My Feng Shui for YOU! Story
Dara Eden | Photo Credit: Danae Tetreau
Why I Started My Personal Feng Shui Element Journey
My story starts out the way many feng shui enthusiasts do. First, with discovering feng shui through books when it became popular in the ’90’s. Then, with hiring a feng shui practitioner for an on-site home consultation.
Intrigued by the power and beauty of feng shui, I began my own study of this ancient art and earth science and furthered it through classical feng shui certification courses.
Once I completed my apprenticeship, I began offering feng shui consultations. During Initial Consultations with new clients, after taking the compass reading and before having my clients give me the grand tour, I interviewed them.
I started noticing various similarities people of the same personal element shared and how different they were from other personal elements. Patterns began to emerge.
I began studying the feng shui personal elements and applying feng shui principles to people’s personal energy. Through years of observation and research, I discovered the distinctive personalities, qualities and strengths that make each of The 8 Elements so unique.
What inspired this research was my seeking heart’s desire to understand why my marriage ended after only three years. My interest, turned obsession, was motivated by my need for closure.
You see, my feng shui consultant told me I was a Mother Earth personal element. When she described that personal element, it didn’t resonate with me…at all.
When I became engaged, my feng shui consultant said that my fiancé and I had a true affinity…because we were both Mother Earth elements. She could sense the soul resonance we had with each other. But it wasn’t because we were the same feng shui personal element.
Later, after we were married, I found out that I was not a Mother Earth. I am a Water element.
And while Mother Earth and Water elements can live happily ever after, he and I did not.
I needed to know why.
So, I studied my personal element and his. What his needs, values and strengths are and what mine are. What our particular relationship dynamic was and what I wish I had known before our marriage came to an end.
I sought first to understand my own energy. And then his. And then the relationship dynamic between us.
And that knowledge led to understanding, understanding to acceptance, acceptance to peace. And that was what I needed. To let him go. And to finally, have closure.
This is just one of the many gifts of The 8 Elements. Understanding your personal energy and being in allowance of it. And letting everyone else be who they are too. So you can be at peace with yourself and others.
I invite you to discover your feng shui personal element. Understand your personal energy. Learn how to balance your personal energy, honor your needs and feng shui yourself! And, also how to honor all of the people in your life and honor yourself in your relationships with them.
Ready to master your inner chi and write the first chapter of your Feng Shui for YOU! story? Start with discovering your personal feng shui element here.
For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me!
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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