighty. Become aware of your potential impact on other elements and the world. Be a force for good, a force for change without being forceful. Provide a solid foundation or offer a course correction without making too many waves.

Mother Earth provides a container for Water. A place for it to pool and dwell, be still and get clear. The warm embrace of Mother Earth, encircling and holding Water allows it to honor its highest value, inner peace. This year hold the space for the Water element energy to embody its yin state of serenity and tranquility. Be conscious of how well you can contain the energy without tightening your hold. Damming its flow without causing it to become murky and muddied. This is a year to master the strong, yet gentle embrace of the source of life.

Mountain Earth provides direction for Water. A path for it to flow from the icy peaks and natural springs, along the streams, over waterfalls and into rivers that run into the lakes, seas and ocean. The shallow brooks and the deep river beds of Mountain Earth, channeling and guiding Water, allow it to travel great distances and move freely along its path. This year create a course along the most scenic route and slow the current’s descent to the pace of a lazy river. Add in plenty of exciting free falls to deep dives and white water rapid adventures before converging with other tributaries and merging with the great bodies of water on the planet. Be conscious of how well you can direct the energy without narrowing your pathway. Course correcting without restricting or stopping its flow. This is a year to master tempering the supportive guidance with softer direction.

Water Elements

Water energy resonates with the personal energy of Water element people. It has a comforting effect. Water is the Affinity Element for the Water personal elements. It allows Water to feel a resonate quality and an affinity with itself.

Water years are a good time to recognize and acknowledge who you are being in the world. Be shown your strength and weaknesses. Become present to your needs. Be given opportunities to honor your values. Find a quiet and still place to reflect and rest. Move swiftly to reach your goals or get stuck somewhere along the way.

Whatever your personal element, Water years can inspire you to dive into your own life and go deep within yourself. It's a year to sink or swim. Set sail for your dreams or watch your ship come in. So, whether you stay in the shallows, wade out into the sea or just dip your toes in the water, you are going to get your feet wet. In 2017, make a splash!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Not Your Mother's Personality Typing


2017: The Year of the Fire Rooster